First, EB is a touch attack, so it ignores most armor bonuses and such. Right there you have some darn good accuracy for most things. If you attack from invisibility then you get a +2 on attacks and the enemy is typically flat-footed against the attack, which means lower AC.
Yes I know touch attack is DC to hit is nice and low for the most part, against most monsters should be easy but then add in other races and classes with feats and such that get to add other factors to AC, such as spells, and keeping dex bonus to Touch AC....
Mid to High level it might be possible to play peak-a-boo with creatures every other turn but just like all the focus on hide someone else suggested I just see it as extremely impractical. I just do not want to have to try to nickel and dime lots of little boosts. I want something more constant.
Just like all the focus on hide someone else suggested I just see it as extremely impractical.
Centering a warlock around hide seems wasted when I could do Flee the Scene and Walk Unseen at will without taking a single feat. Not knocking it, it sounds brilliant for my next Tiefling or Fey'ri character. Sadly I can't use ether race for Warlock... I just do not see the point of all of it.
I don't care whether or not that you choose to be stealthy, but I do care for how that the validity and viability of the option is perceived and judged. It is important to me as someone who has engaged in little practicum, to understand the effectivity of what I preach.
Wok-on-scene comes in at the mid-game, i.e. level six at the earliest, requires a standard action to activate, and the invisibility dissipates upon attacking. The last issue isn't as big if using the
Sniping action.
- Instead of worrying about the intangible and incalculable (touch) AC of enemies, there are tools to determine the stats of the enemies that may be faced.
- I'm not familiar with the ability to keep the Dexterity bonus to touch AC. Who has it?
- Re: constancy: While I admit that hiding in the same turn that an attack is made, either after or while attacking, seems daunting, you're in a good position to become the stealth-beast only imagined in legend. Imagine the opposing perception, at least Spot, checks like a stack of cinder plates/blocks, and you take your little wing there and karate-chop the F*** out of it...figuratively speaking. It'd be figuratively glorious, also regularly glorious. I also admit that the rules for hiding are very confusing.
By reading the above, I disclaim, and you hereby waive, any and all warranties and liabilities of me, whether express or implied, arising by attempting to interpret the D&D Hide skill rules, including, but not limited to: claim in tort, engenderment of inane babbling, huddling in a corner or under a desk and adopting the fetal position, lacrimation, loss of appetite, sexual dysfunction, loss of hair, the like, or any combination of the above.
I am still reeling over Hengeyokai. Swords and Sorcery - Anger of Angels page 95 - Multiform added to armor for +8000 where the armor adapts to whatever shape you shift into so you still gain full benefits. So could easily have 30++ AC in sparrow form as well as all other armor added effects.
What I really want to know is if there is a weapon I can use with EB? Some item that boosts ranged attacks or touch attacks that I can get +1-+5 and other weapon added effects on. So I get more bonus to hit and damage with EB.
ksbsnowowl posted as I was typing thx.
Even with touch AC being lower it still sucks to miss lol. So want to make sure I can get an item to boost my + to hit and add other effects or damage. Like having my EB be corrosive too adding 1d6 acid damage.
I just want to try to get a constant To Hit bonus to EB as well as any way I can get more attacks or hit more targets hopefully without doing things like useing the cone blast effect that gives saves.
I don't think that you realize all of the bonuses that the sparrow animal form provides. Fine size adds +8 to-hit and the form's 23 Dexterity adds +6 to ranged attacks. That's an effective racial bonus of +14. You're performing a TOUCH attack. Don't even get me started on the Hide bonuses. In light of all of this, you worry too much about accuracy.
You don't even have to be another blaster or beat-stick as JanusJones might tell you:
I LOVE good Darkstalker-based Hide characters. My current fave is a Beguiler (the pikachu critters from FRCS - Shining South) Rogue/Umbral Disciple/Totemist, whose Hide modifier (between a Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis, a +12 from size/race, a 26 Dex, full ranks, camoflauged/muffled armor, and Kruthik Claws) is something like +60. He pounces with Craven each round, shredding for decent amounts of damage (though nothing like what a "real" charger could do - somewhere around 100 points a round). The real fun with him is the combination of the effective invisibility, the one-hit nuke factor, a climb speed, and telepathy+Mindsight (yay for Shedu Crown!). He moves one room ahead of the party, trapfinding and assassinating solo enemies, and telepathically informs everybody of what to expect. He's become a tactical lynchpin for the party, and everybody appreciates knowing what to expect, being able to plan ahead, and never having to deal with traps or non-challenging encounters.
Hey, whaddya know, this post is in TG's WoG thread. Anyways, the point isn't that Beguilers are furry balls of LA +1 awesome and should be allowed as a player-character race option instead of being restricted to cohort-only, that isn't the point at all. Nope, definitely not the point. The point is that stealthy characters can be more than their DPR team-mates. Why compete against your teammates?
Just think of it a Fine size creature over 200ft away from you tossing EB, seems like it would be a big DC just to even see it to attack back.
You're right, Hengeyokai sparrow ARE great for stealth. *self-deprecative O-
face and accompanying, lewd gesture of the hand implying self-stimulation*
Same with problem I have now in my group with me being Tiefling, I took feats to do my darkness 3x a day and I had a mask made with perm Ebon Eyes spell. However, If my groups next set of characters is anything close to our current set we currently have 6 characters and 9 animals/familiars/etc attacking as well. Me being only one who can see in magical darkness (sigh). I am not going to be soloing, so darkness and hide tricks are nice but I am more going to be worried about if anything is left alive by the time its my turn vs feeling the need to hide to protect myself and not being able to use darkness tricks cause I will blind my group as well.
Darkness can be placed on a pebble then swallowed, preventing it from obscuring the vision of team-mates, if the DM institutes the interpretation of
magical darkness as a floating ball of darkness. Swallowed, it still fulfills the Blend into Shadows (BiS) feat's adjacence (pronounced əˈjasəns, see that wasn't soʊ hɑrd?) prerequisite.
If you're still that worried about to-hit, check out the
Dragonfire Adept standard class which is the sister-class to the Warlock, being the other main invoker standard class. The DfA's Breath Weapon, which fills the same role as the Eldritch Blast of attack schtick, requires no attack roll, instead functioning as an AoE effect that forces a Reflex save for half damage. Along with the Entangling Exhalation feat, it is said that this combo shall earn you the profound admiration of your peers and the ruination of thine foes. Yours now, for two easy installments of class and feat. The DfA also gets access to an invocation that can provide protection against your Breath Weapon's damage type for your team-mates.