The loop isn't infinite, which is what I just said in my last post.
Look, it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. Ever. So let me explain it to you, the Wizard loses 5,000xp casting the Spell and it's when the Spell goes into effect it duplicates the target. So each clone has 5,000 less XP than the last and the pyramid will eventually become unable to cast 9th level Spells just past the third iteration (which has 12 clones).
Look, if you are too fucking stupid to read what I actually said, then maybe you should avoid expressing opinions at all, much less conclusively stating that I have no idea what I'm talking about in a bout of irony so funny it is painful. But here, I'll explain this like I would to a 4 year old, since that's what is required for you to understand:
1) There is a Wizard who is, hypothetically level 17 and he also has 10,000xp more than that. His Name is Jim.
2) Jim makes an Ice Assassin of himself. This costs 5000xp, he now has 5000xp. This Ice Assassin is named Bob and has 5000xp.
3) Bob makes an Ice Assassin of Jim, not of himself, of Jim. This Ice Assassin, called Cooter, has 5000xp, because he's a clone of Jim, who has 5000xp.
4) Cooter makes an Ice Assassin of Jim. Again, Jim. Not himself. This Ice Assassin is called Detroit, and has 5000xp.
5) Detroit makes an Ice Assassin of who? Can you fucking guess?
I also never said the Erudite was even using Ice Assassin or ignoring XP costs. That's a very poor assumption on your part built on your very limited knowledge and imagination being unable to think of any other possible way to produce an infinite value in D&D. Also, if your point starts off with how I need to acknowledge XP limitations, how exactly did you think the second part which is totally based on the Wizard ignoring XP costs gets a free double-standard pass?
No, you just strongly implied that Erudites don't have XP costs, because you said "Erudites have all the infinite combos of Wizards, but Wizards only have Wishing for Wishes, they can't infinite Ice Assassin because XP." Which is basically just you being the lying asshole you always are.
I don't care if the class you made up in your head does or doesn't have to pay XP costs, it really doesn't matter to me. I just thought it was funny that you thought that was a reasonable thing to claim. Ice Assassin and Astral Projection are broken, this shouldn't be news to anyone.
Also a Wizard cannot have 200 in Intelligence without abusing Manipulate Form, something a Psionic can equally perform through both Classes are out performed by the superior Divine Minion Template.
1) I didn't say "Intelligence" I said "Effective casting stat" because unlike Psions, Wizards can take a level of Tainted Scholar, and be undead, and cast DC too fucking high spells.
2) Their large amount of spells from a high casting stat really isn't that important, since they already have infinite spells, who cares.
Look, the using any PP generation trick the Psion begins to manifest Temporal Acceleration, each new Power resetting the duration giving a Warforged (no sleep needed or death form old age) Psion an infinite amount of Actions and Power Points. He could literally carry away a planet handful by handful leaving every living creature without an atmosphere or planet to hang out on or in. The Psion with nothing more than CPsi has an eternity to arrange for the mass genocide of an entire multiverse of creatures - because why just stop at one planet or plane? - before anyone even has access to 9th level Spells within the time limitation of a Swift Action and that's like one trick of many; but it's a trick that uses actual infinites that are easily obtainable to demonstrate what infinite power can just as easily be used to do. Even a poor TO 1x10^100^100 time plane to rest and recovery Spells are still has a larger limitation than that since again that's a finite number and the Wizard still blows 6 seconds of real time to interact with anything on the Material Plane. Hell, Wishing for a Ring of Wishes to wish for more Rings & Time Stops still takes several more levels to pull off and uses a Standard Action instead of a Swift, not to mention the initial 5,000xp start up cost which can't even be paid if two people built example 20th level builds unless bonus XP was also handed out. One is strictly better than the other and there isn't a contest between them.
Look, any Commoner can do the same thing with a staff of Timestop (or infinitely many of them) which comes online at level 5. You just ready an action to use the staff of Timestop with your auto success UMD check from an item during the Timestop, then when the Time stop ends, your readied action triggers and you enter a new times stop, do whatever you want for a round (such as using your staff of wish to wish for a new staff of timestop) and then ready an action again. Your super OP only Psion trick is doable by any level 5 character.