Author Topic: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?  (Read 3588 times)

Offline Armv

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[PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« on: September 07, 2012, 03:40:45 AM »
With less then three days of warning, I've been invited to fill in a role for an online game (Via MapTools) to a DM I'ved played in a few games over the years. The problem is that I'm entirely at a loss of what to play. Knowing the typical random internet people that the DM attracts, there are unlikely to be any optimizers. But if there are, well, he has no concept of what is balanced and what isn't (When he still allowed 3.5 material, he didn't believe that a power gamed Incantrix was more powerful then a rogue. Even after seeing high level persist shenanigans). So anything can go, but it'd be fairly uncouth to take too big of an advantage of the situation.

Now the real problem. The campaign already has five PCs. An oracle (A heal bot I'm told, but not in those words). A sword and board fighter. A blaster sorcerer (Who also acts as the party face). An assassin/lock-pick focused rogue. And finally a Witch that is focused on debuffing. Again these are the descriptions of the character builds as told by the DM (Who's idea of a challenging BBEG is a necromancer who casts a maximized fireball then a fireball. He's a good DM story wise... but mechanics just aren't his thing).

In addition to that, I've been rail roaded into playing a homebrewed race that basically gets +10 movement speed (+20 in total to base movement speed in a charge, or any other movement that takes more than one move action) and +4 strength, +2 con, -4 dex, and -4 cha (It's also large size and get endurance for free. But doesn't get reach. Yeah. Stats aren't great). But where do I go with something like this?

I don't want to step on the builds of the other players, or completely outshine anyone. From the looks of things the Witch likely is the only decently optimized character. I would take this to the Paizo boards, but this isn't specifically a PF issue. This is an overall issue -- what the heck do I roll up? Some sort of charger? Druid?

(And all PF material, no 3.5 -- again I know. It's upsetting. And the setting has a very heavy Eastern theme to it...)

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 04:07:27 AM »
You say you were invited? Why not turn down the invitation?
"I am the Black Mage! I cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down."

Offline Halinn

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2012, 07:23:48 AM »
A wild shape focused druid should do fine in PF with those stat modifications. Grab an animal companion (ape at level 4, tiger or roc at level 7) and roll out. Play things out like a brute.

Offline Armv

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2012, 05:20:32 PM »
Aye. I was invited, and as soon as the DM offered the situation, I replied with "I'll give it one session. I'm afraid if I don't mesh with the other players..." I'm a sucker for RP. I'll give it a try at least, but I have a very strong out.

Hmm. Could just go standard Druid for that as well, every archetype that modifies Wildshape only decrease it's power. Thoughts on Summoner? Again I understand if no one has any experience with it, but with that Charisma penalty -- it is a charisma caster after all. ...but it has very few spells that use saving throws.

Offline StreamOfTheSky

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2012, 12:51:10 AM »
Try Vivisectionist Alchemist.  It's really fun, and with that str and the mutagen, you can hulk out big time!  You can also add Beastmorph archetype to that.  It's even more fun!

Are you a humanoid still?  IE, can you use enlarge person extracts on yourself?

What level is this starting at?

Offline StreamOfTheSky

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2012, 12:52:30 AM »
Check out Menhir Savant druid archetype.  It gets rid of all the trash and switches it for AWESOME abilities, both flavorful and powerful.  I love it.

Only thing I ever miss is the Thousand Faces, and thats really not powerful at all, I just personally really like having it.

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2012, 08:12:33 AM »

In addition to that, I've been rail roaded into playing a homebrewed race that basically gets +10 movement speed (+20 in total to base movement speed in a charge, or any other movement that takes more than one move action) and +4 strength, +2 con, -4 dex, and -4 cha (It's also large size and get endurance for free. But doesn't get reach. Yeah. Stats aren't great). But where do I go with something like this?

(And all PF material, no 3.5 -- again I know. It's upsetting. And the setting has a very heavy Eastern theme to it...)

Trip specialist fighter using a chain. You will support the group and have a HUGE bonus on all trip attacks as well as do pretty good damage.

Offline Halinn

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2012, 09:11:15 AM »
Thoughts on Summoner? Again I understand if no one has any experience with it, but with that Charisma penalty -- it is a charisma caster after all. ...but it has very few spells that use saving throws.
You're quite likely to overshadow the party with a summoner. The eidolon is quite powerful, both in staying power and offense, and summons are quite good when you put them out as a standard action and they last minutes rather than rounds.

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2012, 04:53:29 AM »
Lion Totem Babarian?

Offline Armv

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2012, 02:59:08 PM »
So. I'm going to necro my own thread (Or is it just reviving it?), to get any follow ups and insights. I have a preliminary build and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions (Again, I'm not expecting anything special, being as this is PF exclusive).

Classes: Inquisitor(Heretic) 1/Druid (Menhir Savant) 2

The starting level dip nets me all sorts of skill points, another pool of spells, the desert domain (Free action Blur basically), and a few weapons Longbow and Bola (Which an argument about background netted for the favored weapon). And heratic grants Wisdom to Bluff and Stealth checks, along with people getting a -5 to tracking me.

Druid is standard druid goodies. Looking at taking a raptor or a roc for the animal companion.

Thoughts? Good? Bad? Any feat suggestions? And I'm going straight Druid from here.

Offline StreamOfTheSky

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Re: [PF] What the crude to I roll up?
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2012, 04:44:56 PM »
Especially if only dipping out of druid for 1 level, consider the Feather (Animal) domain + Boon Companion feat.  The feat covers up to 4 lost levels; exactly what you'll have.  In the end, you get 9 domain spell slots for good spells like FLY, and a nice +1/2 level bonus on perception checks for the price of a feat, basically.

Yeah, a druid can just wildshape to fly.  But that often means not having pounce.  Why not have both?  :)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 11:16:05 PM by StreamOfTheSky »