This char is for Shiki's Wizard College game, intended for Master Transmogrifist. Comments? Thanks!!
CN Venerable Dragonwrought Loredrake Magic-Blooded Jungle Kobold Sorcerer 4
28 point buy:
Str 10 [2p] -4 racial = 6
Dex 10 [2p] +2 racial = 12
Con 14 [6p]
Int 9 [1p] +1 racial = 10
Wis 9 [1p] +1 racial = 10
Cha 18 [16p] +5 racial +1 level = 24
Dragonblood Sorcerer Level 1 -- Lose familiar; gain Draconic Heritage (silver), +2 knowledge (arcana)
Domain Access -- Lose 1 spell known each from 2nd level and higher; gain access to War domain
Feats, Flaws, Traits:
1st - Draconic HeritageB, Weapon Focus (Claw)B, Dragonwrought, Penumbra BloodlineF, Eschew MaterialsF
3rd - Versatile Spellcaster
Flaw - Short Attention Span (-2 on skill retries, can't take 20 on skills) [DrMag 328]
Flaw - Bestial Instinct (-2 to hit with anything other than natural weapons) [DrMag 324]
Trait - Dishonest (+1 Bluff, -2 Diplomacy)
Spells Known: (cast as 6th-level sorcerer)
0th - Detect Magic, Daze, Mage Hand, Message, No Light, Prestidigitation, Silent Portal
1st - (Magic Weapon, Obscuring Mist), Grease, Hail of Stone, Nerveskitter, Shield
2nd - (Darkness, Spiritual Weapon), Alter Self
3rd - (Magic Vestment, Nondetection)
4th - (Divine Power, Evard's Black Tentacles)
Equipment: (normal WBL = 5.4k gp)
Wand of Mage Armor [750gp]
Anklet of Translocation [1400gp]
Healing Belt [750gp]
Feather Token: Tree [400gp]
Bag of Tricks, Grey [900 gp]
Cloak of Resistance +1 [1000gp]
Sundark Goggles [10gp]
Eggshell Grenade, Dust x5 [50gp]
Aboleth Mucus x3 [60gp]