Then what the fuck are you even talking about? You're not worried about ubercharging, you're not worried about Pounce, but you DO think that +5d6 damage per attack is too much at 20th level? If all of that is true, then, yes, you are really, really stupid.
Read again what I wrote. I don't want it to be free. With Spirit Lion Totem it is free. And therefore taking Spirit Lion Totem is a no-brainer. One ACF (which really isn't a big investment, because it's good even without Skirmish) and you deal more damage. Doesn't matter if ubercharging deals 100 times more, because with ubercharging you invest to get that damage. I simply don't want pouncing/charging to be an option that overshadows other options by adding a big amount of damage for free.
I would be thankful if you could stop calling me stupid.
I'd allow it all. Any part of the damage combination being described can be eliminated with tactics and terrain, so let the character have the advantage of having *something* working for it at any given time. If the person invests in ways to help him overcome any terrain difficulties and his teammates help him lockdown an enemy so it's not able to use any of the numerous ways to avoid a full attack, he deserves his high damage.
The thing is that the Hunter has more options than Skirmish. I don't want one option to be much better than others. And if I have to deny the player his best ability just so he at least looks at other options, well, that's not cool. I'd rather like it to work without DM fixing it in-game.
But sometimes (like in the OP), you talk about how you don't like them getting skirmish damage
I said that I don't want the Skirmish damage to be free, which it is if you have Spirit Lion Totem. You can get pounce somewhere else, true, but then you invested something to get it, so it's not free and I have no problem with that.
I've never actually looked at an ubercharger - is there something in its build that means the uberdamage only applies to the first attack, and not the 2nd and following?
IIRC, with pounce an ubercharger deals biiiiig damage on each attack. But as I said I have no problem with that.
An ubercharger can get over 6000 damage on a full attack at level 20, without crits. Skirmish is 10d6 per attack or so, so let's go with 6 attacks for 60d6, which turns into 210 average damage.
Now add the Skirmish damage to the uberchargers damage.
Or another way: Why should the player even invest in ubercharging (for example) if he's already dealing this much damage with almost no investment?
No, it's not overpowered even for being "free." You're calling it free because the character gets the damage from simply moving?
No. I'm calling it free because you don't have to invest anything to get it and you deal the damage on top of any other damage the PC will deal.
I honestly have to ask if you're trolling with this. The damage Skirmish does with a couple feats invested is similar to or even less than PA with two or three feats used. At high optimization, PA blows Skirmish out of the water.
No, I'm not trolling. I just foolishly thought that I can get some helpful insights.
So several hundred is ok, but several hundred+35 is overpowered?
You get several hundred with an investment. You get the Skirmish damage (doesn't matter how much) for free. I don't want it to be free. What's so hard to understand here?