One of the big reasons I want these classes spelled out is because I GM an Epic 6 "E6" game where the PCs max out at level 6. After level 6, every 5000 xp you can earn a new feat, so there's still "advancement" but you never get to "wuxia" superman levels like you do in a "normal" game of D&D.
So anyhoo, I plan on making some of these "only available at X HD" abilities something you can get from E6 feats.
Is there a discussion of E6 monster classes anywhere?
No, but you're free to start a thread for it.
Is there a discussion thread highlighting each of the monster types (outsider, undead, etc) and marking which abilities in it should be available at what level? Immunities, not needing to eat or sleep, no critical hits or flanking, etc?
I'm guessing we're not concerned, here, with fiddly bits like the full explicitly spelled out "race" description including: Description, Personality, Physical description, Relations, Alignment, Lands, Religion, Language, Names, Adventurers, Ability mods at 1st level, Size, Speed, Vision, Weapon familiarity, Languages, and Favored class. That's fine. Most of that is campaign-specific anyway, and this is just a straight rules and abilities homebrew.
FireInTheSky produced an expanded index that covers specific details of each monster, altough it isn't updated with the latest monsters. You can find it right in the index thread.
Assuming it's already been discussed ad nauseum, where can I find a link to the nausious discussion of the "no ability penalties" thing I see in the core FAQ? I'm sure my concerns have already been voiced and I'd like to read about it on my own time rather than waste yours or the mods time asking them again.
Ironically enough, I've had nasious discussions about pretty much every aspect of this project over the years, but "no ability penalties" wasn't one of them.
If anything, most original monsters don't have ability penalties at all.
Some monster classes do have ability score penalties like the Pixie and
Nupperibbo and
But overall, I simply don't want monster classes to be instantly shohorned in any specific role by having massive penalties on some ability scores and big bonus on others.