Hellbred Rogue 1 / Shadow-Creature 1 / Shade 2 / Half-Fiend 1 / Trapsmight 1 / Swiftblade 5 / Uncanny Trickster(swift) 3 / Telflammar Shadowlord 4 / Swordsage 2Type: Outsider(hellbred, baatezu, good, evil, lawful, extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 1d4+14d6+5d8 (76.5) +180 (256.5 HP)
Initiative: +25 = +11 dex, +2 int, +1 sage, +3 unnamed (gloves), +5 insight (gloves), +2 unnamed (trait), +1 comp (ioun)
Speed (hasted): Land: 300ft = 30ft base (hellbred), +20 (sh), +10 (dark), +40 enhance(haste), +50% (sc), x2 (rapid)
Fly: 2,010ft (good) = [landx2=540] (wings), +20 (sh), +10 (dark), +40 enhance(haste), +50% (sc), x2 (rapid)
Burrow: 270ft = 20 base, +20 (sh), +10 (dark), +40 (enhance), +50% (sc), x2 (rapid)
Climb: 270ft = 20 base, +20 (sh), +10 (dark), +40 enhance(haste), +50% (sc), x2 (rapid)
Swim: 140ft = 30 base, +40 enhance(haste), x2 (rapid)
Armor Class: 26 = +0 armor, +0 shield, +11 dex, +0 wis, +10 deflection, +1 na, +7 en-na, -1 trait, -2 flaw.
Base Attack(Grapple): +14 (+27/FoM) = +0 rog, +0 sc, +1 sh, +2 hf, +0 ts, +5 sb, +2 uc, +3 sl, +1 ss.
Attacks: Submit To Me: +38 melee vs Flat-Footed, assumes stealth vs target I have not harmed.
Target must choose to disarm them selves and fall to prone to me or take (1d4+43+32*4, +10d6+20 sa, +1d20+45, 420 avg) damage.
Targets that die within 1 minute leaving no trace of murder, not even divination can be used to investigate.
Expends: Limiting Edict-Innocent's Curse, Flaw of Forgiving Shrine.
Assassinate: +35 melee vs Flat-Footed (1d4+39*4, +10d6+20, +1d20+45, 276 avg)
Targets that die within 1 minute leaving no trace of murder, not even divination can be used to investigate.
Expends: Limiting Edict-Innocent's Curse.
Teleport Flurry:
+1 Sword of Something +28/+28/+28/+23/+23 melee (1d8+35)
Bite +22/+22 melee (1d6+34) & Claw +22/+22 melee (1d4+27) & My Badass Beard +22/+22 melee (1d8+34)
Expends: Shadow Jaunt & Shadow Blink.
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft.
Specials (at a glance): Senses
Darkvision 120ft.
See Through Magical Darkness.
Telepathy 100ft & Mindsight.
Spot +11, Listen +11.
Immunities: DW/FoM/MB.
DR: 5/Cold Iron.
Resistance: Cold 20.
Fast Healing 10.
Evasion, Total Concealment, 50%/30% miss melee/spell.
Class Features:
Human (hellbred)
Infernal Mien: +2 intimidate.
Evil Exception: considered evil
Hellbound: need res or higher.
Devil's Favor: as feat.
Infernal Aspect(spirit): darkvision 120ft, see through magical darkness, telepathy 100ft.
Languages: Infernal + IntMod
Sneak Attack +1d6
Penetrating Strike
Shadow Creature
Shadow Body: extraplanar, low-light vision, darkvision 60ft, resistance to cold (hd).
Unnatural Stalker: +(hd/2) hide/move, +50% spd.
Shadow Blend: 50% concealment if not in daylight.
Unnatural Skill: +2 luck to saves, evasion, plane shift 1/day, cause fear 1/hr, fast healing (hd/2).
Shade Body: life span length x10.
Light Unpowering: lose shade abilities in daylight.
Shadow Speed: +20ft to all speeds.
Night Field: chamod to deflection, +(hd) hide/move, spot/listen +(hd/2).
Control Light: 100ft -100% light level, for each 25% +1 circum to hide.
Dark Healing: fast healing (hd/2).
Dark Blow: chamod as comp to dmg.
Shadow Stride: (hd*20)ft shadow jump, 2rnd cooldown.
Black Blessing: sr 11+(hd).
Tainted Body, 2 claws (1d4+str) & bite (1d6+1/2str), +1 na, +(hd) vs poison.
Smite Good: (hd/5)+1/uses, +chamod to att, +(hd) to dmg.
Ability Increase: +1 con.
Booby traps (simple): build lame traps.
Master Disarmer: +(ts lvl) to disable, open, search.
Trap Sense +1: +1 to saves vs traps.
Spellcasting: int/prepared based.
Spring Attack: bonus feat.
Swift Surge +2/+10 ft: +1 dodge ac & +10 enhance to spd while hasted.
Blurred Alacrity: +50 miss from melee while hasted.
Sudden Casting: haste is a swift action.
Arcane Reflexes: +int to init.
Evasive Celerity: +30% miss vs targeted spells while hasted.
Uncanny Trickster
Fortified Hustle: haste is extraordinary.
Bounding Assault: bonus feat.
Telflammar Shadowlord
Shadow Sight: see through magical darkness
Shadow Jump: (cl*20)ft/day shadow jump.
Shadow Blur: gain blur if not in daylight.
Shadow Walk: +1/day.
Shadow Pounce: full-attack after teleporting.
Spellcasting: int/prepared based.
Quick to Act +1: +1 init.
Discipline Focus: weapon focus.
AC Bonus: wis to ac.
Maneuvers: 7 known, 4 ready, 2 stances.
Saves: All : +16 = +6 sacred (bracers), +5 resistance (vest), +1 competence (ioun), +2 luck (sc), +2 insight (boots).
Fort: +31 = +9 con, +0 rog, +0 sc, +3 sh, +0 hf, +0 ts, +1 sb, +1 uc, +1 sl, +0 ss.
Relf: +50 = +11 dex, +2 rog, +0 sc, +3 sh, +2 hf, +2 ts, +4 sb, +3 uc, +4 sl, +3 ss.
Will: +28 = +0 wis, +0 rog, +0 sc, +3 sh, +2 hf, +0 ts, +4 sb, +1 uc, +1 sl, +3 ss, -2 flaw.
Abilities (PB32): Str: 36 (+13) = 14 base, +2 (nyr), +2 profane (lit), +2 sacred (lht), +16 enhance (botw)
Dex: 32 (+11) = 16 base, +4 level, +4 inherent, +2 (nyr)+6 enhance (gen)
Con: 28 (+9) = 14 base, -1 racial, +1 level, +2 inherent (leg), +2 profane (lit), +2 sacred (lht), +8 enhance (botw)
Int: (+2) = 14 base,
Wis: 10 (+0) = 8 base, +2 enhance (ng)
Cha: 30 (+10) = 12 base, +2 racial, +4 profane (de), +4 sacred (ra), +8 enhance (ng)
Skills: Rogue (8): +4 Hide/Move/Sleight/UMD/Search/Disable/Open/Craft(trapmaking)/Bluff/Diplomacy.
Shadow Creature (2): +1 Search/Disable*.
Shade (4*2): +3 Craft, & +2 Disable/Search*, +0.5 Open*.
Half-Fiend (4): +1 Craft, & +1 Search/Disable*, +0.5 Open*.
*Need Craft(trapmaking) 8, Disable 8, Open 5, Search 8.*
Trapsmith (6): +5 Sleight, +1 Search, & +1 UMD*
Swiftblade (4*5): +5 Balance, +1 Tumble, & +5 Hide/Move*, +2 UMD*.
Uncanny Trickster (8*3): +10 Diplomacy, +10 Hide/Move.
Telflammar Shadowlord (4*4): +1 Bluff/Slight, +4 Hide/Move, +14 UMD.
Swordsage (6*2): +6 Diplomacy*.
Balance: 5 = +5 sb.
Tumble: 1 = +1 sb.
Hide: 65 = +4 rog, +5 sb, +10 uc, +4 ts. & +11 dex, +20 sh, +2 tool, +1 comp (iuon), +8 dark.
Move: 63 = +4 rog, +5 sb, +10 uc, +4 ts. & +11 dex, +20 sh, +2 tool, +1 comp (iuon), +6 dark.
Sleight: 20 = +4 rog, +5 trap, +1 sh, & +11 dex, +2 tool, +1 comp (ioun), -4 graft.
UMD: 34 = +4 rog, +1 trap, +2 sb, +14 ts. & +10 cha, +2 tools, +1 comp (iuon).
Bluff: 28 = +4 rog, +1 ts. & 10 cha, +2 tool, +10 enhance (voice), +1 comp (iuon).
Diplomacy: 45 = +4 rog, +10 uc, +8 ss. & 10 cha, +2 tool, +10 enhance (voice), +1 comp (iuon).
Search: 14 = +4 rog, +1 sc, +2 sha, +1 hf, +1 trap & +2 int, +2 tools, +1 comp (ioun).
Disable: 18 = +4 rog, +1sc, +2 sha, +1 hf & +11 dex, +2 tools, +1 comp (ioun), -4 graft.
Open: +15 = +4 rog, +0.5 sh, +0.5 hf. & +11 dex, +2 tools, +1 comp (ioun), -4 graft.
Craft(trap): 8 = +4 rog, +3 sha, +1 hf.
Spot +11 = 0, & +0 wis, +10 sh, +1 comp (iuon).
Listen +11 = 0, & +0 wis, +10 sh, +1 comp (iuon).
Feats (2 flaws, not in order): Flaws: Vulnerable & Weak Will
Flaw Bonus: Blind-Fight & Dodge
Swiftblade 1: Mobility
Swiftblade 7: Bounding Assault
Uncanny 1: Elusive Target
Uncanny 2: Hover
Uncanny 3: Improved Maneuverability
Pact 1: Adaptive Style
Pact 2: Mindsight
1st: Darkstalker
3rd: Craven
6th: Quicker Than The Eye
9th: Extend Spell
12th: Persist Spell
15th: Forbidden School(
immortal smoke)
18th: Shadow Blade
Items (WBL 760k, spent 180k+553,994, 26,006 left): Main Hand: +5 Manyfanged Dagger (80,302)
sic hidden blade Secondary Main Hand:
Some kind of sword that costs 20k. Hands: +1 Eager Warning Initiative Chainmail Glove of Taarnahm the Vigilant (21k)
Armor: N/A
Head: N/A
Face: N/A
Neck: Greater Collar of Umbreal Metamorphosis (22k)
Shoulders: N/A
Torso: Shirt of Wraithstalking (9k?) with Resistance +5 (25k) and Dexterity +6 (36k)
Waist: N/A
Boots: Boots of Mountaineering (26k)
Bracers: +6 Empyreal Bracers of Armor (64k)
Ring 1: Ring of DarkHidden (6.7k)
Ring 2: Ring of Mind Shielding (8k)
Grafts: Fast Leg (4k), Strong Leg (8k), Burrowing Claws (30k), Legacy Feather Wings (38k+10k), Arm of Nyr (12.8k)
Slotless: Ioun Stone[Pale Green Prism] (30k).
Carried: Rapid Wreath (11,702), Handy Haversack (2k), Masterwork Tool x12 (600gp).
Packed: Wand of Lesser Restoration (1,500gp)
Drow Insignias: Pass without Trace x4 (1,240gp), Endure Elements (310gp), Unseen Servant (310gp) x1, Magic Aura (310gp) x11.
Magical Locations: N/A
Other: Pact (feat, feat), Spellcasting Services[wishx4] (106,120).
Nonlegacy game statistics: Feathered Wings.
Requirements: Anything that fits my build at the 6th level.
Penalties: Table 4-3 (for rogue-like characters): -3 skills, -20 HP, 38,000gp.
Legacy Rituals: 1) Sneak through a camp unseen. 2) Assassinate, sic one-hit-kill, equal CR. 3) Endure an enemies wrath.
Legacy Item Abilities
Least: Telekinetic, Nondetection, Vision, Spider Climb.
Lesser: Cunning, Between the Ribs, Uncanny Dodge, Slippery Barrier, all slots used.
Greater: FoM, Mind Blank, Death Ward, all slots used.
Spellguards: Contingency (26.8) & Dimension Leap (2.4) x2
Duality: Lesser Infernal Transformation (11.4) & Lesser Holy Transformation (11.4)
I can hit now: Bite of the Werebear (26.8)
Charisma: Rightous Aura (11) & Devil's Ego (6.4)
Super Sneak Attack: CL21 Hunter's Eye (16.4)
And now I have a Swim Speed: Nixie's Grace (26.8)
Social Adapt: Voice of the Dragon (11.4)
Cost: 180,000gp
Spells: I haz haste!
Maneuvers: Known 7, Ready 4, Stance 2.
Shadow Stride, Shadow Jaunt*, Shadow Blink*.
Limiting Edict-Innocent's Curse*, Flaw of Forgiving Shrine*.
And Any 2.
Stances: ?, Assassin's Stance.