Author Topic: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.  (Read 29446 times)

Offline AugustusGloop

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2012, 02:45:41 PM »
Is Binding allowed?

After all, Binders are very good at surviving crap; just suppress all the signs of your Binds, and make sure that you make good Pacts (not that hard, really) and you could, you know, pretend to be a Divine caster.


May I ask why Wizard's online content is banned?

It's not disallowed, but I can ask.  I'll look into the handbook and see if the flavor grabs me.  fwiw, binding isn't really location specific, right?  So if I was hiding in an overflowing dumpster while 3 Inquisitors tossed my house, I could make a deal with some otherworldly being to lose my sense of smell, right?

As to why online stuff is banned, who knows?  Maybe his ban list wasn't long enough to suit him?  He seems pretty permissive given the number of people I see ban UA, and anything other than the completes.
Feat: Invisible Spell.  Cast invisible invisible stalker.  Cast invisible invisibility on the invisible invisible stalker.  Have an invisible invisible invisible invisible stalker.  Divide by 0.

Offline Nunkuruji

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2012, 03:30:18 PM »
Dark Template: Hide in Plain sight, bonus to hide checks
Shadow Creature Template: Shadow blend -> Can build a reasonable fly on the wall Warlock with this

Darkstalker Feat: Helps avoid detection by extra senses such as Scent (tracking/hunting dogs...)

May want to focus on methods to apply Silent/Still spell to avoid appearance of casting spells.

Psions are pretty easy to suppress manifesting appearance

Skill Trick: Conceal Spellcasting

Conjurer with Silent/Still can get celestials to proxy fight for him, without really giving himself away. Bluff checks or some other such could convince onlookers that who the celestials are fighting are actually evil.

Changeling, or some other sort of race that has alternate form ability

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2012, 03:36:17 PM »
@Spellwarp Sniper
It has no utility problems.  Its chasis is either Wizard or Sorcerer, whichever you prefer.  So, it's got all the utility that either a Wizard or a Sorc can muster.  It doesn't have any class features that key off of said utility, but very few classes/prestige classes actually do.  And, they've got some stealth/skillmonkeying in there to boot. 

You should always take advice (perhaps especially mine) with a grain of salt, but I'd recommend that approach.  It's reasonably deep and engaging -- again, it's a full or nearly full caster, so you get all that goodness -- plus it has the skills you're looking for.  And, it's effective against a wide variety of targets.  It's also kind of as complicated as you want it to be:  its baseline tricks/build focus is pretty straightforward, solid damage usually with a debuff effect as a rider, or alternatively adding a bit of damage to your debuffing.  But, it's hard to get too bored with it b/c, y'know, full caster.

To put a finer point of it, I'd suggest Sorcerer/Spellwarp Sniper.  I think it's got anything you could want from a Warlock plus extra utility. 

Artificers are awesome.  They are cool, flavorful, and powerful.  But, oh the bookkeeping.  I would seriously heed the warning in the handbook, they are sort of a headache and their oomph is based on combing through lots of books and looking for the right synergies. 

@Divine Denial and the like
There is no reason to be that obsessed with avoiding divine spells.  Seriously, you seem to be stressing about this way too much.  You're contemplating the most powerful classes in the game, you'll be fine.  I'd suggest staying away from things that clerics totally kybosh (e.g., undead), but besides that, I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Stressing about Complete Divine is, actually, sort of silly.  There are a few awesome things in it.  Well, 1 really, which is DMM.  After that ... it's no more terrifying than any straight Cleric.  And, if the DM really wants to kill you he can send an infinite number of Solars.  Relax.  Arcane classes are awesome.  You will be awesome. 

In sum
I'd stick with my suggestion of Spellwarp Sniping.  It seems to do what you want.  And, I think Artificing is a headache, Binding involves wading into another subsystem and may be a little at odds with the nature of the campaign, and so on.  Not to complicate a thread that I think is already too complicated, but you can also always play a straight up Wizard (meaning god wizard style) that's sneaky.  It's easily one of the most powerful concepts out there.

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2012, 03:53:14 PM »
I think this guy should work well for you.

Build summary: Sneaky incantatrix with Uncanny Forethought for some spontaneous casting
I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.

Offline AugustusGloop

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2012, 05:04:57 PM »
The DM has poo-pooed Artificer, which sort of helps, giving me a narrower focus.

Right now I'm between a Spellwarp Sniper and a Buff/Debuff focus wizard. 

I could probably do both, right?  How feat/damage starved will I be if I do rogue 1 (or spell thief 1)/Transmuter 3/Spellwarp Sniper 3?  Also, why would I choose spell thief 1 over rogue 1, at the loss of 8 skill points at first level? 

I looked for a handbook for spellwarp snipers and all I could find was a suggested spell list.
Feat: Invisible Spell.  Cast invisible invisible stalker.  Cast invisible invisibility on the invisible invisible stalker.  Have an invisible invisible invisible invisible stalker.  Divide by 0.

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2012, 05:10:33 PM »
  • Book of Nine Swords is not allowed... for PCs. (Exception: Arcane spells from this book can be used, but I would prefer you didn't use very many)

I don't think not using spells from that book is going to be an issue...

Offline Maat Mons

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2012, 05:31:52 PM »
In this setting, eschew materials will probably be handy.  Being caught with a spell component pouch may be enough to get you burned.  If you go wizard, hiding your spellbook will be important. 

All skills are considered class skills as per the Able Learner feat.

Treating all skills as class skills and the benefits of the able learner feat are different.  Which do you actually get?  Specifically, what's your cap on skill ranks? 

Offline AugustusGloop

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2012, 05:39:05 PM »
I'm going to guess that he means everyone can purchase cross class skills as though they had the Able Learner feat, i.e. for one skill point.  That would be something I would ask when he accepts people based on their character writeups and people get down to the nitty gritty of building their actual characters.
Feat: Invisible Spell.  Cast invisible invisible stalker.  Cast invisible invisibility on the invisible invisible stalker.  Have an invisible invisible invisible invisible stalker.  Divide by 0.

Offline Endarire

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2012, 08:16:09 PM »
One thing not mentioned already is, if you go full Wizard or Wizard + PrC, you have access to L4 spells.

Clerics get access to a buncha arcane spells.  How does the church tell the difference?

Races weren't mentioned.  "Inquisition" makes me think Human-only, but if you can go Elf, I advise this because I love my L4 spells.  (SRD stuff is in a book somewhere.  Variants are from Unearthed Arcana.)

Gray Elf Generalist Domain Wizard5/Mindbender1/Incantatrix10/Full CastingX
Flaws: {Murky-Eyed}, {Noncombatant}
Trait: {Aggressive}

1: Collegiate Wizard, [Elf Wizard Substitution Level], [Domain: Transmutation], Extend Spell, [Improved Initiative (traded for Scribe Scroll from Martial Wizard variant)], Otherworldly
Iron Will OR -=FEAT=-  (If you can buy the effects of Iron Will for 3K from an Otyugh Hole wondrous location, Complete Scoundrel 151, do so!)
5: [Spontaneous Divination]
6: Mindsight
[Oppose Necromancy OR Illusion], Persistent Spell OR @METAMAGIC FEAT@8: [Cooperative Metamagic!]
Persistent Spell OR -=FEAT=-

(Roll with it from there.)

What do you do?
1: Be subtle around strangers.  Max your Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Concentration, and Spellcraft skills.  Take at least 1 rank in all the relevant Knowledge skills.  (Maybe even take some Knowledge: Local for the relevant areas or Knowledge: History to figure out how others dealt with this threat.)  Take the False Theurgy skill trick (Complete Scoundrel 86) and Conceal Spellcasting skill trick (Complete Scoundrel 85) ASAP.

2: Determine how useful Illusions like silent image can be with your GM.  How many inquisitors will have detect magic or arcane sight up continually to notice Illusions?  Also, what constitutes 'interaction' for determining if someone gets a save?

3: Make friends with charm person and charm monster.  Eventually dominate people that you can.  Why?  Because when push comes to shove, people will help their friends.  Even if they have no idea why these people are such friends.  (Charm and dominate can also work in battle, on enemies, on creatures you find in the wild.  Go nuts!)

4: Snuggle up with Treantmonk and Logic Ninja.  Note that some of their advice doesn't apply, since you're kinda alone.

5: If you have fellow Wizards whom you can trust, share spellbooks!  The Spellcraft skill description says you can prepare a spell form a borrowed spellbook.  Your Spellcraft should be very high at this point, enough for you to take 10 (or even 1!) and still succeed.

6: Why did I include the Otherworldly feat?  You get Darkvision, are treated as a Native Outsider (and the Church might have some Aasimar & Tieflings on their side), and, most importantly, polymorph!  You want to survive?  How about being a Hound Archon or an Avoral?  It won't work with true seeing, but it'll fool things without that.  Also, if things comes to blows, a Hydra (normal/cryo/pyro to suit the situation), a Ravid, or a Dwarf Ancestor make spiffy choices.

Alter self is also handy.  (Ravids and Dwarf Ancestors, ahoy for 10 minutes/CL!)

7: Evard's black tentacles + stinking cloud/solid fog means your targets die unless they have freedom of movement.  Very flashy, though.

8: Dimension door lets you get away.  More importantly, it lets your party get away if they jump into a Bag of Holding/Portable Hole/Handy Haversack first.  Teleport and plane shift will work later.

9: For purchases, I highly recommend a Lesser Rod of Extend Spell, an item of +2 INT, and 3K of items to suit your taste.  A Handy Haversack helps, as do Pearls of Power.  (At 9K starting wealth, you have about 47% your normal L7 starting wealth.  Don't panic!)  An Otyugh Hole (Complete Scoundrel 151) is also a good use of your remaining 3K if you can swing it.

10: Base stats: 6 STR/16 DEX/12 CON/20 INT/10 WIS/10 CHA.  You'll have 23 starting INT due to the +2 INT item and the +1 from L4.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 08:28:56 PM by Endarire »

Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2012, 09:15:12 PM »
Clerics get access to a buncha arcane spells.  How does the church tell the difference?
By asking them to cast Prayer in Mountain Plate while holding a Tower Shield?

Offline Maat Mons

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #30 on: August 22, 2012, 09:35:37 PM »
Maybe they've got a guy with arcane hunter (Complete Mage, p32) and nemesis (Book of Exalted Deeds, p44). 

Offline brujon

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2012, 12:58:15 AM »
Mindbender + Mindsight for constant knowledge of everything on a 100ft radius around you, takes 1-level dip and 1 feat and works very well. Ocular Spell seems more useful than going Spellwarp Sniper since you can double-fire the ocular spells, and it works with non-damaging ones. Plus it free's a level.

Are you opposed to playing a gish? Fooling the church might be easier if you pose as a Warrior or a Sellsword. Fighter 2/Battle Sorcerer 3/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 1 gets you BAB +6 @ level 7, and casting 2nd level spells. Alternatively, Fighter 1/Battle Sorcerer4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion gets less feats, same BAB and 3rd level spells, and might be a better choice. Doing it as a Wizard can be done, but means you won't be taking your first Abjurant Champion level till level 8... Fighter 2/Wizard 4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 1. You'll still have level 2 spells by level 7, but BAB 5, as opposed to the first sorc build suggested, but gives you access to a larger spell-list, nearly the same spell acces, but no spontaneous casting. A wizard level can be substituted by the Mindbender PRC for the aforementioned benefits.

For a roguish caster, Daggerspell Mage is a nice choice, and you can function nearly as well as a rogue, with full spell progression if you go along with Unseen Seer. There's also Shadowcraft Mage, for a gnome, or discussing with the DM the possibility of taking it as a Human (more optimal).

The outlines you have given don't give us much input on what you actually want to play... Survival as a Wizard is easy if you go paranoid enough. Arcane casters can do whatever the hell they want. There is too much support for them.
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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2012, 01:46:52 AM »
I'm actually currently playing a very similar scenario, but there was no requisition that "all must ve arcane casters" so I'm playing an inquisidor with hidden arcane-warlockish powers.

Anyway, the two suggestions I'd make you are a changeling wizard 4, master specialist 2, recaster 7.

Recaster is from races of eberrom I think, it's a changeling-only PrC that adds a lot of flexibility to an arcane caster. Great for surviving. If you are changeling you can grab the wizard substitution level at 1 and get dual school specialization on transmutation and illusion - two extremely useful survivalist schools. I won't go too deeply into it, but take a look at the combination... you grab Spell Focus for both schools at first level, as you are human,  and when you go into Master Specialist you'll get Greater Spell Focus for both schools for free. You'll also get free skill focus (spellcraft), which is a requirement for Archmage - you could PrC into it after recaster.

Recaster itself gives you extra spells that can be from any list whatsoever and free use of some metamagic quite a few times per day (including powerful things like quicken spell). And you could start with a level of it.

Another possibility is maybe a Wizard-Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil - Archmage. I never really tried Initiate much, but it's quite a powerful defensive class.

Also, you might want to take a look at the Defiant PrC from Planar Handbook s he gets all kinds of shenanigans against divine magic, and some with really few levels. There are some nice defensive feats I like as well: Insane Defiance lets you take 1 WIS damage and redirect a mind-affecting spell cast at you to someone else, and the person takes -4 penalty to the save. COmbine that with a level of binder (If you bind naberius you can heal 1 point of ability damage per turn) and you are not only immune to mind targeting spells, you actually reverse them on the casters.

Also, if you get evasion from some class, you can trade it for the Spell Reflection alternative rogue class feature - if any target spell misses you, you send it right back at the caster.

I combined those two on a recent Warlock 7 - Rogue 3 - Teflammar Shadowlord 4 - Infernal Warlock 3 build I'm playing.

Teflammar gets perpetual 20% concealment on darkness - not that great, but it becomes 20% chance to redirect a spell cast at him. Get a high touch AC somehow, and it'll up your survivability. You're a glaivelock already, so you dish tons of damage (Teflammar gives you shadow pounce - the ability to attack every time you teleport, and warlocks have at will dimension door. Teflammar has shadow jump, which I think is a move action. As per my DM agreed, at least, that allows for 2 full attacks on one turn.) I also got a spring-loaded gauntlet from pathfinder - a nice mundane item that lets you retrieve one item as an immediate action - in your opponents turn. I put a greater glyph seal on it loaded with dimension door and bang, 2 full attacks on your turn and another on the enemie's. And he misses his attack.

One level of mindbender + mindsight can do you great too, as can someway to get 2 level arcane sorcerer spells, so you can get the Wings of Cover spell (it basically negates 1 attack, spell, psionic power or anything really targeting you, but it is a sorcerer-only spell). You could even go Recaster and take it on your wizard, altough the limited spells per day won't let you make full use of it.

And gishes are fine too. I like weird builds, but Wizard 1 - Fighter 2 - Duskblade 3 (Channel spell!) - Abjurant Champion 5 - Some PrC that offers full BAB would be fine too (In this build, Swiftblade and Jade Phoenix Mage are ideal, but you don't have access to them, unfortunately...)

Anyway, hope my two cents are any good.

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2012, 12:11:31 PM »
I was going to sugest Io7FV but it's WAY too flashy for the purposes of this campaign. He'd be like a flashing beacon screaming "HEY! WIZARD HERE! TRY AND KILL ME IF YOU CAN". His best bet is a Gish build that he can use to pass it off as a regular Warrior, or a subtle shadow type mage like Wiz/SCM or Beguiler.
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Offline Rebel7284

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2012, 02:42:46 PM »
If early entry is allowed, Beguiler 4/ScM 3 is fun :D

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2012, 03:30:09 PM »
when I saw this post, I thought SCM was the best option, but seeing as you need to be quiet about your abilities I think Psion is your best bet

Psions have a rule that they can supress their manifestation by making a concentration check.  Also they already (effectively) have eschew materials, silent/still spell metamagic feats built into what they do...  these things are important when your going to be on the lamb. 

if race choice doesn't really matter, be a hengeyokai or similar shapeshifter race so that you have options to get away in a hurry.  nothing like turning into a sparrow and flying out of there when the going gets rough.    The other plus of that kind of a race plus Psionics is that you can manifest while your in sparrow form, so you don't lose your abilities. 

read over the Psionics handbooks here and enjoy. 

if anything is allowed: telepath5/thrallherd2 is strictly the most powerful build you can get, bar none, because you'll have another level 6 character right along with you(one that you don't mind dying I might add-because there's no big drawback for a Thrall)

The two ways you should go with skills, the social, diplomatic way or the hide/move silently way. 
I tend to think the diplomatic way is stronger with a Telepath build, but often DMs don't allow diplomancers in their games.  Just remember that there are ways to sneak out of things, and there are ways to socialize out of things, but neither works all the time. 

Offline AugustusGloop

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2012, 04:33:02 PM »
I think I'm in love with the flavor of a skillmonkey, sneaky caster.  spellthief/transmuter for some prefight buffing/spellwarp sniper.  The other ideas mentioned (incantatrix, beguiler, and mindbender have all been mentioned by players applying to the game, and I don't want to compete with a similar build.  The fighter/mage doesn't really grab me for this, and I've never really been interested in psionics.

Thank you everyone for your help and for putting up with me saying "Give me ideas!  Not that one!"  I feel like you basically served me a feast and let me cherry pick the dishes.  That was a huge, huge help.  Now if I haven't worn out my welcome, would anyone who cares to help me with the build?

Can I get into spellwarp with 1 level of spellthief and 4 wizard levels, or will it take 5?  One of the requirements for spellwarp is 3rd level spells, can I reclaim that spellthief level somehow without losing that amazing skill point boost at first level?

Gray Elf still seems like a good bet, although I am tempted by Human since I think I might be feat hungry.  I really don't want to be a halfling.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 04:34:40 PM by AugustusGloop »
Feat: Invisible Spell.  Cast invisible invisible stalker.  Cast invisible invisibility on the invisible invisible stalker.  Have an invisible invisible invisible invisible stalker.  Divide by 0.

Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2012, 05:27:35 PM »
Spelltheif for the most part is a crappy failure of a class. Remember the stacking feat for them only affects the level of spell you can steal, not cast. So check with your DM on the matter. I'd take 5 levels of Wizard over the Spelltheif dip. Int alone gives a great amount of skills at first level...

Feat wise, three form leveling, maybe two from flaws, two bonus from Wizard plus Inscribe Scrolls. You'll have 7 to work with, you should be fine. And you can always attempt to buy more if need be. Like sell your soul off for +1 Int & Any Feat you want, give them a real reason to chase you :D

Only other suggestion I can think of at this time is look into Master Specialist out of Complete Mage. You're already looking at specializing and you can enter that PrC pretty early. Even a two level dip into it can be picked up before generally any other PrC comes online, it'll take that Wizard 5th feat slot away but you can pick up a 1~3 level Transmutation spell pulled from any class list. Hit this up and look for something you like.

Offline AugustusGloop

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2012, 05:35:37 PM »
I need rogue or spellthief to qualify for spellwarp sniper, and spellthief seems to go nicely with the feat Master Spellthief for counting spellthief levels as arcane caster levels.
Feat: Invisible Spell.  Cast invisible invisible stalker.  Cast invisible invisibility on the invisible invisible stalker.  Have an invisible invisible invisible invisible stalker.  Divide by 0.

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2012, 05:39:45 PM »
I need rogue or spellthief to qualify for spellwarp sniper, and spellthief seems to go nicely with the feat Master Spellthief for counting spellthief levels as arcane caster levels.

See if you can use the Trickster spellthief ACF from some Dragon Mag or other.  It gives you Bard casting progression, which is about 239587240587 times better than original spellthief.
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