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Messages - Baran

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Warlocks in Pathfinder
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:19:39 AM »
the new GM wants absolutely nothing to do with the 3.5 rules.
Maybe you shouldn't play Pathfinder then? There are other systems.

No there aren't. Don't be silly.

We're actually very happy with the current arrangement, and the switch along with the new GM was a symbolic gesture, but also because it's easy to find lots and lots of PF adventures at Half-Price Books while 3.5 stuff is getting more rare and expensive, and he finds it annoying to mix the rule sets.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Warlocks in Pathfinder
« on: February 24, 2014, 12:50:43 PM »
You're moving to Pathfinder to get away from rules bickering?  BWWWWWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHhhh...

Yeah, I know. We've been playing PF for about eight months now, and we still have rules disagreements fairly frequently, but we usually resolve them in a few minutes because the source of the bickering left in a huff when he couldn't be the GM anymore. Yet the wounds persist, and the new GM really hates the idea of mixing the rules revisions. I'm pretty happy with the alchemist and magus that I've run so far, and the harmony makes the RP more fun, so I'm not looking to rock the boat.

Thanks for the help everyone. I'll be passing that homebrewmajig on to my GM.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Warlocks in Pathfinder
« on: February 23, 2014, 12:44:25 AM »
I've always enjoyed the way that warlocks play, but when my group moved on to Pathfinder, we did so as part of a total break from a bad GM/player relationship (The old GM quit, feeling "usurped," in his own words), and, as the major reason that all of this went down was hours and hours of unproductive rules bickering, the new GM wants absolutely nothing to do with the 3.5 rules. So my question is, is there any way to hack together something that plays like a warlock using only official Pathfinder material? The limited powerset/unlimited casting/"spell cannon" feel is what I'm looking for, and the general out-of-place/weirdo flavor would also be nice. The answer seems to be no, but I am just not the rules scholar that I once was. Any help in this endeavor would be much appreciated.

Gaming Advice / Re: Swift Concentration
« on: June 21, 2013, 05:08:47 PM »

Gaming Advice / Swift Concentration
« on: June 20, 2013, 11:49:40 PM »
Can Swift Concentration be used to activate a previously cast Call Lightning or redirect a spell effect like Spiritual Weapon?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Problem Solver in a Very Limited Campaign
« on: May 08, 2013, 04:14:24 PM »
Thanks for all of the ideas, folks.

By the rolled ability scores and use of all core I see that your DM has basically no experience whatsoever, so be wary for nightmarishly over the top challenges and/or snapping his game in two the moment you cast a decent spell.

 We're actually doing this "no-frills" adventure with one of the players in our current game GMing because we spend 3-4 hours out of a nine-hour session bickering about something or other, and we're hoping that fewer rules will mean less to argue about.  My contention is that 90% of the bickering we do is over things in the PHB ("WTF is an overrun?" kind of stuff) and that a third of the classes in the PHB are terrible, but nobody believes me. Doing something where each player's turn is less than fifteen minutes long will be refreshing anyway. The current campaign is also so  heavily houseruled that the new GM contends (jokingly) that none of us actually knows how to play D&D to begin with. Current GM loves him some crit/fumble cards

Min/Max 3.x / Problem Solver in a Very Limited Campaign
« on: May 08, 2013, 01:59:21 AM »
We're starting a new campaign on Sunday. The setting is from the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter, but we are playing it 3.5. Allowed books are just PHB and DMG, with MM where necessary. I expressed interest in playing an arcane trickster, because when else would that be a viable option? The DM looked at the barbarian and cleric, then at me and said, "You'll have to be the one to solve the problems."

I am human, and we are starting at level 1. The character that I had in mind originally was a wizard to start, who was out "seeking adventure" because his lord caught him forging bank notes. the abiliity scores were rolled out in advance for the whole party, and are 16,15,15,14,12,11. I picked Str11 Dex15 Con14 Int16 Wis12 Cha15.

Really looking at a first-level wizard made me realize how far in over my head I am. That is a LOT of skill points to lose over Rog1, and I'd only have 6hp!

I don't know what the full party is going to be as yet, but there will be 5-6 players at the table including me. Suggestions?

Gaming Advice / Fleshgrinding
« on: November 03, 2012, 05:41:47 AM »
I'm looking at putting Fleshgrinding on a secondary weapon, but I want to clear something up first.

"In each round at the start of your turn, it au­tomatically damages that creature as if you had scored a normal hit with it (including damage from the weapon's enhancement bonus, other weapon properties, and your normal bonus from Strength, but not extra damage from feats such as Power Attack)."

If I put this on a lance and deal double damage on a mounted charge, will it continue to deal double damage on each subsequent round? I'm leaning toward no, because that's not really a "normal hit," but that could count as a "weapon propert[y]," unless that's only referring to magical properties such as flaming, etc.

It may just be better to put this on a dagger, though even with my half-ogre's 34 str, that's only 1d6+13 for a +1 fleshgrinding dagger. At a party level of 14-16, we're well into the rocket tag stage, and it may not be worth it at all. Your thoughts?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Edition Weirdness
« on: September 01, 2012, 09:09:17 PM »
I just found out that Masters of the Wild is fair game in the game I'm playing, so instead of being a Master of Many Forms, I decided to go with Shifter, and, while by 15th level I'll get virtually unlimited forms, changeable once per round as a move action, I'm a little confused as to whether I get their (Ex) abilities or not. I did some digging into the way 3.0 wild shape is supposed to work, and came up with this:


Wild Shape: At 5th level, a druid gains the spell-like ability to polymorph self into a Small or Medium-size animal (but not a dire animal) and back again once per day. Unlike the standard use of the spell, however, the druid may only adopt one form. As stated in the spell description, the druid regains hit points as if he or she has rested for a day. The druid does not risk the standard penalty for being disoriented while in the wild shape.

Polymorph Self:
The polymorphed character acquires the physical and natural abilities of the creature he or she has been polymorphed into while retaining his or her own mind. Physical abilities include natural size and Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores. Natural abilities include armor, natural weapons, and similar gross physical qualities.  A body with extra limbs does not allow a character to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal.  Natural abilities also include mundane movement capabilities, but not magical flight and other magical forms of travel. Extremely high speeds for certain creatures are the result of magical ability, so they are not granted by this spell. Other nonmagical abilities (such as low-light vision) are considered natural abilities and are retained.

"nonmagical ability" suggests (Ex) abilities to me, and low-light vision specifically is an (Ex) ability. Does this mean that I'm supposed get (Ex) abilities from first level?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Trolling
« on: August 21, 2012, 05:09:52 AM »
I ended up creating a half-ogre Crusader and an MoMF out of this situation. We'll see which the DM prefers. So what's the advantage of a wildshape ranger over a druidic avenger for an MoMF?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Trolling
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:22:50 AM »
How dead-set are you on making a full-on troll?  A caster could just polymorph you.

I'm not really dead-set on it, but if I can't make it work, then I'll just play something else entirely.

With +5 LA, you'll need 15th class levels to buy off your first point of LA, and racial HD and level adjustment don't count toward that.  So, that'd be at ECL 26.

Oof, maybe this can't work.

Have you considered having yourself made into a bladerager troll (Monster Manual V)?

Wow, that might actually be worth a +5 level adjustment, but there's no official progression for it. I think I'll just play a half-ogre instead, but I'll keep that in mind for when the campaign hits 11th level--We play a sort of "Heroes Unlimited" franchise that was founded by an adventuring company ten years previous, so characters are always coming and going.

Thanks, Enda and Maat.

Min/Max 3.x / Trolling
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:45:58 PM »
I'm playing a troll.

Recipient of a special vision from Ilmater, he now uses his incredible toughness to protect the smaller, weaker lifeforms from harm, and one day seeks to bring all trolls into the service of the Broken God.

He has a permanent Greater Magic Fang on all three natural attacks (houserule is that permanent spells interact with dispelling/AMFs the same as magic items so I'm in the clear on that),
+1 mithral chain shirt (nonproficient, but no armor check penalty. Lookie, I'm a certain hobbit!) and amulet of natural armor +1.
Currently 7th level (Savage Species progression) with 53 HP, AC of 21, saves of 11/4/3, and Regeneration 1. I have two feats. I'll attempt to buy off a little LA when I can (14th and 17th levels.  :-\ )

a) What should my two feats be? Is the +5 to Will saves from Steadfast Determination worth taking Endurance as my only other feat?
aa) Is there a version of SD for Reflex saves?
b) What's a good class to get into at level 12? I'm thinking that Crusader might be a good choice since I can use my 6 racial HD to start getting 2nd level maneuvers out the gate.
c) Can you get my HP/AC any higher?
d) Anything else?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fighter/rogue hybrids
« on: August 08, 2012, 11:22:56 PM »
I had considered swordsage and factotum, but the problem is that the DM has zero familiarity with ToB and Dungeonscape. He didn't meant 85 skill points, but an 85 point buy (counting from zero). I'll bring up the martial rogue and Able Learner at least.

Min/Max 3.x / Fighter/rogue hybrids
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:24:09 PM »
We have a new player in the group whose first game will be Saturday (Aug 11). He came to me asking about making a "fighter who does thief things." I'm having some difficulty with this since I've never actually played this kind of character, so I'm reprinting our conversation here with his permission.

Joe said:
 I was thinking about making an elf figher/thief ... with the thief being unknown... would that be a 6/6 class ? I haven't played since 2 ed... so don't know a lot of the changes ... I can always play a ranger too, but would rather do a fighter/ "thief" if possible. I would need 85 points in skills which I can do , just need to know what class is allowed.

I said:
That depends heavily on what you want out of your character. I'm not familiar at all with 2nd ed, though.
((combat-focused rogue build))
 You will be able to find and disarm traps, have a general awareness of what's around you, sneak up on opponents, avoid opportunity attacks while on the move, set up flanks, hit other people who are on the move, and feint as a move action (Bluff check to make opponent disregard you).

Joe said:
 I want a fighter that the group doesn't know is also a thief, helps in picking up valuables to better gear the character or to avoid getting the group into trouble, by his sneakiness. Had a fighter that actually would pick locks with knives and swords if he couldn't just brute strength the lock...  group never found out he was actually a thief also. he had fun with the random pick pocket and appraisal runs..

I said:
I'm having trouble modeling this character in third edition, the main problem being that fighters don't get enough skill points to cover what you want to do. So, with your permission, I'm going to post this conversation on a message board and see what they come up with. Let me know.

Books: Core is preferred, but a feat or two from Completes is usually fine. Of course, something simple is preferred since he hasn't played in a decade or so.


Min/Max 3.x / Re: Burning a hole in my pocket
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:17:01 PM »

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Burning a hole in my pocket
« on: March 07, 2012, 05:33:08 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. another question: I have a leap attacking charger. Would using the anklet to teleport ten feet straight up count as a) a charge, b) a leap attack, and c) falling object damage negatable to myself only with a DC15 Jump check? :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Burning a hole in my pocket
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:12:44 AM »
... so basically you're playing a No Gear game.
And that's with a class that has a rather specific Gear making role.

Actually, no. It's more of a convergence of rapid level gain from beating a high-level encounter on wits alone and running away from an army of drow that we just keep on pokin'. We'll have enough chain shirts and rapiers to outfit our own army in a couple more sessions. :D
But that doesn't do us much good right now.

Gorfnab: Why specifically a mithral chain shirt? Curious what extra that would do for me.

Min/Max 3.x / Burning a hole in my pocket
« on: March 05, 2012, 12:50:49 PM »
I'm currently playing a Xeph warlock (5th level, blaster, headed for Hellfire Warlock). I had all of my stuff taken away a couple of levels ago by slavers and the loot has not been forthcoming since. The organization we work for has decided to give us some money for our third trip into the Underdark. Cave/temple/Drow outpost-style adventure.

They gave us 2000gp, so I have:

A standard adventuring kit
A scroll of ghoul touch

Invocations: Eldritch Spear, Sickening Blast, Baleful Utterance

UMD check of +11, Deceive Item

He's been pretty permissive so far on what books we can use, but I'm sensing a coming snapback if I stray too far past core+completes. Feel free to suggest outside of those, though.

Thanks in advance!

Introduce Yourself / I'm new! (I'm not from the old board)
« on: March 05, 2012, 12:50:35 AM »
I'm from Columbus, Ohio, USA
Love me some 3.5, will play 4.0. Have always wanted to try World of Darkness and Shadowrun and whatever the fad game was five years ago.
I like to ride bikes, but don't have a bike to ride.  :(

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