This is making me rage.
Retroactively withdraw consent...
It's a BDSM oriented article, surely you've heard of safe, sane and consensual. The article is a bunch of long winded BS that at times suggests the author forgets what s/he is talking about, but it can be boiled down to communication and safe words.
Saying yes to being spanked for instance is ambiguous. Even if you agree on the less painful flogger the strength, speed, target, and aim create a lot of impossible to determine variables and pain tolerance MASSIVELY varies based on everything from mood, hormones, sleep, stress, to rolling fifty d20s. To counter this is the safe word, a way to call stop to things that exceed your level of tolerance. Safe words as you can expect are much debated, on the one hand a full-stop word gives the submissive the ultimate control and on the other how far should you push past someone's word to make them feel helpless? The answer is as unique as it is to the specific combination of participants, but that doesn't stop people from arguing what (probably doesn't) work for them.
Outside of sex and rape, without legal documentation otherwise you
can withdraw consent. You can tell people to get out of your car or house just as you can refuse to stop paying for your kid's insurance. This is why people from contracts, you agreed under the specific terms that you cannot take back your consent or you sold the product and you have chosen to given up all rights to it. Unless you're a dipshit in 50 Shades of Grey, you don't have a sex contract signed and notarized before hand do you?
I really want to play an old Mutants and Masterminds character that I never got to play.
Check the PbP forum, there's a guy that wants to run a game, we have two players, me and SorO_Lost, and we're short two. Basic premise is that you get to play a Marvel character, but it has to have some kind of twist in it. Mine is that i'm playing a Lady Deadpool who's also not-hideous (but thinks she is).
I looked at it but it isn't my style at all.
It's heroes doing stuff -_-
Do you need more focus on super-powered beat downs?
Is it the idea of leaping into the DC New 52 universe to dick punch Batman just something you're not on board with? I almost went with Professor X just so I could
systematically fire the X-Men.
I just noticed something.
We are on the NINTH iteration of the Small Rants Thread... And on the first iteration of the Happy Happy Joy Joy thread.
It seems that we, as a whole, are nine times more likely to complain than we are to be genuinely happy that something has happened.
This is unsettling. We need to become happier.
Heh. And all this time people thought I was the hateful one here. I've barely contributed to any of them.
All of those chat logs aren't reliable. Basically, her boyfriend made up a ton of lies about her. The various organizations that had someone do a review basically proved it was all false.
Meh, now you know what I think about all the bad cop shit hitting my FB news feed.
The last one was a pot smoking kid refusing to get out of his vehicle that went full on firing at the cop that pulled him over with one of the many guns he purchased illegally. But per the media it's a hate crime, the white cop dragged the bible thumping teen out of his car and shot an unarmed black kid for no reason, petitions
still are flying around demanding the cop to be charged with 1st degree murder. You can only imagine the trolling he receives daily because, generally, people need to commit seppuku but choose to ruin our day instead.