Expand on list of awesome familiars - imps, coure eladrins, lantern archons and musteval guardinals, beguiler, some mephits (mirror mephits ftw), etc.
I think that true power lies in Imbue familiar with spell ability, spell-linked familiar, imbue with spell ability (the cleric one) and spells like arcane fusion, mage's lucubration, etc.
Useful and cheap equipment.
Wands, eternal wands and UMD, but that's known already.
Ranged attacking familiars + unseen seer + shared hunter's eye + possibly lurking familiar (don't think that's necessary though)!
Generally buffs like antilife shell, antimagic field, etc that can be shared with familiar.
Can lantern archons use items? If yes, very very cool. If not, how they can teleport 50lbs of items with them?
Changeling wizards probably get additional awesomeness for familiars - if you count their 5th level substitution AND that can get the recaster prestige class, so that they can get spells from other lists that can potentially share them with their familiar for extra power.
Pseudodragon + mindsight might be an awesome combination. So is stiched flesh familiar + lifesight + spellstitchting it.
PhaedrusXP mentioned using magic jar. That sure has some uses.
martial study + martial stance feats.
Dragon familiars + dragon archetypes
Max intimidate + high charisma familiar (mephit?) + Imperious command on it.
Ramaloke posted: Dragon Familiar Feat + Loredrake + Spell-Linked Familiar + Psychic Reformation to grab your Familiar Precocious Apprentice & Practiced Spellcaster = Your familiar is a 2nd level sorcerer with a 2nd level spell. (haven't checked if it works or not)
Breath of the waves graft on your familiar (Once per hour, you may breathe on an adjacent creature (or yourself) as a standard action to instantly rid it of the following condtions: exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, paralyzed, sickened, or stunned. If dying (at –1 to –9 hit points) the creature automatically stabilizes at its current hit point total.)
You can share or cast mental pinnacle on your familiar.
Pearls of speech are cheap and help your familiar talk.