Wow, I am in the credits! Twice! You can remove gparali, he is me.
Herf derf. Gonna fix that...
I haven't managed to playtest your Spellshapers yet but there is someone in the GitP who wants to have a Spellshaper-only pbp game. I will put the link here in case someone wants to join. There are only a couple of people expessing interest for now.
I also applied for a sandbox game. If the Dm accepts me I will be playing an Impulse Mage(going for Darkened One)//Malefactor focused on debuffing. If I get in I will be sure to tell you how it goes.
Hoh-hoh! Thanks for the heads up--I'll have to keep an eye on these.
Seems reasonable. Note that I kinda was stuck with the lame name fo Shaper of the Way because.... I'm bad at naming things.
I know your pain on that one. Shaper of the Way isn't really all that bad, though--it's a good generic name for the generic theurge class. I think it suits it.
I iz usefuls!
Got someone playing a Spellshaper in a game I'm running on Giantitp. Since it's also serving as a testbed for my Sentai class...
Indeed, usefuls is one of your many qualities! Incidentally, I'll have to start spying on this player.
I'm thinking that the Semi-Circles may end up being in the same appendix as the Flamespeaker and the Spellshot Marksman, with that being rebranded from "Variant Spellshaper Classes" to "Variant Spellshaping Material." That's probably going to be the easiest way for me to handle this one, since it allows me to keep writing the main text without worrying about defining full circles and Semi-Circles separately. It also gives you more time to actually write them up, so there's that, too.
Probably for the best. :/
"Appendix One: Variant Spellshaping Material" is basically where I'm going to put the more specific or unusual things that doesn't necessarily fit in the simple text. Think of it as the equivalent of
Complete Arcane or
Complete Mage--interesting additions, but not strictly necessary for playing the basic character concept.
The flamespeaker, for instance, is a very focused concept. It wouldn't really sit well with me as one of the generic base classes because you can't really take it in too many directions. By contrast, the spellshot marksman is literally a variant class--it was built off of the same basic chassis as the spellshape champion. Having both listed among the base classes would feel a little redundant, and the spellshape champion fills a more common niche.
I'm actually hoping to be able to come up with a rich body of material for the various appendices, as I view them as expansions, not afterthoughts. The primary reason for "Appendix Three: Other Traditions and Spellshaping" is that there
are very interesting things that can be done by combining spellshaping and things like incarnum, binding, shadowcasting, and
truenaming nothing else ever. However, there may well be players who don't have access to certain books, and it would feel weird to have a bunch of material that can't be used.
The only reason that martial adepts get their own appendix outside of "Other Traditions and Spellshaping" is that the mechanical similarities have led to a unique sort of combination, which probably won't be possible with other subsystems. In addition, there are certain ideas that I have that will be pretty specific to martial adepts, which will be easier to manage if I have their material listed separately.
On an entirely unrelated note, I'm thinking of slightly altering the format I use for alternative class features. So many of the spellshaper ACFs offer multiple class features...and they're all currently jumbled together. I was thinking of moving to something more like this:
Shaman of the Elements
Most elemental adepts serve an offensive role, turning their powerful abilities to the purpose of combat. However, by focusing less on the rigors of combat, an elemental adept can channel some of her power into aiding her allies, rather than harming her foes.
Class: Elemental Adept
Level: 1st
Cost: You do not gain the command elements class feature, nor do you gain the class features that expand upon it (elemental empowerment, elemental magic, call the elements, and wrath of elements).
Benefit: You add Heal and Survival to your list of class skills as an elemental adept. In addition, you gain the following class features at the listed class levels.
Elemental Numena (Su): At 4th level, you gain the ability to project the numena of your chosen elemental circles. You can only project one numen at a time, and it requires a full-round action to switch between numena.
At 16th level, you gain the ability to have two numena active at the same time, allowing you to project both of your elemental numena at once.
Shaman's Touch (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can heal the wounds of living creatures (your own or those of others) by touch. Each day, you can heal a number of points of damage equal to twice your shaper level x your Charisma modifier. For example, a 7th-level elemental adept with a Charisma score of 18 (+4 modifier) can heal 56 points of damage. You can choose to divide your healing among multiple recipients, and you don't have to use it all at once. Using your shaman's touch is a standard action. Your shaman's touch has no effect on undead, but it heals twice the normal amount when used on a creature with the elemental subtype of your chosen element.
Beginning at 12th level, you can choose to spend some of the healing bestowed by your shaman's touch to remove other harmful conditions affecting the target.
For every 5 points of your healing ability that you expend, you can cure 1 point of ability damage or remove the dazed, fatigued, or sickened condition from one individual.
For every 10 points of your healing ability that you expend, you can remove the exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, or stunned condition from one individual.
For every 20 points of your healing ability that you expend, you can remove a negative level or the blinded, deafened, or diseased condition from one individual.
You can remove a condition (or more than one condition) and heal damage with the same touch, so long as you expend the required number of points. For example, if you wanted to heal 12 points of damage and remove the blinded and exhausted conditions from a target, you would have to expend 42 points (12 hit points restored plus 20 points for blinded plus 10 points for exhausted).
See, with such a simple change, how much clarity I am able to add? What do you think, everyone?