Author Topic: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]  (Read 8775 times)

Offline YuweaCurtis

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Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« on: September 14, 2017, 02:30:00 PM »
So yea, I'm a nerd...

Uchiha Bloodline
Level         Major Bloodline Abilities
1         Move Silently +2
2         Pool
3         Dexterity +1
4         First Tomoe (Taijutsu)
5         Influence Affinity +2
6         Second Tomoe (Ninjutsu)
7         Jump +2
8         Third Tomoe (Genjutsu)
9         Wisdom +1
10         Mangekyou Sharingan
11         Influence Affinity +4
12         Amaterasu
13         Climb +2
14         Susanoo (Skeletal)
15         Constitution +1
16         Susanoo (Musclebound)
17         Influence Affinity +6
18         Susanoo (Armored)
19         Bluff +2
20         Eternal Mangekyou, Susanoo (Perfected)

Pool: In order to support the powers and abilities of their bloodline, they naturally have a bigger pool of metaphysical energy than average. For the purposes of determining spell slots and/or power points you are considered to have +2 to your key ability score. If you have an essentia pool, add an additonal 2 to it.
First Tomoe [Taijutsu] (Ex): The first stage of the Sharingan activates, given you an increased ability to perceive movements. You gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC and competence bonus to attack, +1 for each five character levels.

Influence Affinity: Uchiha are skilled manipulators, especially of those already under the influence of their abilities. They gain this bonus on interaction checks with anyone who has failed a saving throw to one of their abilities within two rounds or are currently under the influence of them.
Second Tomoe [Ninjutsu] (Su): The Sharingan has the ability to perceive the flows of energies which gives you a better understanding elements. Pick a single element. For that purpose of for the purposes of using that element your caster/manifester/initiator (or the like) level is considered one higher.
Third Tomoe [Genjutsu] (Su): You can use any of your mind affecting effects such as special abilities and spells as Gaze attacks. However, action to use, number of targets, range and DC are based off the original ability. None costly material components aren’t needed, but you must have any expensive materials on your person (not extra dimensional space). In the latter case, they don’t need to have it in hand.
Mangekyou Sharingan (Sp): By either pushing their powers to the limits or going through extreme stress, the Uchiha has unlocked the highest tier of their doujutsu. Albeit a unstable form. It is able to be activated for a number of rounds per day equal to character level that need not be continuous, past that they take 2 Constitution damage a round. Choose a spell, power, or maneuver of 4th level. You can use it once every other round while Mangekyou is active, using your character level as caster/manifestor/iniator level and Charisma for DC.

Amaterasu (Sp): While Mangekyou is active the user can now use Produce Flame and Control Flame, using their character level as caster/manifester level. The range of Produce Flame becomes that of Control Flame. When using it against a creature they can make a Reflex save. If successful they take no damage and can take a 5 foot step. In this case the next thing within range is hit. Either way, things hit with it are sent on fire as well.
Susanoo [Skeletal] (Su): Bring their energy to the peak and willing it to take on a physical form, they begin to be able to form a giant know as Susanoo. At this stage then can only form the ribs and a single skeletal arm, which forms around you. It has and provides an Armor Bonus equal to ½ your HD, DR equal to ¼ HD, and 10 HP per HD. Its size is equal to the user’s and it has Powerful Build. It has a single martial melee weapon sized for a creature larger. It uses your base stats to attack, as well as your actions. Mangekyou must be activated for this to be used and each round it’s being use counts as a round against the total time Mangekyou can be active.
Susanoo [Musclebound] (Su): The Susanoo grows further defined, the skeletal structure of the torso completely and being grown over with muscle. At this stage it can either share your square or be adjacent to you. It loses Powerful Build, and becomes Large. It also has a head and both arms as well, though it only perceives what you do. It has a +2 bonus to Strength. You may allow other to stand within it, otherwise it counts as occupied space. If you are a larger size, adjust the Susanoo's size accordingly.
Susanoo [Armored] (Su): Finally, it is properly ready for combat, becoming armored and regaining Powerful Build . It is still only the torso however. It blocks line of effect to anything within it unless they want to be effected. It also gets another weapon of your choice, one which you must be proficient in. The initial weapon is considered to have a +1 enhancement bonus, while the second one has a +1 enhancement bonus +1 for each five character levels.
Eternal Mangekyou (Su): If the Uchiha has managed not to die by now, the peak of their power stabilizes. Mangekyou Sharingan has no limitation on activation, but the SLA gained from it gains a cooldown of 1d4+1 rounds. Susanoo now can be maintain for a round per character level, though these rounds need not be continuous. 2 Constitution damage can be taken to extend this by a round.

Susanoo [Perfected] (Su): Finally, the completed form! It loses Powerful Build for good and becomes Huge. At this point it has a full body and the user and anyone they allow (within carrying limits, of course) can travel around in its helmet. Also, you can cause it to “Clad” itself to other creatures and constructs. In this state it manifests as armor around the chosen target, which must be willing. The target gains half its Armor bonuses, it’s full DR, and half its ability scores on top of their own as well as Susanoo’s weapons. Said target has to be Huge or smaller, and of course similar bonus don’t stack with one another.

Rinnegan Bloodline
Level         Major Bloodline Abilities
1         Knowledge (The Planes) +2
2         Rinnegan
3         Wisdom +1
4         Six Paths
5         -
6         Six Paths
7         Knowledge (Arcana) +2
8         Six Paths
9         Dexterity +1
10         Six Paths
11         -
12         Six Paths
13         Diplomacy +2
14         Six Paths
15         Charisma +1
16         Six Paths
17          -
18         Six Paths
19         Intimidate +2
20         Six Paths

Rinnegan (Ex): The namesake of the power, this directly refers to the doujutsu itself. Whenever you would have some sort of duplicate, summon, familiar, or some other creature with a similar connection you can perceive things from their eyes as well as your own.

Six Paths (Su): The core powers of a user of Rinnegan, they are based off six paths of reincarnation, the Samsara. At each level this is marked they can choose one ability from the list below.
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« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 01:54:02 PM by YuweaCurtis »

Offline YuweaCurtis

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2017, 05:01:53 PM »
Okay it should be done now. I misclicked while testing charts earlier.

Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2017, 05:57:04 PM »
I see hints of those PMs in there but first thought, Uchiha is massively OP and needs some clarifications.

Uchiha Bloodline
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Rinnegan Bloodline
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Offline oslecamo

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2017, 09:15:51 PM »
* Asura, Ols's mecha content is horrendously unbalanced, consider the best blasting spells deal 1d6 per CL and maybe offer a save for half damage or a secondary effect. At level 5 Asura gives you a ranged attack that hits an area for 21d4 (52.5 avg dmg) that also halves their Dex/Dodge bonuses to AC and imposes a -4 penalty to Fort/Will and still attempts to Trip them and it gives a +6 unnamed bonus to the Opposed Check. No one can actually use this Bloodline without a massive campaign overhaul or the proper balance fixes. And the Accessory choice has much of the same problem except it's also confusing, can I get an escape pod for my body?

First, the arsenal is unlocked at 1/5 level, meaning something like the 21-tube missile launcher only becomes available at level 10.  And casters don't dominate with damage spells in 3.X, they dominate with spells that beat you regardless of what your HP actually is.

  And do you know what the irony is? It's not that you can steal a lv7 gun, but no one is going to run around stealing guns in the first place like you imagine them to because your guns suck so bad the only thing PCs are going to steal is a melee weapon, if it's better, and keep it forever.

By your own words my ranged arsenal weapons sssuuuccckkkk, you went on pretty long tirades about it not so long ago.

Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2017, 06:17:38 AM »
By your own words my ranged arsenal weapons sssuuuccckkkk, you went on pretty long tirades about it not so long ago.
Yep, over a year ago I compared your horrendously overpowered melee weapons to your simply overpowered ranged weapons and so I suppose there might be a lesson here: Don't over compensate.
(besides, I just picked the one with the most dice out of lv2 arsenal which simply happened to be a ranged area weapon and you created a lv5 wire hack that spams slow/daze/dominate every round too and the save dc is based off str)

He's better off simply using Modern's weapons.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 06:35:24 AM by SorO_Lost »

Offline YuweaCurtis

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2017, 10:56:55 AM »
  • Made it 10%
  • Keep going? I suppose I should put an upper limit to level? Also they still have to have access to the level in the first place. Made the extra slots 10%, though I may just bork that part all together.
  • Thanks
  • At this point I knew I was already doing too much. Also I guess I didn't want to think about it too hard for ease and so it wouldn't get bad. Also I'll point out that the SLA can only be used every other turn as I noticed you would be exceeding the uses of a dedicated caster.
  • It's technically a seperate entity, but it still takes your action to do anything. You have to get through it to get to the one using it (unless they aren't standing in it, of course).
  • Eh ya, I'll just make you unable to Clad yourself, which was actually my original thought (Susanoo armor though...).
  • I'll add a clause to the first part of Susanoo about size. Clarifed Mangekyou. Um, I meant any sort of abilites, but what's the best way to say that?

  • I could use suggestions on Deva in general.
  • Eh, I prefer to use Osl's but I put something in there as a variation.
  • Well, it's supposed to be able to drain... Not sure how to handle that honestly.
  • Yea, realized I forgot that when I got offline yesterday. It wasn't in my list and I miscounted. I'll add that in after I take care of the other issues. It's gonna be healing that requires the target to sit in the "Outer Path" for at least a round.

Added types to the abilities.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 11:08:46 AM by YuweaCurtis »

Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2017, 05:46:55 PM »
Probably just bork all the %s, go for something like +1 CL to [Fire] Spells or something. Remember, CL bumps not only make something more powerful, and longer lasting, and more likely to ignore SR , but over time they improve efficiency as well. Like a CL2 often deals twice as much damage as compared to CL1 which means you need half the Slots to deal the same. As for the wording on the Gaze, idk maybe "all effects such as special abilities and spells"

An ideas on Deva? Here is the original you asked about, no lv12 bonus through because like I said it is incomplete work.
Shinra Tensei (deva path)
Range: Short. Target: One creature or several (see text). Save: No, see text.
The caster violently shoves a single creature or object away from him. Treat this as a special ranged Bullrush Attack except instead of psychically overpowering your opponent you move them out of sheer magical ability. You do not gain bonuses for size or moving, and you use your primary caster ability (wisdom for dojutsu users) instead of strength. You gain a +8 bonus to this check and Dojutsu Users receive additional class related bonuses (see ninja training). If you push an opponent into a wall or other unmovable object, it takes 1d6 damage per 5ft of remaining movement. A creature moved this way falls prone provided they moved at least five feet.
Scalable 4th: Shinra Tensei can be used as an Cone shaped area attack with the range of 5ft per caster level. You make a single bull rush check and any creatures and unattended objects in the area make their opposed checks against this value.
Scalable 8th: Shinra Tensei can be used as an aura burst attack center on the caster with the range of 5ft per caster level. Like the cone shaped ability, you make a single bull rush check against multiple targets.
Scalable 16th: You can use Shinra Tensei's single target effect as an Immediate Action.
Special: Instead of pushing creatures and objects away you can instead pull them towards you. Creatures and objects immediately stop in an adjacent square even if they should move further. Creatures moved this way provoke an attack of opportunity from you for their movement when they stop or leave a threatened square as normal. This ability is referred to as Bansho Tenin.
And you could always create adaptions, like scale Asura's weapons to Modern's PL5 and note that in SWR games they can instead select Arsenal or something.

And it's nice you came back in and patched some stuff so fast.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 07:50:34 PM by SorO_Lost »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2017, 11:01:15 PM »
Eh, I prefer to use Osl's but I put something in there as a variation.
The option to take regular D&D weapons instead looks good.

Well, it's supposed to be able to drain... Not sure how to handle that honestly.
Recover HP and maybe gain some temp HP with cap if already full healed?

By your own words my ranged arsenal weapons sssuuuccckkkk, you went on pretty long tirades about it not so long ago.
Yep, over a year ago I compared your horrendously overpowered melee weapons to your simply overpowered ranged weapons


Using Gargantuan, 30 Str/Dex, for the opposing DR without Arsenal you can reach 35 so let's go with that.

A) A Greatsword deals 24d6+10 (94 avg), it costs 6,400gp but while Enhancement costs don't rescale making a Masterwork version costs 44,800 so let's just stick to that normal figure. Assuming three attacks per round because maybe you're looking at taking lv14 that's 118 after DR.
B) Focusing on Mech weapons, you can take Mightyx8, Pairedx1, & Rending. This gives you a double 4d8+26 (44 avg) per attack action, or 156 post DR after six attacks. More attacks, more damage, but costs several upgrade points.
C) For Heavy let's look at the Antiship Beam Sword which is one of the most powerful weapons and as lv3 can be Linked and assuming Mightyx8, you get two attacks of 9d12+36 (94.5) for 119 which comes out pretty close to the cheap Greatsword but has Power/Concussive/Disarming making it a better choice unless you need to trade those Mech properties away for gear-related Arsenal.

Seems fair right? Well let's look at Ranged. A +10 Longbow costs 140,800gp so instead let's just go with a Heavy Repeater for 16d8 (72 avg) which is three attacks and 111 after DR. Built-Ins via Tank become 3d8+26 (39.5 avg) or 129 after DR. And for Arsenal we have two choices, Linked lv3 comes to 3d6+26 (36.5 avg) or 9 after DR and none-Linked comes to 4d6+26 (40 avg) or 15 post DR. Even moving back to a Heavy Railgun for 12d10+36 (102 avg) even after post Rending DR that's only 84. Ranged Arsenal just isn't worth using.
By your own words, ranged arsenal's more worthless than plain crossbows, and melee weapons were "fair". That is not the meaning of overpowered.

And indeed you directly proposed to greatly buff the damage of all arsenal weapons. You wanted stuff like 3d6 steel knife and 8d4 M13 shotgun, yet now complain that SRWd20's 1d8 steel knife and 1d10 M13 shotgun are the OP ones.

and so I suppose there might be a lesson here: Don't over compensate.
Everybody else was pretty happy with the new ranged arsenal.

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2017, 02:19:13 AM »
Well, it's supposed to be able to drain... Not sure how to handle that honestly.
Recover HP and maybe gain some temp HP with cap if already full healed?
Maybe, I used the Spell-Warp Template (SR blocked spells turned into buffs) for ideas on mine and simple added Touch Attacks.

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« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 11:07:15 AM by SorO_Lost »

Offline YuweaCurtis

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2017, 02:51:35 PM »
Probably just bork all the %s, go for something like +1 CL to [Fire] Spells or something. Remember, CL bumps not only make something more powerful, and longer lasting, and more likely to ignore SR , but over time they improve efficiency as well. Like a CL2 often deals twice as much damage as compared to CL1 which means you need half the Slots to deal the same. As for the wording on the Gaze, idk maybe "all effects such as special abilities and spells"

An ideas on Deva? Here is the original you asked about, no lv12 bonus through because like I said it is incomplete work.
Shinra Tensei (deva path)
Range: Short. Target: One creature or several (see text). Save: No, see text.
The caster violently shoves a single creature or object away from him. Treat this as a special ranged Bullrush Attack except instead of psychically overpowering your opponent you move them out of sheer magical ability. You do not gain bonuses for size or moving, and you use your primary caster ability (wisdom for dojutsu users) instead of strength. You gain a +8 bonus to this check and Dojutsu Users receive additional class related bonuses (see ninja training). If you push an opponent into a wall or other unmovable object, it takes 1d6 damage per 5ft of remaining movement. A creature moved this way falls prone provided they moved at least five feet.
Scalable 4th: Shinra Tensei can be used as an Cone shaped area attack with the range of 5ft per caster level. You make a single bull rush check and any creatures and unattended objects in the area make their opposed checks against this value.
Scalable 8th: Shinra Tensei can be used as an aura burst attack center on the caster with the range of 5ft per caster level. Like the cone shaped ability, you make a single bull rush check against multiple targets.
Scalable 16th: You can use Shinra Tensei's single target effect as an Immediate Action.
Special: Instead of pushing creatures and objects away you can instead pull them towards you. Creatures and objects immediately stop in an adjacent square even if they should move further. Creatures moved this way provoke an attack of opportunity from you for their movement when they stop or leave a threatened square as normal. This ability is referred to as Bansho Tenin.
And you could always create adaptions, like scale Asura's weapons to Modern's PL5 and note that in SWR games they can instead select Arsenal or something.

And it's nice you came back in and patched some stuff so fast.
Ninjtusu: I suppose if I can't figure out a good copy system I will do the +1 to spells with Fire descriptor... I mean I was original going to do that and make Enton Empower them.

Shinra Tensei: It looks interesting, I'll look over it more closly somethime in the next day.

Asura: I'm not really familar with D20 Modern and it's not really what I'm going to use. So it's on the backburner but I will eventually change it. And didn't I technically make an adaption already?

Eh, I usually do stuff pretty fast unless I just can't get online or I have a brain fart.

Eh, I prefer to use Osl's but I put something in there as a variation.
The option to take regular D&D weapons instead looks good.

Well, it's supposed to be able to drain... Not sure how to handle that honestly.
Recover HP and maybe gain some temp HP with cap if already full healed?

By your own words my ranged arsenal weapons sssuuuccckkkk, you went on pretty long tirades about it not so long ago.
Yep, over a year ago I compared your horrendously overpowered melee weapons to your simply overpowered ranged weapons


Using Gargantuan, 30 Str/Dex, for the opposing DR without Arsenal you can reach 35 so let's go with that.

A) A Greatsword deals 24d6+10 (94 avg), it costs 6,400gp but while Enhancement costs don't rescale making a Masterwork version costs 44,800 so let's just stick to that normal figure. Assuming three attacks per round because maybe you're looking at taking lv14 that's 118 after DR.
B) Focusing on Mech weapons, you can take Mightyx8, Pairedx1, & Rending. This gives you a double 4d8+26 (44 avg) per attack action, or 156 post DR after six attacks. More attacks, more damage, but costs several upgrade points.
C) For Heavy let's look at the Antiship Beam Sword which is one of the most powerful weapons and as lv3 can be Linked and assuming Mightyx8, you get two attacks of 9d12+36 (94.5) for 119 which comes out pretty close to the cheap Greatsword but has Power/Concussive/Disarming making it a better choice unless you need to trade those Mech properties away for gear-related Arsenal.

Seems fair right? Well let's look at Ranged. A +10 Longbow costs 140,800gp so instead let's just go with a Heavy Repeater for 16d8 (72 avg) which is three attacks and 111 after DR. Built-Ins via Tank become 3d8+26 (39.5 avg) or 129 after DR. And for Arsenal we have two choices, Linked lv3 comes to 3d6+26 (36.5 avg) or 9 after DR and none-Linked comes to 4d6+26 (40 avg) or 15 post DR. Even moving back to a Heavy Railgun for 12d10+36 (102 avg) even after post Rending DR that's only 84. Ranged Arsenal just isn't worth using.
By your own words, ranged arsenal's more worthless than plain crossbows, and melee weapons were "fair". That is not the meaning of overpowered.

And indeed you directly proposed to greatly buff the damage of all arsenal weapons. You wanted stuff like 3d6 steel knife and 8d4 M13 shotgun, yet now complain that SRWd20's 1d8 steel knife and 1d10 M13 shotgun are the OP ones.

and so I suppose there might be a lesson here: Don't over compensate.
Everybody else was pretty happy with the new ranged arsenal.
Naraku: As much as I wanted actual absorption, the HP thing may be the simplest course. I'll think it over as the Path I forgot to add is one of health restoration.

Well, it's supposed to be able to drain... Not sure how to handle that honestly.
Recover HP and maybe gain some temp HP with cap if already full healed?
Maybe, I used the Spell-Warp Template (SR blocked spells turned into buffs) for ideas on mine and simple added Touch Attacks.

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Spell Warped?

Pool: As it seems the base concept isn't a problem, how about a none scaling bonus. Like extra points or an additional slot of your highest? Perhaps a bonus based off Charisma or something.

Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2017, 05:45:50 PM »
Ninjtusu: I suppose if I can't figure out a good copy system I will do the +1 to spells with Fire descriptor... I mean I was original going to do that and make Enton Empower them.
Well consider this, the Sharingan cannot copy bloodline elements or hidden arts, also no Uchiha has actually been shown to use all five elements. Like in the manga Kakashi never used any air or water techniques (those are anime only), Sasuke only used fire/electricity, Itachi only used fire/water, Madara only used fire, and I can't even think of an example of Obito using any of the basic elements. You can toss Danzo in there too and all he used was air. They mostly relied on their eye-powers, Yin-Yang, or the stolen Wood Release. And if you go back to when the Rinnegan was released, or even when the Six Sage mode came out, it was still considered a big deal to be able to use all of the elements.

Asura: I'm not really familar with D20 Modern
It's built off the same system, officially compatible with D&D and everything, and has a free SRD online. Think of it as a D&D supplement, but unlike Frostburn expanding on winter or Eberron expanding on steampunk, Urban Arcana expands on how to play a Wizard in the 90s and Future/Future-Tech expands on how to play mechwizards in space. It's worth looking into if you like futuristic stuff.

Spell Warped?
The actual Template is out of Complete Arcane I think. Among other things you become an Aberration, gain a +2 bonus to Natural Armor, +4 Str/Con/Int, +2 Dex, and +3 LA. The main deal through is you gain SR 11+HD and if a spell fails to bypass your SR you gain one buff for a minute. +4 Enhancement to one physical score, or resistance 10 to one energy type, or 5 times the spell level as either temp HP or as an increase to speed.

I used it for mechanical guidelines on adaption, but I don't have a full type up just notes that boil down to wondering if SR 10+HD with 1/4 your level for the base bonuses and leveling increases options & SR would work out ok.

Pool: As it seems the base concept isn't a problem, how about a none scaling bonus. Like extra points or an additional slot of your highest? Perhaps a bonus based off Charisma or something.
+2 to an Ability Score for certain purposes, including Bonus Slots, is the equivalent of a Feat which is something Bloodlines can grant. So something like that would work too.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 06:05:16 PM by SorO_Lost »

Offline oslecamo

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2017, 09:45:52 PM »
Pool: As it seems the base concept isn't a problem, how about a none scaling bonus. Like extra points or an additional slot of your highest? Perhaps a bonus based off Charisma or something.

One extra slot of your highest level sounds quite reasonable.

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Your quoted posts had no mention whatsoever to new weapon levels or trading damage dice for other stuff.

What your old posts did have was wanting M13 shotguns (an Arsenal I weapon) to deal 8d4 damage, which would indeed be overpowered for this bloodline. Alas I kept the M13 shotgun at 1d10 damage, which makes it a balanced choice when gained at low level for this bloodline. But now you just ignore your own proposal for a starter weapon's damage increasing to 20 damage before any other bonus, even more than the chest missile you claim to worry so much about while having no Heavy restriction.

I'll repeat it for good measure, your proposal was the M13 shotgun dealing almost x4 damage than it did before. Going from 5.5 average damage to average 20. There was no mention on trading d6 for other stuff on the posts I pointed. If you came up with a new overhaul system you're free to bring it to the SWR general discussion, but what you proposed last time was increasing Arsenal I weapon damage and some random new level-less weapons that were grouped together with the Arsenal I weapons, so I have no idea how you expected anyone to figure out one was supposed to be  level 187i^19 instead of being the same level as Steel Knife or M13 Shotgun.

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2017, 02:27:40 PM »
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« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 03:17:01 PM by SorO_Lost »

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2017, 11:56:49 PM »
YuweaCurtis is using SRW d20 Arsenal in a Bloodline. You claim it's overpowered, yet all your arguments so far have been self-contradictory at best and nothing but thin smoke at worst.

For example the post you quoted has this bit:

The problem isn't Melee>Range and don't be confused with Ketaro's thinking it is. But Ranged Arsenal didn't (past tense since you altered a few things so a new crunch needs made) keep up with anything. You could make pretty viable ranged Built-Ins or increasing the size of basic weapons, just not if you were using Arsenal.
Here you are once more claiming that ranged arsenal sucks compared to anything, and that the problem wasn't melee being superior. And you weren't satisfied three days later either since you wanted M13 shotguns buffed to do 8d4 damage.

More in particular, you still refuse to reply to the simple question already asked three times about why do you claim M13 shotguns would be balanced if they dealt 8d4 damage instead of 1d10 yet claim the 1d10 is overpowered.

This is relevant for this thread because YuweaCurtis risks making a seriously overpowered bloodline if your "balance" point is that weapons gained at 4th level should be dealing 8d4 damage per attack while still being able to pull multiple attacks per round with rapid shot and whatnot.

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2017, 12:10:46 PM »
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« Last Edit: September 20, 2017, 06:54:38 PM by SorO_Lost »

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2017, 11:16:05 AM »
Lol, I didn't realize the off topic was aimed at me in any way, so I hadn't read it. I capped Arsenal cause bloodlines should be weaker than what normally grants access, not do to the inherit power of Arsenal itself. Though thinking about it and reading your examples, yea it is overpowered in normal circumstances. So I will make a none Arsenal one that is better than this at one point.

Hell if you don't mind SorO, just like throw something at me that uses Modern and I'll probs use that.

Edit: Modified Repel using SorO's idea. Let me know if you want me to change it so it would be so close to the original.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 11:45:53 AM by YuweaCurtis »

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2017, 01:54:50 PM »
Hell if you don't mind SorO, just like throw something at me that uses Modern and I'll probs use that.
Ummm... I rarely pay attention to homebrew, how about the Magitech Knight?

It actually uses that 3d6+(1d6/4lvls) pattern for it's ballistic weapons but it ended up finalizing on 4d6 (avg 14) since there no ability modifiers to damage (18str/greatsword avg 13.5) and usage per day is limited. I simply recycled my mechanical suggestions and used them to rescale Modern's equipment into D&D Class Features. And eventually I'll do the same for ships but as a PrC and I plan to spin the For Solider stuff into a second base class but I'm not exactly a prolific homebrew creator. I get hung up in mechanics too much I suppose.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 09:35:41 PM by SorO_Lost »

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2017, 01:23:01 PM »
Eh, so nothing I can do to make copying balanced but yet not trash?

Took out the skill bonus for Rinnegan. Added other things.

Attract is reverted Repel.

Made Naraka Paths, tempted to add some sort of Raise Dead or make it another choice.

Made Preta Path drain spells in return for HP.

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2017, 01:41:16 PM »
Eh, so nothing I can do to make copying balanced but yet not trash?
Yeah and no.

The problem is cost. Like a Wizard/Cleric/Erudite needs to invest 17 levels to copy 8th level Spells, the Illthid Savant needs to invest 8RHD/7LA before even taking the PrC to obtain something, the Spelltheif needs multiple levels of suck and a play partner, the Chameleon gets spell levels behind everyone else and cannot take spellcasting feats, the Factotum's mimicry is limited to predetermined choices of limited level of limited uses over multiple levels, and so on. You choose Bloodlines, which by default hand out everything and stack with existing options in three levels.

So yes there are things you could do, but with Bloodline's price what you should do may not be the same answer.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 01:52:10 PM by SorO_Lost »

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Re: Uchiha and Rinnegan Bloodlines as... Bloodlines [P.E.A.C.H]
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2017, 01:59:18 PM »
Changed Ninjutsu to an elemental buff.

Erm, are the skills I choose to buff in Rinnegan seem appropriate?