Author Topic: Chaos  (Read 39487 times)

Offline DavidWL

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #40 on: June 05, 2017, 06:32:57 PM »
Looks good!

Great to hear that!

Now just the Chaos Lord Lady and Daemon Princess left to do.  :plotting

Looks around hopefully...  :D

Maybe finish them when you get a chance?


Offline RegalKain

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2017, 11:18:34 PM »
Now that my account has been brought to life. I've actually been meaning to ask, though I realize you're quite busy, I was wondering if you had intentions to finish this out at some point.

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2017, 07:03:11 AM »
As a matter of fact I was working bit by bit on the Chaos Lady but then forums went down and a bunch of RL stuff, but I do intend to finish this.

For now posted what's done of the Chaos Lady. Only other weapons and armor but I already have a raw draft in the works for everything else. Just too ugly to show right now.

Still need to figure out a non-clunky way to get your own chaos warband in there, plus some alternative for going solo.

Also added a bunch of new Other Weapons and Armor options for the Chaos Champion and Chosen relatively recently.

Offline Bdrone

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #43 on: July 17, 2017, 11:20:13 AM »
I am quite glad to see this continue- for the glory of the dark gods! (been eyeing this to make a Malal worshippper off and on for a bit now...)

though i did notice- of your new weapons added to the prior chaos classes, the Soul Snare Lash's text appears incomplete, just in case that was missed.

i can't wait to see the warband and going solo options, as well as the completion of the chaos classes.

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #44 on: July 25, 2017, 07:53:55 PM »
Fixed Soul Snare Lash's typo, and added Chaos Lady's Mutations and Chaos Styles.

Offline DavidWL

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #45 on: July 28, 2017, 01:45:19 AM »
Delighted to see this continuing!!   :clap

Some thoughts below as I slowly work through the material :)

Chaos Chosen Wargear:

Almost all are lacking a save target.  10+1/2HD+Cha?  Damage rolled?

The "take the neck or head slot" is a good idea!  Otherwise what good is having 4 picks, all for armor, making earlier picks redundant.  This helps minimize that.

30 Poxwalker Hive-not actual armor but takes either the head, belt or neck slot or must be carried in a free hand. As a swift action you can grant the undead type to one living creature whitin 40 feet that's at least one level lower than you (2 if they're 2 levels lower than you, 4 if they're 3 levels lower than you and so on). Fort save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Con mod negates unless they were half your level or lower in which case they automatically fail. Do not recalculate HP, they also fall under your control if they were not so already but can only take one standard action per turn, lose all skills/feats, and will decay to useless mush in 1d12 hours. While they're whitin 40 feet from you any living creature they kill suffers the same effect.

Very cool :)

33 Malefic Tome-Not actual armor but takes either the belt slot or must be wielded in a free hand. Can use any [Evil] or [Chaotic] spell of level 5 or lower with CL 1d12 as long as it's non-[Good], non-[Lawful]. If a 12 is rolled for CL then wielder loses 13 current and max HP. The reduction lasts 13 hours, 13 minutes and 13 seconds.


Will reply more later.


Offline DavidWL

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2017, 08:55:46 PM »
Legion Mutations

Eye of the Gods- Whenever you roll a non-d20 that isn't for damage, you can re-roll and choose the roll you want. Each extra time you pick this you can increase or decrease one of your non-d20 rolls by 1 1/round.

Cool ability.  I'm sure it can be abused, but I don't see an easy way.  Great for Summon Monster or the like.

EDIT:  I see that it is significantly more powerful, since there are so many die rolls for Chaos ... roll to get Gestault when you have an outsider other form, roll to get "Super" ability of 3rd level Chaos Champion, Roll to have better attributes in the morning, etc.  That said, it is such a cool ability for someone who is Chaos, that I'd say leave it as it is.

Iron Without-Your skin changes into a metal armor of your choice (changeable when you level up) with a 1d12-1 enanchment bonus (re-roll every night) that stacks with any other suit of armor you wear. Only up to +5 can be dedicated to AC bonus, but the remaining can be spent on armor magic properties of your choice, changeable every night. Each extra time you pick this increase the enanchement bonus by 1.

I assume the AC bonus due to the armor does not stack.  Meaning if your skin is plate, and you wear plate, you don't get 2x plate.

If you have +5 enchantment bonus, does it stack with +5 of armor you are wearing?

Faceless Commander- As an immediate action you can switch places with somebody fanatic to you (or one of your minions granted by class features) as long as they're of your size, regardless of distance. Each extra time you pick this you can switch places with somebody friendly up to one size or friendliness step different from you, stacking.

Cool ability.  Good for long-distance movement as well as for tactical combat.  Also good defensively/offensively because of the "immediate" aspect.

Unexpected Boon-You gain any one Glorious Gift of Chaos or lower, which can be changed 1/round as a free action. Each extra time you pick this you gain another changeable Glorious Gift of Chaos or lower, but can only change one at a time.

Also cool :)

Nexus of Debauchery-You and non-lawful non-good allies whitin 60 feet have 50% chance of ignoring any harm, although this doesn't stack with any other miss/block chances. You must experience everything head on! Each extra time you pick this increase the range by 60 feet.

Very powerful ability ... probably it should have some kind of disadvantage as well ...

Aether Stride-You and all non-lawful non-good allies whitin 30 feet ignore hard terrain and can count as ethereal whenever it would be benefical for you. Each extra time you pick this increase the ally range by 30 feet.

I think "Count as ethereal when it would be beneficial" would mean that you and you're allies would be immune to almost all forms of damage ...

More later - really enjoying this - thank you!


« Last Edit: July 30, 2017, 10:56:43 PM by DavidWL »

Offline DavidWL

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2017, 11:00:38 PM »
Chaos Chosen:

9 Possessed-Build an evil outsider character using monster classes up to your level-2. As a swift action roll a 1d12. If you roll 1-8, you switch builds. If you roll a 9-11, you gestalt both for 1 minute. If you roll a 12, you change into your evil outsider form and cannot change back for 1 hour. When you level up you may add one level to your other form and/or switch its build. Each extra time you pick this option, your natural weapons in evil outsider form gain a cumulative +2 enhancement to attack and damage rolls.

Probably this should automatically reset every morning, otherwise you'd just roll until it was Gestalt, and then stay there for the rest of time.


Offline DavidWL

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2017, 01:00:22 AM »
Mutations / Legion / Iron Legion:

Master of Fortifications-At the start of your turn you can select one artificial building whitin 120 feet. Increase its natural armor and hardness increases by 1d12, you and your non-lawful non-good allies can move, act, hear and see through it with no problems, however the building's features become more twisted, chaotic and unnatural details like dripping foul liquids and eerie lights, which don't provide any mechanical effect besides being clear it was tampered with. The non-cosmetic effects last until you pick a new building with this. You can also choose to restore its HP to max and even repair a destroyed building, but then it crumbles into useless ruins after you pick another building. Each extra time you pick this increase the range by 120 feet and the 1d12 bonus by 1.

I'd be careful with the "crumbles into useless ruins", as I'd choose the "repair" the enemies castle, then concentrate on something else, to cause the castle to disintegrate.  Rather, I'd just say the repairs only last while this building is chosen.

Word Legion:
Unholy Firebrand- You and non-good non-lawful allies whitin 30 feet can make one extra attack in a full attack and Rage as a barbarian for 1d12 rounds 1/hour. Each extra time you pick this increase the range by 30 feet and Rage duration by 1 round.

Perhaps this one is a bit weak ... rage as a barbarian of 1/2 your level?

Chaos Style/Dark Legion:
Chosen's Cabal-For you and non-good non-lawfull allies whitin 120 feet, numeric Penalties inflicted by enemies count as bonus against said enemies. Each extra time you pick this the ally range increases by 120 feet.

If a sickened condition is inflicted on you by enemy #1,  (-2 all rolls), does this then give +2 to all rolls against all of those enemies?  Or just the 1?  What if the condition is less straight forward (Fatigued for example) - where there is a numerical penalty, but also other limits?


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Re: Chaos
« Reply #49 on: July 31, 2017, 07:30:38 PM »
Delighted to see this continuing!!   :clap
Small steps corrupt continue the work.

Some thoughts below as I slowly work through the material :)

Chaos Chosen Wargear:

Almost all are lacking a save target.  10+1/2HD+Cha?  Damage rolled?
Chaos Cultist has standardized DCs for all chaos wargear. Added "unless otherwise noticed" clause.

Iron Without-Your skin changes into a metal armor of your choice (changeable when you level up) with a 1d12-1 enanchment bonus (re-roll every night) that stacks with any other suit of armor you wear. Only up to +5 can be dedicated to AC bonus, but the remaining can be spent on armor magic properties of your choice, changeable every night. Each extra time you pick this increase the enanchement bonus by 1.

I assume the AC bonus due to the armor does not stack.  Meaning if your skin is plate, and you wear plate, you don't get 2x plate.

If you have +5 enchantment bonus, does it stack with +5 of armor you are wearing?
Actually it's supposed to stack, but both bonus and penalties, clarified. So going twice plate would give a pretty big AC bonus but also considerably slow you down and a giant skill penalty.

Enhancement bonus stacking too may be too much so, added clause for that.

Nexus of Debauchery-You and non-lawful non-good allies whitin 60 feet have 50% chance of ignoring any harm, although this doesn't stack with any other miss/block chances. You must experience everything head on! Each extra time you pick this increase the range by 60 feet.

Very powerful ability ... probably it should have some kind of disadvantage as well ...
Added penalty to Wis checks and skills.

Aether Stride-You and all non-lawful non-good allies whitin 30 feet ignore hard terrain and can count as ethereal whenever it would be benefical for you. Each extra time you pick this increase the ally range by 30 feet.

I think "Count as ethereal when it would be beneficial" would mean that you and you're allies would be immune to almost all forms of damage ...
Hmmm, why? Anything magic would still have 50% chance of harming and stuff like ghost touch would always work.

Chaos Chosen:

9 Possessed-Build an evil outsider character using monster classes up to your level-2. As a swift action roll a 1d12. If you roll 1-8, you switch builds. If you roll a 9-11, you gestalt both for 1 minute. If you roll a 12, you change into your evil outsider form and cannot change back for 1 hour. When you level up you may add one level to your other form and/or switch its build. Each extra time you pick this option, your natural weapons in evil outsider form gain a cumulative +2 enhancement to attack and damage rolls.

Probably this should automatically reset every morning, otherwise you'd just roll until it was Gestalt, and then stay there for the rest of time.

The gestalt roll's effect only lasts 1 minute.

Mutations / Legion / Iron Legion:

Master of Fortifications-At the start of your turn you can select one artificial building whitin 120 feet. Increase its natural armor and hardness increases by 1d12, you and your non-lawful non-good allies can move, act, hear and see through it with no problems, however the building's features become more twisted, chaotic and unnatural details like dripping foul liquids and eerie lights, which don't provide any mechanical effect besides being clear it was tampered with. The non-cosmetic effects last until you pick a new building with this. You can also choose to restore its HP to max and even repair a destroyed building, but then it crumbles into useless ruins after you pick another building. Each extra time you pick this increase the range by 120 feet and the 1d12 bonus by 1.

I'd be careful with the "crumbles into useless ruins", as I'd choose the "repair" the enemies castle, then concentrate on something else, to cause the castle to disintegrate.  Rather, I'd just say the repairs only last while this building is chosen.
Ah, but that's intended since the Iron Legion of the Abyss is renowed for their ability to crush fortifications. :p

Word Legion:
Unholy Firebrand- You and non-good non-lawful allies whitin 30 feet can make one extra attack in a full attack and Rage as a barbarian for 1d12 rounds 1/hour. Each extra time you pick this increase the range by 30 feet and Rage duration by 1 round.

Perhaps this one is a bit weak ... rage as a barbarian of 1/2 your level?

Chaos Style/Dark Legion:
Chosen's Cabal-For you and non-good non-lawfull allies whitin 120 feet, numeric Penalties inflicted by enemies count as bonus against said enemies. Each extra time you pick this the ally range increases by 120 feet.

If a sickened condition is inflicted on you by enemy #1,  (-2 all rolls), does this then give +2 to all rolls against all of those enemies?  Or just the 1?  What if the condition is less straight forward (Fatigued for example) - where there is a numerical penalty, but also other limits?
You would only gain the bonus against the enemy that sickened you. Something like fatigue stuff like being unable to run/charge would not be affected by the gift.

Offline DavidWL

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #50 on: August 01, 2017, 02:26:27 AM »
Chaos Cultist has standardized DCs for all chaos wargear. Added "unless otherwise noticed" clause.
Missed that - Thanks!
Aether Stride-You and all non-lawful non-good allies whitin 30 feet ignore hard terrain and can count as ethereal whenever it would be benefical for you. Each extra time you pick this increase the ally range by 30 feet.

I think "Count as ethereal when it would be beneficial" would mean that you and you're allies would be immune to almost all forms of damage ...
Hmmm, why? Anything magic would still have 50% chance of harming and stuff like ghost touch would always work.

(click to show/hide)

From here:

1.  Flight & Insubstantial
2.  Invisible
3.  Only effected by Force effects. 

The gestalt roll's effect only lasts 1 minute.
Missed that - thanks!


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Re: Chaos
« Reply #51 on: August 01, 2017, 03:24:57 AM »
Cult Leader-Your non-lawful non-good allies of 3 HD or less whitin 120 feet gain +2d12 to all 1d20 rolls and damage rolls, Evasion, Mettle and at the start of your turn there's a 50% chance any losses among them are replaced by newcomers anywhere whitin sight with the same exact stats that pick up the fallen's gear (if any) right away to keep fighting. Un-recovered losses are replaced whitin 24 hours anyway. Each extra time you pick this increase the range by 120 feet.

Fantastic.  This combined with a few other things can make mooks dangerous enough to not ignore :) 

One really great thing about these classes is the "choose 1 per level or roll randomly" ... because by choosing you can also create such a huge # of different cool combinations.

True Berzerker-You only take half damage from enemies inside your melee range and any non-damage effects they inflict on you are delayed until they're not inside your melee range plus 1d12 rounds. If you kill them in melee before that the effects are removed instead.  Each extra time you pick this increase the delay time by 1 round.

Very flavorful!   What happens if someone else kills them while they are in your melee range?

Glutton for Punishment-You have 75% chance of ignoring any attack that would kill/destroy you and if you do so, you gain a stackable +6 profane bonus to all 1d120 rolls for 1 round. Each extra time you pick this increase the profane bonus by 2 and change of ignoring by 1%.

1% is pretty small for extra picks ... ?  Maybe 5%, max 3 times? (85%)

Walker of the Worldweb-When you or an ally whitin 30 feet would move, they may teleport the same distance instead. When you use an actual teleport effect, you have a 50% chance of ignoring any anti-teleport measures. Each extra time you pick this increase the ally range by 30 feet and chance of ignoring anti-teleport by 2%.

Similarly ... 2% is pretty small for an extra pick ... ?

Lord of Forbidden Lore- Once per day when you would cast a spell or use a SLA, you may cast any spell of the same level as long as it's on the wizard/cleric/druid spell list. For the rest of the day when you would cast a spell or use a SLA of the same level, you may cast this one instead. You may repeat this on the same day for each level of spell/SLA you can cast. Each extra time you pick this you can use this another time per day.

To be clear, if you can cast spells of levels 1-7, and you have this picked twice, then you can choose 2 spells of each level that you can cast at will?

Cool and powerful pick.  Makes them something like a powered-up Erudite.  Probably this makes them tier 1 all by itself. 

At first I thought this was over-powered, by as I went through reading, there aren't that many picks that grant spellcasting, so either you have to dedicate a lot of picks to this, or rely on luck which won't pan out.  And the picks that do grant spellcasting, usually are random as to what level is available.


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Re: Chaos
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2017, 03:36:59 AM »
Last Memory of the Yuranthos-Not actual armor must be worn either in the head or neck slots or carried in a free hand. You gain +1 to your CL and DC of spells and SLAs, plus can use Sunburst at  will with CL equal to HD and  DC 10+1/2 HD+Con mod. However if you roll a natural 1 on a Concentration check  then you lose 20d6 current and max HP and are blinded yourself. The HP reduction and blindness last 13 hours, 13 minutes and 13 seconds.

The penalty might be too stiff ...

The Mindveil-Not actual armor must be worn either in the head or neck slots or carried in a free hand. As a swift or move action, you and any number of non-good, non-lawful allies whitin 30 feet instantly move 5d12 feet regardless of obstacles. This is not a teleport effect.

Does everyone move the same # of feet, or different # for each person?   I'd recommend same just to minimize die rolling ...

reviews done ... what will the Warlord trait be?  :D

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2017, 06:30:24 PM »
Added Endless Warband for minions, you can choose to hang alone for personal bonus instead. Also War Trait at 3rd level.

Aether Stride-You and all non-lawful non-good allies whitin 30 feet ignore hard terrain and can count as ethereal whenever it would be benefical for you. Each extra time you pick this increase the ally range by 30 feet.

I think "Count as ethereal when it would be beneficial" would mean that you and you're allies would be immune to almost all forms of damage ...
Hmmm, why? Anything magic would still have 50% chance of harming and stuff like ghost touch would always work.

(click to show/hide)

From here:

1.  Flight & Insubstantial
2.  Invisible
3.  Only effected by Force effects. 
Changed it to at the start of turn pick either ethereal or non-ethereal and lasts 1 round.

Cult Leader-Your non-lawful non-good allies of 3 HD or less whitin 120 feet gain +2d12 to all 1d20 rolls and damage rolls, Evasion, Mettle and at the start of your turn there's a 50% chance any losses among them are replaced by newcomers anywhere whitin sight with the same exact stats that pick up the fallen's gear (if any) right away to keep fighting. Un-recovered losses are replaced whitin 24 hours anyway. Each extra time you pick this increase the range by 120 feet.

Fantastic.  This combined with a few other things can make mooks dangerous enough to not ignore :) 

One really great thing about these classes is the "choose 1 per level or roll randomly" ... because by choosing you can also create such a huge # of different cool combinations.
Good, since I was aiming for nice variety here.  :)

True Berzerker-You only take half damage from enemies inside your melee range and any non-damage effects they inflict on you are delayed until they're not inside your melee range plus 1d12 rounds. If you kill them in melee before that the effects are removed instead.  Each extra time you pick this increase the delay time by 1 round.

Very flavorful!   What happens if someone else kills them while they are in your melee range?
You'll suffer the delayed effect eventually as you can't kill them anymore. :P

Glutton for Punishment-You have 75% chance of ignoring any attack that would kill/destroy you and if you do so, you gain a stackable +6 profane bonus to all 1d120 rolls for 1 round. Each extra time you pick this increase the profane bonus by 2 and change of ignoring by 1%.

1% is pretty small for extra picks ... ?  Maybe 5%, max 3 times? (85%)

Walker of the Worldweb-When you or an ally whitin 30 feet would move, they may teleport the same distance instead. When you use an actual teleport effect, you have a 50% chance of ignoring any anti-teleport measures. Each extra time you pick this increase the ally range by 30 feet and chance of ignoring anti-teleport by 2%.

Similarly ... 2% is pretty small for an extra pick ... ?
Buffed as above too.

Lord of Forbidden Lore- Once per day when you would cast a spell or use a SLA, you may cast any spell of the same level as long as it's on the wizard/cleric/druid spell list. For the rest of the day when you would cast a spell or use a SLA of the same level, you may cast this one instead. You may repeat this on the same day for each level of spell/SLA you can cast. Each extra time you pick this you can use this another time per day.

To be clear, if you can cast spells of levels 1-7, and you have this picked twice, then you can choose 2 spells of each level that you can cast at will?

Cool and powerful pick.  Makes them something like a powered-up Erudite.  Probably this makes them tier 1 all by itself. 

At first I thought this was over-powered, by as I went through reading, there aren't that many picks that grant spellcasting, so either you have to dedicate a lot of picks to this, or rely on luck which won't pan out.  And the picks that do grant spellcasting, usually are random as to what level is available.

Good analyzis, hopefully the new abilities won't be a problem with this either.

Last Memory of the Yuranthos-Not actual armor must be worn either in the head or neck slots or carried in a free hand. You gain +1 to your CL and DC of spells and SLAs, plus can use Sunburst at  will with CL equal to HD and  DC 10+1/2 HD+Con mod. However if you roll a natural 1 on a Concentration check  then you lose 20d6 current and max HP and are blinded yourself. The HP reduction and blindness last 13 hours, 13 minutes and 13 seconds.

The penalty might be too stiff ...
Halved the HP loss.

The Mindveil-Not actual armor must be worn either in the head or neck slots or carried in a free hand. As a swift or move action, you and any number of non-good, non-lawful allies whitin 30 feet instantly move 5d12 feet regardless of obstacles. This is not a teleport effect.

Does everyone move the same # of feet, or different # for each person?   I'd recommend same just to minimize die rolling ...
Same, clarified.

reviews done ... what will the Warlord trait be?  :D
About that, I had a semi change of heart and the warlord traits ended as the alternative for solo chaos lady, 3d level now grants War Trait that allows the Chaos Lady to win an encounter by fulfilling random objectives.

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #54 on: August 11, 2017, 05:25:59 PM »
The Chosen's Pandemic Staff needs an area for the breath weapon option.


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Re: Chaos
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2017, 06:42:41 PM »
Fixed, thanks.

Offline DavidWL

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #56 on: August 16, 2017, 01:22:46 AM »
I am going through this again ... I haven't even finished looking at your most recent updates.

Chaos Cultist

Minor Chaos Gift: At each level the chaos cultist either picks one of  the following abilities from two diferent major categories of his choice (Mutations, Wargear, Chaos Style), or can instead gamble with the gods and receive two at random from each category at each level! No specific gift may  be gained more than once unless noticed otherwise (if choosing randomly, re-roll repeated gifts that don't stack with themselves). Whenever the Chaos Cultist gains a level, he may remake his decision with his Chaos Gifts, including choosing either picking the ones he wants or gambling. However the Chaos Cultist  can't choose to pick some gifts to pick and other to gamble, neither to repick the gifts of some leves while gambling anothers. The Chaos Cultist must choose either pick or gamble with all levels.

Just to be clear, if you are a 2nd level Chaos Cultist, and you go to 3rd level, then you can choose for each of your 3 levels to either pick 2, or get 2 from each category at random.

Let's pretend
1st level:  rolled 6 (you liked them)
2nd level:  rolled 6 (didn't like)
3rd level:  you want to "rechoose previous levels".  If you choose to roll 1 level (2nd level) then you must reroll all levels.

10 Eye of Chaos-If the eyes are the window to the soul, then what gazes out from behing this servant of chaos's gaze is something far from mortal. Choose a mental skill. Now that skill is always a class skill for the servant of chaos (working retroactively, meaning any previously bought cross-skill ranks now count as double), and the servant of chaos gains a 1d6+1 bonus on all checks with that skill.

UMD being the obvious choice, but not a problem.

18 Limb Loss-The servant of chaos willingly (or not) offers one of his own limbs as sacrifice to try to gather more favour with the Abyss. The sacrificed limb must either have a natural weapon or be capable of fine manipulation, or alternatively sacrifice legs/wings/similar until all his movement speeds are halved. Once the deed is done the limb cannot be recovered by any means, but the servant of chaos gains two randomly chosen minor gifts.

This one is a pure loser ... more of a penalty than a gift, but that's perfectly fine :)

26 Strange Voice-The chaos cultist's vocal chords are twisted and distorted as Chaos ebbs and glows trough his body, allowing him to produce a variety of voices. The Chaos Cultist gains Bardic Music as a 1st level bard. He may take this Minor Gift two more times, each one gaining another level of Bardic Music, but no more times than he has HD. This stacks with other sources of Bardic Music.

Fascinating, because each pick of later classes is worth 2 of the previous ... so, for example,

1 ascendent gift = 2 exalted gift = 4 glorius gift = 8 greater gift = 16 minor gift.

So at 15th level, you could spend your pick to get 15th level bardic music. 

Given that bardic music isn't that powerful (and words of creation would be off-limits :)), this is perfectly ok, just interesting. 

Any save DCs are DC 10+Bab+Dex mod or Str mod(whichever's higher) unless otherwise noticed.

That very high save makes save effects increasingly dangerous ... +10 DC relative to a normal ability at 20th ...


4 Blind Grenade- Range 50 feet, creatures in a 15 feet radius need to make a Fort save or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. This can affect constructs and undeads. Flat-footed creatures and creatures with special vulnerability to light take a further -4 penalty on this save.

This is a super-powerful ability ... especially considering it scales and becomes more dangerous at higher levels.  Something like color spray (which is one of the best 1st level spells) ... except:
* you can "cast" it more than once per turn ... eventually many times
* It has much better range
* it effects more
* it is harder to save against

Assault Guns

7 Flamer-This weapon affects a 30 feet cone dealing 1d6 fire damage (ignoring DR) and are set on fire. Creatures inside are allowed a reflex save to take no damage and not be set on fire.

What is the consequence of being set on fire?

Chaos Magic:
The Chaos Cultist picks two cantrips and one first level spell at first level from either the cleric or wizard list, becoming able to use them at-Will as SLAs with a caster level equal to his Chaos Champion level, but he must suceed on a Concentration check with DC 10+3*Spell level each time he uses them. Failure means the magic goes wild and the Chaos Cultist's maximum HP is reduced by an amount equal to the failed spell level for 24 hours ( failed cantrips thus cause no penalty besides a wasted action).  A natural 1 is always a failed concentration check with this ability. 

At 5 HD they may swap  their 1st level spell by an 2nd level spell and learn one more cantrip  and every  2 HD thereafter they can swap again for one spell of one level higher and gain one extra cantrip, up to 9th level spells.

This is quite a powerful ability (especially for 3rd level).  Some observations:
* 2 Cantrips is actually pretty good ...
*  infinite healing.   actually a problem, but it is yet another reason to view this as a quite powerful ability.  {EDIT:  Meant to say *not* actually a problem, but still a powerful ability}
* Detect Magic or Prestidigitation at will
* Other creative things ...

When combined with a good concentration check & abilities that allow you to make re-rolls (of which there are a few), you will fail only on a natural 1, rolled twice in a row.

This then suggests:
* 5th level --> Alter self at will (quite powerful, but probably ok) or Heroics at will (for a switchable martial study)
* 11th level --> Surge of Fortune
* 19th level --> Miracle (Cast almost any spell ...)

This "re-roll" ability doesn't come start to come online until 10th level with Exalted Prowess, and really rockin with 13th level Chaos Lady (Nexus of the Gods).  However, even without the re-roll capabilities, compared to a normal caster, you'd have way more HP, especially at 7th level once some gifts can give +1D10*HD

Right now I'm thinking that probably the best way to "fix" this is to limit the ability to re-roll.  It's a shame because I think unlimited casting is a really nifty ability, but there are a lot of Chaos abilities that allow unlimited re-rolls, and combined with amazing spell selection, it's really dangerous...

« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 02:55:37 AM by DavidWL »

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #57 on: August 16, 2017, 10:26:40 AM »
I can answer a couple of things.

The consequences of catching on fire are in the SRD.

Unlimited healing isn't abnormal for Oslecamo's classes, his stuff is normally aimed at a higher power level than standard.  Detect Magic or Prestidigitation at will can be granted by cheap magic items so I'm not sure if you're saying they're powerful or useful or what.

Also you can't fail a skill check on a natural 1.

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Re: Chaos
« Reply #58 on: August 18, 2017, 02:29:14 AM »
I can answer a couple of things.

The consequences of catching on fire are in the SRD.

Unlimited healing isn't abnormal for Oslecamo's classes, his stuff is normally aimed at a higher power level than standard.  Detect Magic or Prestidigitation at will can be granted by cheap magic items so I'm not sure if you're saying they're powerful or useful or what.

Also you can't fail a skill check on a natural 1.

Thanks about fire in SRD - didn't know !

I meant to say "not" a problem, but powerful, but left it out by accident!  Note, however, that I don't think any of his classes grant it at 3rd level for *other* characters.

You can fail this skill, per the text in his description.


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Re: Chaos
« Reply #59 on: August 18, 2017, 03:04:21 AM »
Chaos Warrior, Greater Belief:

Lunatic Craft-You can now use your Lunatic Craft to create magic items as if you had a caster level equal to your HD. You also count as knowing any spells needed for the item crafting. You need not pay exp, only 1/10 the item's total total gold cost. You take 10 minutes per each 1000 GP on the cost of the item to build it. Magic items with limited uses have a 20% chance of failing to do anything when activated but still count as expended. Magic items with uses per day have a 10% chance of failing to work when used but only 1% chance of breaking up (roll separately, so an item could suceed on working and still break up). Magic items with permanent/at-will effects have a 1% chance of breaking up whenever used or their abilities are relevant. So a belt of giant strenght would have 1% chance of breaking up whenever the wearer does a melee attack, strenght check or anything else that calls for the strenght score. Items that replicate spells that would demand expensive exp/gold cost demand those extra costs to be supplied for them to work.

Similar to the Chaos magic, the ability to do re-rolls from Chaos Lady (Nexus of the Gods) makes this *too* good.  Similarly with Chaos Lady (Dark Legion: Eye of the Gods).

You can craft a permanent item, and then only have it break 1 time / 10,000.  ...
