The Spellshaping Codices / Re: Discussion and Suggestion Thread
« on: September 03, 2012, 01:59:20 AM »Thing is, savants are an intelligence-based class very strongly themed around knowledge. The time travel ability is more of an anticipation defense than an "oh shit" button. An "Agh oh God get me out" ability makes sense for a more spontaneous character type, but a class that is based around tactical knowledge and planning should have defenses that play that way, as well.
I think that event tactical-based character have access to immediate actions (warblades and their counters, wizards and immediate action spells). Moreover, usefulness of standard action self-only time hop is quite vague. First one is to disappear when things go tough and cease fighting totally. Okay, no problem with that, but at later levels everyone would have access to much better escape buttons. Second one is to tactically disappear to gain some advantage and this use is not so great even at low levels. You spend your very valuable standard action (this means no attacking) and disappear. In the meantime enemies can easily focus on rest of your team. If this ability was immediate action, as conjurer's Abrupt Jaunt, at least one of the enemies would lost his attack or special ability.
If you want to keep standard action activation time, at least give this ability better scaling and at higher level usable on objects and eventually enemies.
So, anyone who knows me personally knows that I have a very complicated relationship with psionics. To whit: I'll pillage it for mechanics when appropriate, but I very strongly dislike the flavor. Very strongly.
Sounds like very complicated relationship. Thanks for clarification.