I particularly noticed the range which at a glance seems to be pretty much superior to anything else in the discipline, and is kind of the only decent option for dealing with threats at Long range (Fireball spam+Fly strikes me as very annoying for an Oni). Seemed kind of odd that there weren't as many nice throwing options later in the discipline such as boosts for throwing full attacks. Gotta make use of that str to thrown y'know.
One of the basis of strike maneuvers is precisely that you're trading a full attack for something else.
I know that there are some fullattack strikes I did in Tobhou material, but I'll rather keep them rare and few for more “flurry of attacks” characters.
Also I didn't want this school to reward you for just standing in the air throwing rocks.
But added that option in Youkai Shrine if you dip Dream Battle.
I was talking about boosts not strikes, which are more about modifying full attacks when they aren't doing something else completely. Same difference though, I see your point. Well you do have a lot of incentives and a real effective basis for playing a character that can actually stick to the ground. The increased height/range on some of these effects will probably make that more of a reality too.
So can you still rip stuff out of the ground on a full attack? That might even be too good for a first level maneuver, though carrying around 25lb ammo probably still isn't going to be a viable alternative. I like giving the throwing builds real room to work with the throwing maneuvers, but it kind of seems like that might fuck up the balance if things that were meant to be single attacks suddenly become full attacks. Might have to test it myself to see though.
Earth Spirit - The damage on this seems kind of lackluster. It sets up an AoO provoke, but you're set up to dump dex so there's not a lot you're doing with this aside from hoping they don't move away from you to dodge the extra damage and maybe getting a free hit in on someone. That's if they even care enough about some fairly poor damage for a full round action that doesn't really compare to you just hitting them with your super strength. Early on the damage from just climb ranks is pretty lackluster, and later on you should have better things to do with a full round. A non-pounce charge is arguably better in most situations, since the kind of clumping up this would require to get the full use out of it could also cause you to provoke AoOs by getting into position. Lack of tumble or alternatives kind of hurt this class'.
It's more supposed to be area control, creating difficult terrain squares to make it harder for others to move around. Yeah the damage isn't that great, but it is multi-target damage.
Increased the distance moved so that if nothing else, works as extra mobility.
Hmm, I think you might just want to make it twice your movement speed to put it on level with a charge. I guess I can sort of see the benefit of getting difficult terrain directly around you to hinder movement, though in wider spaces I think most would still just be able to walk around fairly easily. I guess it can stop a charge, but not sure most would choose to charge when it'd take them past AoO range.
Spectre - This seems like it would have a lot of potential if it scaled, but it's certainly not bad for a 1st level maneuver.
Boosted it a bit so that the ranged attack deals damage as your melee attack.
To clarify, I didn't think it was weak before. I just think most characters will grow out of it since swift action boosts generally become either things that scale with a full attack or things that offer extra utility. It's perfectly passable as a maneuver that you'll eventually outgrow, I guess I just sort of saw potential in maybe either a higher level version or staggered scaling like some of your other maneuvers that get boosts at certain higher ranks. It's fine as is though.
Oni Sign "Missing Power" - This is nice, though what if you're already large(or larger) or have powerful build to begin with? Seems like a lot of unnecessary restriction on the size caps, and maybe make the powerful build stack with other instances of the ability.
Thing is this is a 1st level stance, and if I allowed that then it would basically be the go-to stance for dudes that are already big and want to be even bigger.
When the purpose is to allow medium-sized characters to grow bigger, not something to stack upon dudes who are already big.
I guess I can see that, but dudes who are already big generally need to make an investment to get that big, so I just didn't see why it was necessary to penalize those who already are likely committing to trying to get big.
Would there be problems if someone tried to use this with Giant Oni of Earth's Axis or other temporary size boosts?
Drunk Sign "Art of Oni Binding" - I saw the argument about this one, and my opinion on how it affects PP is to agree with Os that the penalty doesn't actually do that much. Against a PC it forces the Psion to rest earlier, but it fails to adequately penalize them except in the strategical sense and if it's against a psion NPC it's not going to really do anything in the combat it's applied. I perhaps differ in that I think that's a problem. Did you consider just cutting off access to a couple powers the target knows for the duration of the encounter or until they next recover PP or whatever? The % bit might be relevant for other mechanics, but I'd have to think about what else you're affecting.
Good idea, added that you can't use the two most expensive options after being hit by this.
I'm not sure the % drain is warrated on top of stopping the most expensive options, but I guess that might be more reasonable than stopping the most expensive options for longer than 1 round. I feel it would have made more sense to disable them for the encounter, but that might be too much for those with smaller numbers of powers known.
Oni Spirit Bomb - Does this move with you? I'm not sure how useful the charging mechanic is if you have to stick to one place for two or three rounds. That's probably a bit too much commitment outside of some very specific circumstances. If it does move with you, then it's pretty useful and interesting though the lack of tumble again kind of holds you back.
Moves with, clarified.
Hmm, interesting move then. I haven't used a lot of abilities that create a square of nasty stuff that moves with you. I assume the ball's straight line can be in any direction from its adjacent square correct?
Unpleasant Mist - "You replicate a Gaseous Form effect on yourself as the spell that lasts until the start of your next turn, except instead of DR 10/magic." This sentence seems unfinished.
Aside from that I have to say this is pretty crap. As a get out of being attacked free card it's pretty lacking since you're moving pretty slowly in gaseous form by default, and going gaseous doesn't really prevent you from being harmed unless the DR can negate it. It seems like you're betting on your allies taking advantage of the penalty to put them in the ground to avoid getting fucked when you come out of gaseous form, but you still can be attacked in gaseous form so you're still fairly vulnerable and you've pretty much lost your ability to contribute while you're in it. The fact that there's a stance on the next level which makes gaseous form actually useful is what really puts this in the category of stuff you should pretty much never take.
Ups, added that you gain DR/- equal to your IL instead of DR 10/magic.
What you need to take in account is that this is a 2nd level counter, and doesn't take your stance slot. It can also be used to protect from poison and critical hits besides utility from gaseous form earlier than most other people are getting it.
The DR gives it a tick up in my book, but I suppose I still feel like the option to extend it is a trap option, considering that it seems like it was intended for combat and giving up multiple turns after you're finished using it could easily kill you or render you irrelevant to the fight if it isn't over by then. Outside of combat you have to harm yourself to use it which isn't ideal, but it would still be somewhat useful I suppose. The utility from gaseous form is somewhat decent if you get it earlier, but I personally think waiting a maneuver level for the stance is just the better option for a lot of reasons.
As for critical hit and poison countering, can you activate this in response to a critical hit being rolled and/or confirmed or having to roll a save/failing a save vs being poisoned? (Note the distinction between each of those in terms of order)
Giant Oni of Earth's Axis - This is much nicer as a replacement for Earth Spirit. It's semi-decent initiation (kind of meh distance for a full round, supposed to catch flyers but you have to stand on the ground so it's unlikely you'll catch any of them), though I'm not sure if it scales well enough to consider using it at higher levels. Also I feel like this should have just been a full round action strike, since I'm not sure it's worth giving up a swift and full round for. Do you have to make an attack roll for this "attack"?
Hits automatically, clarified. Also as the previous maneuver, you seem to be understimating the utility of a swift action size(s) increase(s). You can choose not to use the special attack and just grapple/trip/+reach/+damage.
Guess you wrote that response before I snuck my edit in there, but yes you're correct. I was not thinking in terms of the boost without using the special attack, which is more than useful enough on its own. Still think being stuck to the ground can limit the special attack quite a bit, but considering that it's a boost it's fine as an extra.
Fireball "Earth Spirit Reactive Bullet" - Width of line? So this is supposed to affect flying enemies, but you have to be on the ground to use it, so you have to just fire it directly at someone in the air I guess? Since it's meant to be anti-air it could probably either use a bit more length or give it some serious height. Better than close, but consistently behind medium by 60ft.
Clarified that it's 5 feet wide (isn't that the default for lines?), and gave it 2000 feet high. Time to stop playing nice.
I guess it's generally assumed to be 5ft if not specified as with lightning bolt, but I guess I just prefer explicitness. Also for my own grammar druthers:
"You slam the ground and unleash a wave of jumping balls of fire that affect all under or within a line of up to 40 feet plus 10 ft per IL length, 5 ft width, and up to 2000 ft height."
Gather Sign "Throwing Mt.Togakushi" - Question I should have brought up earlier. Do flying creatures take falling damage when hit by these sort of effects?
Of course. Why wouldn't they?
Because it can tack up to 20d6 damage onto what seem like otherwise fine maneuvers? I understand that you really need the range on these sorts of maneuvers, but a lot of them have the "knock flyers to the ground" bit without a save or anything which is a significant amount of damage on top of whatever the maneuver is already doing to them. The variance between the potential max damage and the minimum damage is enough to one shot entire categories of enemies that quite possibly don't have featherfall by default. No save, just die to a ridiculous amount of falling damage if you didn't spot the Oni on the ground several hundred feet down. Sure the GM can respond to that easily (no flight enemies, just fly lower, or remember your featherfall items), but it does kill the very concept behind a few encounters, can surprise GMs in a bad way I think, and then forces them to design encounters with that in mind (ie every flight capable enemy has to have featherfall/know to fly low in response to you personally or take a huge damage penalty)
The prevalence of flight makes this sort of thing strong in 3.5, but because of that prevalence combined with how hard a counter this is I think you have a balance issue of pushing too hard the other way. Countering such a common ability by bringing them down to your level (the ground) where you have the advantage is fine, but that plus the falling damage can get out of hand especially without any saves. I'd honestly recommend something like save to avoid the fall or possibly reflex save to half/negate the falling damage since a flyer should be able to control their fall a bit better than the average ground bound creature somewhat. Most flyers don't usually have to worry about falling outside of stalling out (for lower maneuverability), so usually they wouldn't be forced to fall at all and otherwise likely wouldn't have countermeasures. If you want to force the fall without a save I can see that, despite how powerful of a positioning tool it is. But I think the extra potential damage is just a bit much to tack on for free more or less.
Also, is this a boulder you target at someone and hit 5 ft radius around the square/target hit, or is this a 5ft radius as in from a square corner? I thought the latter initially, but treating it like a weapon with the range increments and so on threw me off. It seems like this could use some area scaling with your climb ranks as well to get bigger boulders. This overtakes medium range at about level 7, so pretty decent.
It's diameter, not radius. Added scaling to that.
Misread that, my bad.
-Mist Sign "Gathering and Dissipating" non-wording responses
Perhaps I expected a bit more than I should have considering the utility it already gets, though the armor change is probably what really tipped it into being quite usable since it's suddenly a much more viable combat stance that way.
"-You can fill up to a number of 5x5x5 cubes equal to your ranks in Climb, that must be connected to at least one another but can otherwise be positioned as you want. You can change your “shape” and size" as a move action." OH GOD THE AOO NIGHTMARE. THE MOVEMENT RULES ON A NON-RECTANGULAR CREATURE. FLANKING AAAAHHHH. GOD IS DEAD AND WE HAVE KILLED HIM.....so yeah, all those fun wording problems. Also, does reshaping oneself provoke AoOs(I would suggest not, because otherwise AAAAAAAAAHHH) and is there supposed to be an origin or something or can you just reposition yourself to and from any square you were previously occupying? Like lets say for a simple example that you're in a line of squares. Can you reshape yourself in a way in that you just switch all your squares to just be on the other side of one of your end squares and basically have it work out as if you'd moved the entire length of yourself? I might be able to make some wording suggestions here, but first have to ask intent and my god it'll be a mess.
Added no Aoo clause, but “free move” definitely wasn't intended. I would say that the center must remain the same.
Because of how you can become an irregular shape, assume the questions below are asking for something weird like a figure eight or a spiral or the shape of a smoking pipe, whatever.
How do you define the center of an irregular shape/polygon?
When you move, do you always remain in the same exact orientation or can you rotate even when you're an irregular shape? Would you only be able to re-orient through taking a move to reshape yourself completely?
Do you flank someone if you surround them on your own? What would be considered your opposite border or corner when you're an irregular shape?
I've worked on something like this before in something that allowed for freeform shapes with some people, and after awhile we just said fuck it and warned that irregular shapes get fucking complicated to any who dared use them. I assume you'll leave the burden of figuring out how more complicated shapes/polygons work to the game group to decide since it'd be their problem, but I may as well try and clarify what I can now.
Less annoying question, you're mist right? Does that mean that you fill up the spaces completely making it impossible to tumble past as in Designated Exceptions for moving through a square?
Foot Bellows - Does this require a jump check, or do you just rocket straight towards them from any distance? Also, is line of sight or effect an issue?
Clarified, instant rocket, need line of sight and effect.
So are you then standing in the same space as them at the end of this maneuver? I'm pretty sure that'd mean you then end up in an adjacent space after the maneuver is concluded since that's typically illegal to end your movement in?
-Does the mob need to recalculate HP? Does any damage you take in mob form carry over when you return to normal?
Good point, added that half the damage the mob took carries to you.
So you do have to recalculate HP? Eeesh that's fiddly as hell. I'd say just keep your normal HP like Alternate Form.
-Hoo boy that saves section under mob seems unclear. Language that broad and sweeping will probably just require serious GM adjudication to be clear on what and how things effect you.
You're free to suggest better wording.
Ok first, I assume what it meant by negative levels was referring to how losing creatures will lose you HD and all the effects that brings? Second, define "disable" because the two examples you listed are almost completely different. The fact that a curse can do three different things doesn't help.
And for all that you get... a move and swift/immediate before you break back down to normal. Maybe another standard with high level pure crafting. I can sort of appreciate the potential here, but I think for the most part this is an over-complicated way to do a simple stampede effect.
Added option to increase duration by spending swift actions and taking some damage.
The fact that you had synergy with the stance version helps prevent this from feeling too overlap-y, so I guess that solves the problem by going the other way. Does kind of make it a weird quasi-stance, but *shrug*.
Oni God's Will-o'-Wisp Art - Can you choose an enemy that you can't see or have LOE to? Does it go through or around obstacles? Would make a pretty funny way to find someone long distance since it doesn't stop til it gets them.
Clarified all around.
What does it do if there is no way around an obstacle? Say if they shut a door behind them into an otherwise sealed up building or whatever.
Reverse Exorcism Black Hole - Neat, though kind of specific. Mostly only useful for evil/chaotic onis, but I can appreciate a counter counter even if those effects aren't always that scary. Does ending an effect that harms you prevent the damage/negative effects it would deal in the case of something instantaneous like Holy Smite or Holy Word? Countering those would be pretty great.
A holy word counter. Now that is a rarity.
Oni Crowd "Imp Swarm" - Don't think what I said about the previous mob maneuver being overcomplicated doesn't still apply. Tiny Night Parade of a Hundred Demons could still be simplified while retaining the combo potential with this. Anyway, turning into a mob is much more interesting as a stance since you get to play with all the options that provides you. All the same questions from before still apply to this one, plus a couple others since you have to consider all the options you have to use.
-Any particular reason for the downgrade to tiny bodies and less per rank?
Tiny because the name includes tiny. Don't remember why less bodies so made them the same.
But Tiny Night Parade of a Hundred Demons just makes them one size smaller, and it's the one that actually has Tiny in the name.
-Does Mob Mind prevent maneuver use?
Normally yes, but added clause that you can still use maneuvers.
I take it the lack of the same clause in Tiny Night Parade of a Hundred Demons is intentional?
Sparse Sign "Beyond All in the Fog" - Uh, duration? Is it supposed to be as Gaseous Form, but using your IL or something? Could be useful, but this one specifies only turning solid to deliver attacks so you have to rely on the shit AC and DR of gaseous form. You didn't actually specify, but I assume the copy gets to take actions independently as you would right? Does the diguise check let you pass yourself off as not-fog? That seems like a pretty big detail modifier against the disguise check. Specify the duration and the extra actions and I think this could be pretty solid. Would be nicer if your AC weren't crap in gaseous form. Depending on the duration this could be a solid answer to the enemies that would normally just outrange you all day.
Clarified, copy gets actions, added option to extend duration indefinitely as long as you're in a Drunken Demon stance, material armor works.
I assume this form would overwrite Mist Sign "Gathering and Dissipating", if that was your current stance? Might want to specify natural or manufactured there as well for consistency.
That's really quite a lot of bugs you're pointing out.
And I haven't even done any testing yet. I'm generally of the opinion that I don't know how to use a thing unless I've read that thing... thoroughly. This can be very annoying for me when having to select wizard spells, but it does lend a certain aptitude for evaluating similar systems/formats. Additionally this is also pretty much the same sort of work I did for Legend.
Oni Sign "Complete Massacre on Mt. Ooe" - Considering potential size/reach, I think adjacency is kind of a difficult thing to expect of the brawler at this level so reach might be better. No save "Get lost chump!" is a pretty unique effect. You don't usually see an effect designed to get an enemy out of range before you're necessarily finished with them, especially for a melee focused character. It'd be nice if you could use an object as with Ama-no-Iwato Throwing Event as well for more tactical flexibility. The range on here is pretty good, so it's a nice anti-air option. But it would require having ground enemies to make use of otherwise. I think this one will need testing to see how I feel about it in depth, but as always I want more range on my anti air options considering that Long range spells/abilities and enemies retreating to high altitudes are still possibilities (it's a sad day when a character can be countered by Fly+Fireball spam at this level).
Increased base range, added option to use objects. Also you can just throw a chump into the ground so they remain next to you. The reason I don't want to make it reach-based is because it's an automatic hit and also don't force “chain it or lose it”.
I think this was the maneuver that made me really go back and re-examine the anti-air maneuvers with a focus on range. I can accept the trade off for requiring adjacency. I probably wouldn't be willing to take two of my own climb checks in damage and trip myself just to keep them next to me.
Oni Crowd "Hundred Oni Kaburo" - The level gap between this and Oni Sign "Large Speck in the Needle Hell" is weird since the two largely have very different restrictions. I'd almost say that they should switch places, since multiple tiny copies that have full actions are going to be way more useful than bulk standard actions only with the same restrictions on those actions. Plus the full round to maintain is meh. You could get more utility out of a bulk number, but the one that seems more useful in combat seems like it would make more sense at a higher level. Especially considering how the other one doesn't start scaling up noticeably until later ranks.
A detail you seem to have missed is that Hundred Oni Kaburo has basically infinite range since the copies are created anywhere where you cansee while Needle Hell starts them adjacent to the initiator. And to think you were complaining about lack of range just above!
Your tendency to write mechanics that are identical in just enough ways to make it hard to spot the differences has definitely been a bit annoying. You really should use the spell convention of "functions like X, except" to make things less confusing occasionally. Maybe not here since there are at least as many differences as similarities, but in general. The two "orreries" stances in LCM particularly stuck out. Would cut down on bloat a bit, and might make things shorter to write in some cases.
Anyway my bad, I guess the range justifies the level difference a bit better. Don't have to worry about gap closing and you can surround enemies instantly.
Qi of Oni "Deep Fog Labyrinth" - Now this is the first gaseous form maneuver aside from the stance that I see as something that could regularly see use, though it feels like it should be switched with Sparse Sign "Beyond All in the Fog" since doubled actions are definitely more powerful and you could really use more movement capability earlier. The gaseous form maneuvers in general might benefit from a featherfall effect at the end of them in case you end not on solid ground. Would seem thematic and greatly increases their flexibility and utility against aerial opponents.
I believe it's more thematic to drop like a rock once you're no longer in fog form.
As for double actions, it's usually granted around maneuver level 6 around tobhou schools (heck, White Raven grants it at 3rd maneuver level). Added a confusion effect to this one to buff it a bit.
*sighs and makes note to stock up on featherfall items*Gathering Oni "Throwing Ame-no-Tajikarao" - This is pretty neat, though I think it gives a big incentive to never hang around in your melee range which means you'll never catch any pesky spellcaster that remembers that they can just fly away instead of trying to teleport or somesuch. It's very nice otherwise, though the most effective use of this with multiple enemies means throwing it over people, which means the enemy ultimately ends up back up in the air out of your reach and really far away. It'd be nice if you could get a plummet on the target after they reach the end of the forced movement, which would make up for them not taking damage like everyone else you threw them over (save or daze is still nice though). I think being too broad isn't so much of a problem for a maneuver of this level, especially since this mostly puts an enemy away from you for a round in a tactical position that's unfavorable to you to deal with after their round of timeout, unless they were also melee focused which means they're more likely to no sell the daze anyway and close that gap right back up on their next turn.
Do notice that this maneuver is just an immediate action and you are automatically negating the enemy action before taking in account the damage/daze. If casters try to fly away from you, you should still get a regular Aoo, and then you can just throw them at the near ground to keep them inside melee range.
Speaking of which the main victim is also supposed to take damage, clarified.
Ah, thanks for the clarification. Damaging the target does change my opinion a bit, since the damage on extra targets doesn't seem quite as lucrative by comparison then. As for flying away, the withdraw option/5 ft steps are still a thing right? Anyway, I was just sort of responding to the previous change from it being too broad, though I didn't see the previous version so I don't suppose I have any room to judge.
Oni God "Missing Purple Power" - Pretty decent tanking stance, though at this level I really feel like you're quite vulnerable to simply being outranged, which this stance in particular won't be able to counter well since you don't even have your ranged maneuvers and the shockwave won't hit any flyer that's not stupid.
Heh, what the heck, also increased the height of the shockwave to 2000 feet.
Clarified that things stop falling when they hit a surface. The balls specifically can't move multiple times over the same area.
You imply that the other balls after the first are meant to drop, but don't actually mention that they behave the same as the first ball in this respect.
Because people complained the trajectories were getting pretty complicated to calculate by then.
So they are meant to fly in whatever direction and then fall, and cannot cross over previously covered area. Ok, text clean up attempt:
"You unleash a ball of lava with a 30 ft radius that travels up to 90 feet plus 35 feet per IL in any direction and then falls directly down until hitting a surface. It then splits into two new 20 ft radius balls of lava that travel up to 50 feet each and then fall directly down until hitting a surface as well, then each of those balls splits into another two new balls of lava with 10 ft radius which travel up to 50 feet each and then fall directly down until hitting a surface, then each of those balls splits yet again into another two new balls of lava with 5 ft radius that travel up to 50 feet each and then fall directly down until hitting a surface. None of these balls may move into an area where another of these balls had already traveled."
If you're going to repeat yourself it always pays to be consistent.
Hell Sigh of Purgatory - Circle or sphere of mist? Multiple equal rolls means like if you get the same result more than once right? Rage seems like an odd effect to throw in there.
Sphere, yes, you never got angry when someone threw a bad breath directly at you?
Just seemed odd that a 9th level maneuver has the potential to give a mostly beneficial effect when all the rest are so detrimental.
And finally, what happens if you don't have anymore alcohol on hand or you run out mid drinking spree? The penalty to skills if applied to your allies seems like an unnecessary penalty considering that the stance is already a risky gamble. Even if it was meant to apply to enemies, you still need to add a clause for that. In fact, you might just want to say enemies and inanimate objects you want to destroy that you can see or something like that from the very beginning. Save yourself an unnecessary sentence. It's nice to finally get something that can adequately respond to flyers at any range, but it's of course way too late to make a difference in most games.
Added clause for lack of drink, limited skill penalty to enemies only. Also I'll point out again there was already infinite range drunken demon maneuvers some levels ago.
Eh, that one's weird and can be chumped by AoE. S'all good though since you mostly addressed ranged issues on a majority of the maneuvers where it was relevant anyway.
Well a bunch of maneuvers got extended range, let me know what you think about that now.
I however must also point out that the game is still DUNGEONS and dragons, meaning that most fights will occur in enclosed spaces, so flying up at maximum fireball range isn't always a possibility.
Yeah I was hammering on that point quite a bit and I acknowledge that any enclosed space really negates any problems. Your range increases really addressed my concerns in that area though.
I was just noting that if the vulnerability exists in a discipline that generally should be prepared for that eventuality it'd be particularly noticeable.
Anyway I hope I get the chance to mess around with this in a game soon, though perhaps not since that would mean my Youkai Magician kicks the bucket. ;P
It's a win-win scenario!
Or lose-lose since I won't get to see them both all the way through a campaign and I don't get to play often enough. ;_;