Thanks to the girl i'm dating having a completely different schedule than i do (she works night shift), my sleep schedule is completely out of whack, and my productiity is nearing zero.
So i have poontang, but everything else is falling out of place...
Sounds like everything is fine.
To quote Dave Chappelle:
Let me tell you something: if a man could fuck a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house.
For my own "rant" (not really a rant... just a dissappointment): I joined a game on another site, I was really excited about the ideas behind the campaign world, and made what I thought would be a fun character... and then in my first post I basically inadvertently ruined the whole character idea for someone else...
They're playing an outsider who is kind of brain-damaged and doesn't know what/who they are, and wanted to RP out "discovering" this... and I'm playing a guy obsessed with the planes...
So having made my knowledge check, I walked up to their character and opened with "So... you're a BLAH BLAH BLAH!? That's cool!"
Game has came to a complete halt at the intro phase now... with some discussion about expectations in the OOC, but nothing at all for 24 hrs...
I apologized, offered to retract it, explained my actions, even edited my post slightly (to make it a whisper instead of out loud)... basically to no effect... so far at least. I
really hope this doesn't kill the game...