i can't seem to find the sources for the following spells... please help
Shadow ImageLolth’s Cloak of Darkness (epic)Abjuration, Evocation, Illusion (Glamer) [Darkness]
Spellcraft DC: 113
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 8 minutes
Range: 60 ft-radius
Target: Personal
Effect: You
Duration: 200 minutes (D)
Saving Throw: No (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No (harmless)
To Develop: 1,017,000 gp; 21 days; 40,680 XP. Seeds: darkness (DC 14) reflect (DC 27) conceal (DC 23) Factors: utterly dark (+6 DC), up to 7th level spells (+120 DC), include area effect spells (+20 DC), block divination spells, spell-like abilities, and epic spells based on the reveal seed (+6 DC), . Mitigating factor: 8 minute casting (-16 DC), 20d6 backlash damage (-20 DC), burn 6300 XP (-63 DC), change from touch to personal (-4 DC).
At the end of the casting of this epic spell, Lolth’s eyes turn completely black and she opens her mouth, pouring forth from her eyes and mouth an utterly impenetrable cloud that utterly devours light and expands around her like a living, growing thing until everything within a 60 foot radius of her is concealed in this manner. The darkness enveloping Lolth is so potent that it blocks divinations and even epic spells based on the reveal seed if they are cast at a lower level than herself, and all creatures within this radius gain concealment (20% miss chance). Lolth’s cloak of darkness lasts for 200 minutes and is dismissible by her at any time during it’s duration.
However, the real power of Lolth’s cloak of darkness comes in the form of an unpleasant surprise for any being that attempts to attack her through it via spells. Any spells cast at Lolth’s cloak of darkness of 7th level or lower are stopped the boundary and instantly reflected back at the caster. Lolth’s shield of darkness additionally reflects area-based spells back upon their casters in the same manner as individually targeted spells... even assuming that an enemy caster can even find her within the Shield.
Lolth’s Inquisitive Dissolution (epic)Evocation, Transformation [Acid, Evil]
Spellcraft DC: 96
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 300 ft
Target: One creature
Duration: 20 hours
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 864,000 gp; 18 days; 34,560 XP. Seeds: energy (DC 19) transform (DC 21) Factors: increase spell saving throw by +15 (+30 DC), 20d6 emanation ( +36 DC), dismissible (+2 DC). Mitigating factors: caster has Dark Speech (-2 ad hoc DC), 10d6 backlash (-10 DC).
Occasionally Lolth encounters a being that even her psionic might cannot persuade to aid her in spinning webs of deceit and lies throughout all of existence. In these circumstances, Lolth resorts to far more painful and gruesome measures, foremost among which is the nightmarish epic spell known as Lolth’s inquisitive dissolution.
For one minute, the caster of this horrific spell chants in the Dark Speech, speaking ancient words of pain, power, and anguish. At the end of this casting a line of viscous, fuming poison more foul than practically any substance within the depths of the Abyss sprays from them towards their target. The toxic bile created by this epic spell is so potent that just channeling it through themselves causes the caster to take 10d6 points of backlash themselves even as they unleash it on a single target and warp their limbs so that they are unable to move. Far worse, however, is that it additionally adheres to their flesh or skin, continuing to dissolve and erode them, doing 20d6 points of acid damage per round until the spell ends 20 hours later and more likely than not, completely burning them to death. The caster may dismiss the Dissolution at any time they choose if it’s victim becomes cooperative, and only a single Fortitude save DC 35 + spellcasting modifier stands between them and their fate.
Resilience (epic) Resilience
Conjuration [Healing]
Spellcraft DC: 57
Components: DF
Casting Time: 1 free action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 513,000 gp; 11 days; 20,520 XP. Seed: heal (DC 25) Factors: quickened casting (+28 DC), eliminate negative levels (+2 DC), no verbal or somatic components (+4 DC). Mitigating factor: change from touch to personal (-2 DC).
The caster of this epic spell heals themselves of all diseases, blindness, deafness, hit point damage, negative levels lost within the last 20 weeks, and temporary ability damage.
Summon Devastation Spider (epic) Summon Devastation Spider
Conjuration (Summoning)
Spellcraft DC: 113
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 75 feet
Effect: One summoned creature
Duration: 60 rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,017,000 gp; 21 days; 40,680 XP. Seed: summon (DC 14) Factors: Change type from outsider to vermin (+10 DC), CR 41 creature (+78 DC), increase duration by 200% (+4 DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC) Mitigating factors: burn 1,300 XP (-13 DC).
With a single action, Lolth may call forth a single exemplar of the most destructive arachnids anywhere in existence; a Devastation Spider. The Devastation Spider summoned by the foul Demiurge attacks Lolth’s enemies to the best of it’s abilities for the next 60 rounds before returning whence it came.