I'm curious, SorO, does this 'debating style' work on anybody? Because from where I'm sitting, all you've done is throw random quotes that don't particularly apply to the situation while loudly proclaiming how stupid anyone who disagrees with you is. Are you being intentionally disingenuous or do you just like to post things without reading them? And now, in a new low, you've gone with the "well it doesn't matter, it's a stupid trick anyway, there are better options" tactic.
Why would that matter? Despite your rantings, it's not even "my" trick anyway. And it's not one I would actually use in a campaign - because in no campaign that I've ever played would the GM have been on board with infinite PP. It's a fun quirk of the rules, like much of this thread, but for some unknown reason you felt obligated to go ballistic about it.
So let's be clear - I'm arguing with you because you're wrong and obnoxious about it; that's reason enough.