THE FAMILIAR "Meow. Meow meow meow meow meow." You have morphed your Familiar into a humanoid and can focus your spells through him, making most onlookers believe you are the Familiar due to your Cat Burglar training. GENIUS!
BECOMING A FAMILIAR Several levels of Sorcerer will be required.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Class Abilities: Kitty Form (Humanoid Form is using the Mows Alternate Class Features)
Arcane Caster: Must be able to cast Arcane Spells without preparation, at least one of which must be a spell enhancing, or specific to, Familiars. Must have a Familiar.
Skills: Knowledge (Arcane) 6 ranks
Special: Must be willing to undergo a magic ritual taking up to 24 hours and costing you 1000 GP in materials.
Feat: Jibba Jabba (See Kitty Feats)
Familiar Skills The Familiar's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Cha), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int
Hit Dice: d4
[b] BAB Fort Ref Will Abilities[/b]
1. +0 +0 +0 +2 Meet Big Fat John +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
2. +1 +0 +0 +3 Familiar Spell Reversal +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
3. +1 +1 +1 +3 Enhanced Familiar +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
4. +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
5. +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
6. +3 +2 +2 +5 Enhanced Familiar +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
7. +3 +2 +2 +5 +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
8. +4 +2 +2 +6 +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
9. +4 +3 +3 +6 Enhanced Familiar +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
10.+5 +3 +3 +7 Bob Iz Family +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Weapon Proficiencies: The Familiar gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.
Meet Big Fat John (Su): Due to the ritual you have undergone, your Familiar now permanently appears to be a humanoid creature (see below).
Familiar Spell Reversal (Su): You may cast any spell with a target of 'your Familiar' or 'Familiar touched' on yourself instead. Additionally, you may choose for any reference to a Familiar in the description of a spell to instead refer to you. For example, if you cast Familiar Pocket, you may enter the extradimensional space in the garment or container as long as you're Tiny or smaller, even commanding yourself inside as a free action.
Enhanced Familiar: At 3rd, 6th , and 9th levels your Familiar gets a new ability depending on it's new appearance. These are listed with the Humanoid Familiars below.
Bob Iz Family (Su): At 10th level your Familiar can now be Resurrected if slain as a Full Round Action by 'losing' a spell of 5th Level or higher, and you lose no xp if he is killed.
PLAYING A FAMILIAR Your goal is to hide your supernatural powers (and your job as a supernatural spy for the Cat Burglars Guild) by convincing the world that you are a Sorcerer's Familiar.
Combat: You aren't a blaster. You're a sneak thief, combat is somebody else's job. That doesn't mean that you don't have combat spells, but you aren't optimized for it. Your Familiar on the other hand... He's been known to whup some ass...
Advancement: You can go several different ways with this class. You can concentrate on making your familiar ultra powerful and sending him into the fray. You can go the spy route and specialize in Divination and teleporting out of harms way. You can even be a tag team, using combos on opponents.
Resources: You have both the Cat Burglars Guild and whomever trained you in the mystic arts to draw upon. And of course your ever so neat familiar who can talk and sign legally binding paperwork you don't wish to....
FAMILIARS IN THE WORLD "You know John I just gotta say it, your Familiar scares the hell outta me for some reason. Somethin' weird bout that cat..." Usually the Guild will assign you some spellcasters Guild, social function, or place to infiltrate. Your Familiar then passes himself as a low level spellcaster while you follow him in and case the joint. In between assignments you act as magical backup if the authorities come calling.
Daily Life: You are a mystical spy for the Cat Burglar Guilds (and occasionally heavy artillery). Your Familiar spends it's time pretending to be a low level mage, allowing you access to all kinds of places as you accompany him in his job searches or assignments. If you happen to be available when the Guild is in trouble you also call down the rain of Fireballs.
Notables: Boris (CN Male Human Cat Burglar 3/Sorcerer 3/Familiar 6) and his Familiar Natasha (Outcast, looks like female Drow) are spies for the government trying to infiltrate the recent Drow immigrants which have been causing their country no end of grief. Princess (CG Female Elf Cat Burglar 3/Sorcerer 3/Familiar 6) and her Familiar Morgana (Diva) are currently spying on high society for the Guilds, disguised as a mystic singer, and her pet.
Organizations: The Wharf Cats are an organization of Familiars running a magic user only bar near the docks of a major port city. Most people find it odd that so many of the Wizards and Sorcerers there have kitty Familiars, but to each his own. While the towns mages come in to get drunk, the Wharf Cats get to steal their secrets.
NPC Reaction Most traditional Wizards look upon you with shock and appall. After all you place anyone with a familiar into question, and they don't like that. Other people still find you pretty spooky.
FAMILIARS IN THE GAME You'll probably end up giving mages a bad name. But that's okay because people suck. Cats are better (and kitty mages are the bestest).
Adaptation: This lends itself best to a spy type campaign, especially if it's a goofy one.
Encounters: Usually people will encounter you as your 'Masters' wee lil' kitty. Make sure to hiss at them and leave hairballs in their slippers if they are condescending.
Sample Encounter EL 12: As you walk into the bar you notice 3 cats, a Drow Priestess, an old man, and a Dwarven hooker playing poker. It's like the set-up of some bad joke, until they all slowly swivel their heads as one to stare at you. Maybe backing out the door slowly is a good idea...
BorisCN Male Human Cat Burglar 3/Sorcerer 3/Familiar 6
Init +2 (+5 KF),
Senses: Listen +x, Spot +x
Languages Common, Undercommon, Elven
AC x, touch x, flat-footed x (+2 Dex, )
AC Tiny x, touch x, flat-footed x (+2 Size, +5 Dex, )
hp 33 (12 HD)
Fort +4,
Ref +8 (+11 KF),
Will +10
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee Base Atk +6,
Grp +5 (-7 KF)
Atk Options Combat Gear Spells Known 0 (6/day, DC 13): Caltrops, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance, Silent Portal
1st (7/day, DC 14): Familiar Pocket, Net of Shadows, Protection from Law, Spirit Worm
2nd (7/day, DC 15): Augment Familiar, Misdirection, Veil of Shadow, Wall of Gloom
3rd (7/day, DC 16): Blacklight, Haste, Magic Circle Against Law
4th (4/day, DC 17): Symbol of Fear, Wall of Chaos
Caster Level 12
Abilities Str 8, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Abilities Tiny Str 3, Dex 21
SQ Purr, Feline Empathy, Kitty Form, Cat Powah +3, Kitty Magic (Innocence), Burglaring (Uncanny Dodge), Enhanced Kitty Form (Watchcat), Familiar (Outcast), Meet Big Fat John, Familiar Spell Reversal
Feats Battlecaster Defense, Combat Casting, Jibba Jabba, Practiced Caster, Shadow Veil, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +15, Concentration +6, Diplomacy +15, Gather Information +15, Hide +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (Local) +6, Listen +13, Move Silently +7, Search +6, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +7, Spot +7
Possessions EPIC FAMILIAR Hit Die: d4
Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int
Spells: The Familiars caster level is equal to his Character Level. He does not gain additional spells per day after 20th level.
Familiars: At 21st level the Familiar can Channel 9th level spells through his Familiar. At 25th level the Familiar can now Channel Epic spells through his Familiar.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Familiar gains a Bonus Feat every 3 levels higher than 20th.
HUMANOID FAMILIARS Once you undergo the Ritual of Bubnoff (origin of name unknown), your familiar undergoes a transformation seeming to become a humanoid creature. It now has the following changes:
Stats: The Familiars physical stats are the same as yours are in humanoid form, regardless of it's appearance. It's mental stats are now equal to 10 plus your Charisma modifier.
Attacks: The Familiar's BAB is the same as yours, and it now attacks as a humanoid (i.e. with weapons or unarmed strikes). It has the same Armor and Weapon Proficiencies you do.
Armor Class: The Familiar gains the same bonuses/penalties to AC that you do with the exception of Size.
Hit Dice: For purposes of all effects relating to hit dice, the Familiar has the same number of hit dice you do, and the same hit points.
Size and Type: The Familiars type is still Magical Beast, size is now Medium.
Saving Throws: The Familiars Saving Throws are the same as yours.
Skills: The Familiar uses it's own skill ranks or yours, whichever are better. Since it is constant contact with you it has access to your skills.
Powers: The Familiar no longer has the powers mentioned on 52-53 of the Players Handbook, and instead substitutes powers from the chart below (your Sorcerer and Familiar levels stack for purposes of your familiars abilities). It also now provides a different type of bonus based on it's new appearance.
[b] Master's Level Powers[/b]
1-2 Mindlink, Alert Duo, Share Spells
3-4 Channel 1
5-6 Tag Team +3
7-8 Channel 2
9-10 Tag Team +4
11-12 Channel 3
13-14 Tag Team +5
15-16 Channel 4
Mindlink: Both you and your familiar are in constant telepathic contact as long as you are within 1 mile of each other. What one of you knows both of you know.
Alert Duo: Neither you nor your familiar can be flanked if you are within 50 feet of each other.
Share Spells: Identical to the ability listed on page 53 of the Players Handbook.
Channel 1 (Su): You may channel any spell you can cast through your Familiar, and it appears as thought the Familiar has actually cast it. The Familiar must be able to move and speak (i.e. it is subject to the same restrictions for Verbal and Somatic components as you are), and one of you must have the Focus or Material components to cast the spell. At this point you may cast 0, 1st or 2nd level spells through your Familiar. You must be able to see your Familiar and he must also be within 50' to use this ability.
Channel 2: You may now cast 3rd and 4th level spells through your Familiar.
Channel 3: You may now cast 5th and 6th level spells through your Familiar.
Channel 4: You may now cast 7th and 8th level spells through your Familiar.
Tag Team: When you or your Familiar use the Aid Another attack to increase one another AC or Attack roll you get a better bonus. It increases to +3 at level 5, +4 at level 9, and +5 at level 13.
The Old Guy: Your familiar appears to be old, either the stereotypical wizard with a long white beard or perhaps someone's grandma. Both you and your familiar gain a +3 bonus on Gather Information checks. Everyone trusts grandma.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Gather Information checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Investigator as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Divination spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Fat Guy: Your familiar is vastly overweight. Perhaps you are the wheezing fat guy, or a plump society matron. Both you and our familiar gain a +3 Hit Points.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Concentration checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Improved Toughness as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Abjuration spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Freaky Guy: Your familiar is scary, with lots of piercing, scarification, tattoos, body mods,etc. Or maybe he's just the crazy homeless guy who talks to stuff. Both you and your familiar gain +3 on Intimidate checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Intimidate checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Persuasive as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Necromancy spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Buff Guy: Your familiar appears to be the warrior/mage, ye butt kicking amazon warrioress or the stereotypical barbarian. Both you and your familiar gain +2 on Fortitude Saves.
Level 3: A roll of 1 on a Fortitude Save is not an automatic failure for the Familiar.
Level 6: Familiar gains Great Fortitude as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Evocation spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The MILF: Helloooo hot Dwarf momma! Seriously though your familiar appears as an attractive mature individual of one of the humanoid races. Both you and your familiar gain a +3 on Diplomacy checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Diplomacy checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Negotiator as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Enchantment spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Outcast: While all the other humanoid familiars seem to be of acceptable races (i.e. human, elf, dwarf) yours is not. Yours appears as a humanoid whose species is frowned upon (i.e. Orc, Hobgoblin, Drow, ec.). Both you and your familiar gain +3 on your Hide checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Hide checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Stealthy as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Any spells with the following Descriptors Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level: Chaotic, Darkness, Evil, Fear, Good, and Lawful.
The Insurance Salesman: Your familiar is a charming con man, and looks the part. Will probably be trusted more in certain social circles than others (or optionally if he's high society he could be a lawyer). Both you and your familiar gain a +3 on Bluff checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Bluff checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Persuasive as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Illusion spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Noob: Your Familiar appears to be quite young (i.e. the equivalent of 14-16 in human years), and looks more like an apprentice than a full grown mage. Both you and your Familiar gain +3 on Listen checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Listen checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Alertness as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Divination spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Stranger: Your familiar has an appearance and accent impossible to place, and claims to be from far, far away. For example he might be 6'6", 275 pounds with sallow skin, no body or facial hair, blue eyes, bad teeth, and a Welsh accent. He is a foreigner with a made up past and country. You and your familiar gain a +3 on Sense Motive checks. And you can use being foreign as an excuse to get away with stuff.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Sense Motive checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Negotiator as a Bonus Feat
Level 9: Transmutation spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Nobody: Your Familiar appears to be a completely average and forgettable guy/gal. Both you and your Familiar gain a +3 bonus on Move Silently checks. No one pays attention to the Nobody.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Move Silently checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Stealthy as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Conjuration spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Diva: Your Familiar appears to be a performer of some kind (usually a singer). Both you and your Familiar gain a +3 bonus on one specific Perform skill.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Perform checks (the same Perform skill you have a Bonus in).
Level 6: Familiar gains Force of Personality (See Complete Adventurer) as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Enchantment spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Nerd: Your Familiar appears to be a stereotypical, physically weak intellectual with his nose in a book all the time. Both you and your Familiar gain a +3 bonus on Knowledge (Arcane) checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Spellcraft checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Magical Aptitude as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Abjuration spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Cat Lady: Your Familiar appears to be someone whom animals respond to well. A crazy old cat lady, or a ranger or druid perhaps. Both you and your Familiar gain a +3 bonus on Handle Animal checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Handle Animal checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Animal Affinity as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Conjuration spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Thief: Your Familiar appears to be an obvious criminal. Both you and your Familiar gain a +3 bonus on Knowledge (Local) checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Knowledge (Local) checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Deceitful as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Transmutation spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Preacher: Your Familiar appears to be a shaman, voodoo priest, or other religious fanatic. Both you and your Familiar gain a +3 bonus on Knowledge (Religion) checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Knowledge (Religion) checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Iron Will as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Necromancy spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Hippy: Your Familiar appears to be a veteran drug user of some sort. Or whatever other cultural stereotype fits someone who's always a little bombed out of their mind. Maybe even a garden variety alcoholic. Both you and your Familiar gain a +3 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Knowledge (Local) checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Great Fortitude as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Illusion spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.
The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight: Your Familiar appears to be an evocation specialist, Warmage, or perhaps a demented psychotic with an unhealthy obsession with explosions. Both you and your Familiar gain a +3 bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks.
Level 3: Familiar can always take 10 on Craft (Alchemy) checks.
Level 6: Familiar gains Skill Focus (Intimidate) as a Bonus Feat.
Level 9: Evocation spells Channeled through your Familiar are cast at +1 Caster level.