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Messages - Empirate

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimizing a stealthy Binder
« on: May 27, 2014, 04:39:58 PM »
You are welcome. Since one usually reads very little concerning Binders, I'd be interested to hear how your PC gets along in play!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimizing a stealthy Binder
« on: May 22, 2014, 11:30:10 AM »
...Swashbuckler??? I'm mystified. What's that level for? Weapon Finesse? If you want it that much, bind Paimon, or pick it as a regular feat. "Wasting" one level on a non-binding class is bad enough, even though Rogue makes for a strong 1st level due to skills. But Swashy is so completely forgettable, you're hurting your build with it. To wit, you won't be able to bind 6th level vestiges at 11th level the way your build is laid out (only effective Binder level 9 from class levels, +2 for Improved Binding, and an 11th level Binder still binds 5th level vestiges...). So exchange that Swashy level for a Binder level, and you're good. Not to mention that your Pact Augmentation gets a significant upgrade at Binder level 5.

I'd further recommend skipping Persuasive/Negotiator, which are crap feats. Move Improved Binding to be your bonus feat for Binder level 4, pick Weapon Finesse as your regular 3rd level feat instead, and you're good. I'd also skip Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (which would only extend your flurry of misses), and either get some Binder-y goodness like Expel Vestige (lots of versatility during the day when you really need it!), or improve your sneak attack potential with Craven (massive damage boost) or Staggering Strike (massive survivability boost).

As for weapons, I'd skip the exotic weapons and simply go with a Guisarme plus Armor Spikes (maybe an Animated Shield later on, if you really still care about AC by that point of want it for the extra enchantment/gem slots). That saves you a precious feat and allows most of what a Spiked Chain does, anyway.

As far as feats are concerned, I can't not recommend Obtain Familiar, for giving you some extra versatility. If you really want to mix that schtick up, Improved Familiar is very good on a Duskblade (better HP and BAB than most arcane casters). Imps are versatile, but Beguilers (Shining South) are probably my favorite for their constant True Seeing ability, with the ability to wield (three!) weapons, camouflage and high Int as asides.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: How do I Kill it?
« on: May 22, 2014, 11:02:17 AM »
Starting off with the usual... What's your level? Books allowed? Wealth? Are you the DM, a player, or what? What else can you tell us about the situation of your fighter menace, your party etc.? How permanent will dying be to such a powerful character?

The usualy solution, btw, would be to be a 20th level Wizard (or, depending on circumstance, even a lot below that) and choose your preferred method from about a thousand possibilities...

EDIT: Swordsage'd in part. But seriously, can this guy kill a Great Wyrm Celestial Gold Dragon? If not, Gate one in and watch the fireworks.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Ur-Glaivelock build
« on: March 15, 2014, 09:40:25 AM »
Can you actually quicken EG even though it's a full-round action? I wouldn't allow it as a DM...

Killing him is too easy.

Old Unseelie fey gnome savage ghost 4 Gnome paragon 3/Cleric 1/Warblade 1/Tattooed monk 1
Str —(1), Dex 7, Con —, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 19.
Visit the Worm of Minaros for +1 Cha.
Buy a cloak of charisma +6 (-72,000gp)
Buy wand of Devil's Ego (-11,250gp)
Buy wand of Inner Beauty (-42,500gp)
Domains: Charm, Pleasure
Take lifesight, travel devotion, Ability Training/Advancement in charisma, Ability Focus(Malevolence) and Quicken Manifestation

He cannot see you while you are ethereal. Get close, use your wands and domain power. Next round, Travel devotion to move next to him, Manifest as a free action, activate your tattoo, then move into his square. He has to make a DC 39 will save with a -22 penalty or be possessed.

Love the idea, although minor nitpicks: the cloak of cha+6 and the inner beauty spell are not available in E6: the former requires CL 8 (not obtainable in E6), and the latter is a Bard 4 spell, which doesn't exist in E6. So the save DC would be a little lower. Still a very likely one-shot.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Wildshaping Ranger Optimization
« on: February 19, 2014, 11:32:53 AM »
Another way to grab Alertness for MoMF is via Celestial bloodline, if those are in play. Doesn't set you behind for long, and bloodlines also increase your level-based benefits from all classes.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Advice Needed on Core Cleric Build
« on: October 22, 2013, 08:18:19 AM »
Quicken Spell at 3rd level? For quickening level -2 spells, I assume. Seriously, that's a good feat... once you hit 9th or 12th level. At 3rd, you want Craft Wondrous Item, or Extend Spell, or Improved Initiative. Or Spell Focus (Conjuration), so you can take Augment Summoning at 6th - and yes, summoning is just as good on a Cleric as it is on a Wizard, and you can accompany your summoned buddies in melee!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: September 20, 2013, 05:25:55 AM »
Woohoo! Really fun find here (excuse me if this is well-known):

8th level Kensai can transfer part of their BAB or base save bonuses to a willing recipient using the Instill (Ex) ability. Here's the text:

Quote from: Kensai
Instill (Ex): Once per day, a kensai...

.. Further note that there's no limit on how often or how much the Kensai can use this ability...

Erm, look at the text you quoted?

On a different note, I don't suppose this could be used for meeting prereqs?

Whoopsie.  :banghead

Oh well, still quite good if it lasts an hour... but the bonus gets much lower then, of course. A 20th level full BAB character with the Kensai Leadership chain still gets up to a +49 BAB for an hour each day, which isn't shabby considering most high-level groups' 15 min workday.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:06:39 AM »
Woohoo! Really fun find here (excuse me if this is well-known):

8th level Kensai can transfer part of their BAB or base save bonuses to a willing recipient using the Instill (Ex) ability. Here's the text:

Quote from: Kensai
Instill (Ex): Once per day, a kensai of 8th level or higher may take a full-round action to make a Concentration check (DC 10 + target's HD or character level) to impart some of his own ability into a willing ally he can touch. The kensai then transfers some of his power to the ally: He subtracts up to 1 point per class level from his base attack bonus and/or any or all of his base save bonuses and transfers the same amount to the recipient. The kensai regains the instilled power 1 hour later, when it transfers back out of the ally. If the ally dies before the instilled power is transferred back, the kensai must make a Fortitude save (DC 5 + target's HD or character level) or die as well. If he succeeds, he immediately gets his instilled powers back.

Note that the transferred BAB or base save points remain for an hour. Further note that there's no limit on how often or how much the Kensai can use this ability. Even though there's seemingly a cap in place (up to 1 point/class level), I don't see why BASE attack or save wouldn't stack, so just use this ability several times to transfer all BAB and saves to the recipient to build a real monster.

Once you've digested this, think about the Leadership feat. More specifically, think 20th level PC with an 18th level Kensai cohort. Who picks up Leadership himself and has a 16th level Kensai cohort. Who picks up Leadership again and has a 14th level Kensai cohort. Unfortunately, that's where the chain ends (Kensai cohorts need to be at least 13th level to have this ability). That still leaves us with a 20th level PC who has a BAB of +68 for (close to) an hour. And what will we do with that?


Min/Max 3.x / Re: The Lion Sorcerer
« on: September 12, 2013, 04:11:45 PM »
Stalwart Sorcerer blows Battle Sorcerer out of the water. Take that instead.

Oh, and be a Necropolitan (ritual of crucimigration after all class levels are taken, if you can manage it). That changes your HD to d12 for all levels, and Stalwart Sorcerer grants an extra +2 HP/level. Nice!

Funny, wanted to put the Duergar too.

AFB right now, but would tauric replace all the heads on a Hydra, or just one of them? Could you be multi-tauric? That would get us somewhere, I guess.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: July 15, 2013, 08:29:53 AM »
One of the favored weapons of the goddess Akadi is a whirlwind  :twitch. I'm not sure how that works by RAW...maybe since she's the queen of elemental air, it's the whirlwind attack of air elementals? Anyways, use the spiritual weapon spell and create FORCE WHIRLWINDS  :evillaugh.

I wonder if there are other dieties with weird favored weapons...

Chauntea has a sheaf of grain. Yeah. Beating around the bush much?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: July 05, 2013, 06:28:26 PM »
Potion of Blood, from Kalamar: set your race to anything you like for purposes of items only.  Now use a Potion of Blood to become a horse.  You can wear the horseshoes!  Note: if anyone ever uses a magic item to detect your creature type, they get very confused.


Good stuff, this works perfectly! Although it'd still be rather painful to get to actually wear these things...

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: July 05, 2013, 08:14:51 AM »
I have a good one, but it's from Savage Species, so may I be excused for any ridiculousness occurring:

Horseshoes of Flame: these little buggers grant an ordinary horse 90ft fly speed (good maneuverability), +1d4 fire damage to all hoof attacks, +2 Dex, +10 Int, +6 Cha. For 30,240gp, this is a complete steal.

"OK, now my horse is half as smart as myself, what about it? Why should I spend a fortune on this again?"
"Silly, it's not for your horse, it's for you!"
"What? You're trying to make me angry or what?"
"Look, you moron, you're a Wizard/Bard/Sorcerer/Beguiler/whatever with lots of ranks in UMD, right? Got any ideas how this one might be useful to you?"
"But, but... I'll look ridiculous!"
"What do you care? It's +10 Int, +6 Cha! And it makes you fly!"
"Well, you've convinced me. But how do I put them on?"
"That, my friend, is really simple. Let me just get mine old hammer and some nails...  :smirk"


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Augment Summoning
« on: June 27, 2013, 09:46:19 AM »
Basically, as long as you make sure to summon some stuff every combat, you don't need to do anything else to contribute. Greenbound Ashbound wolverines kick ass at 3rd level, as do GB AB crocodiles. Spend your open feat on whatever you want (even Zen Archery, though IMO it's a waste), and you'll still be just fine. Hell, you bring more raw fighting power to the table than two Fighters! Plinking away with a longbow for an occasional d8 will just make you feel smaller in the pants than if you hang back and relax until your animal companion and summons have finished the fight.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Druid6 vs Wizard6
« on: June 25, 2013, 08:47:04 AM »
Frost Breath is hardly encounter-ending, the daze effect only lasts for a round, and the damage is inconsequential. Good spell? Sure. I-win-button? Nope.
Kelpstrand, though... I'd forgotten about that one. Funny, was just recently statting out a Druid 6 villain for my E6 campaign and actually gave her Kelpstrand.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Druid6 vs Wizard6
« on: June 24, 2013, 10:01:29 AM »
The comparison really, really depends on party roles chosen. Classes don't exist in a vacuum. Druids CAN do a lot of different things, but at the low levels, what are they gonna do most of the time? Buff a bit, heal a bit (yes, even still using actual spell slots at level 6), BC a bit, scout a bit, and bring a friend a bit. But can they memorize a bunch of potentially encounter-ending spells similar to Glitterdust? I feel like at the early levels, Druids are called upon to do a lot of things, and don't much excel at any of these yet.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: June 24, 2013, 09:56:00 AM »
Been thinking about the elemental turning thing lately, you know, the special ways of turning creatures with elemental subtypes granted by the Air, Earth, Fire and Water domains. Some of the things those elemental creatures can do are amazing, if you can just get your turns to stick, so you actually command and don't only rebuke. For example, your 14th level Cleric might want a permanent planehopping taxi in the form of a Djinni (genies get to Plane Shift themselves and up to eight creatures at will). Or your 6th level Cleric could do with the excellent, excellent scouting that is afforded by commanding a Minor Xorn. I haven't really thought this through to the end, but to me it seems this is a great, and much overlooked ability.

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