I feel sorry for you, Kevin, you're not even a Master of your own game...
Nope. I'm not even close. Especially not when players can drop you faster than a hot iron. Last week a PC met with Orcus. In person. Feared due to failing a will save and face down in the dirt due to failing a Strength check, the player would not shut up. He kept badgering Orcus, calling him names, putting him down, calling him a bully, belittling the major demon lord, and just talking trash in general. I took time OOC to tell the player why that couldn't happen, and he ignored me. Just kept going on like I hadn't said a thing, even going so far as to take it up a level or two in disrespect to him and interrupting me while I was talking to the other players as Orcus. That character's going to disappear next week. He won't even exist in anyone's minds once Orcus is done. You don't do that to a demon lord when you're ECL 11, feared, and worshipping a LG god when you're in Orcus's realm surrounded by all of his followers.