post some crazy stuff.
Here is the latest version of my weapon handbook.
What's in it? EVERYTHING. Every Weapon. EVERY. WEAPON. If It even LOOKS like a weapon, it's in there. It's got ammo. Not just ammo, but ALL THE AMMO. If you can launch it, throw it, drop it, or hell, EVEN SPIT IT (yes, both the poison tooth and the mouth darts), I got it in there.
It's got all the Poisons! You wanna poison someone, it's got your poison. Contact, Injury, Ingestion, Inhaled. You want someone dead, or just to wish they were dead, or melt the face off a lich, or maybe dissolve them into a puddle of bubbling goo, That last one will take some work, but it's not impossible!
What if you want to put magical crap on your weapons? Tired of the same old tired list of tired old WSAs that make for the same tired old combinations? (I gots those, BTW) Well then try the BRAND SPANKING NEW LIST OF EXTRAPOLATED WEAPON SPECIAL ABILITIES!!!
Combine Speed with Offhanded and Serpent Tooth to get three extra actions a ROUND! Figure out how many different WSAs you can stick on THE SAME PAIR OF GAUNTLETS! Increase your caster level by holding a Stick! Learn how to make the ultimate weapon of tripping! Trick out your Crossbow like you were on a Reality TV Show about making Custom projectile medieval Weapons!
I'm Frickin' Tired! This has given me a huge god damn headache! I haven't gone to the barber in over two months, and my hair looks like I'm an escaped Extra from The 1965's TV show The Monkees!
Download Now and I won't CARE cause I'm going to go to bed and then maybe play Borderlands 2 for a while, BECAUSE I ENJOY WEARING JACK'S FACE!!!
Servers are STANDING BY!!!