Pooping all over Attack on Titan on reddit and enjoying the downvotes I'm getting.
A friend of mine christened it Struggle on Bigmen or something. She's not very impressed by it... especially any claims of 'realism'. Yes, realism is bungee cords and boxcutters.
I just started watching it, although the Titans themselves are not the most compelling of villains I find that I am enjoying it. It is impressively and unflinchingly dark, and not in the usual anime way (read: Evangelion). And, at least the characters have a reason to whine.
But, I will tell you that in 10 episodes "realism" was never once a word that even entered my mind. Indeed, it seems incredibly not so, and in the usual anime-esque ways. The protagonists are all super at at least something (they have at least one stat at 18+), rule of cool ninja moves are the preferred method of combat (so ... nobody thought of sniping their week point ever?!), their technology level is all over the map, and force of will has slightly less impact on the physical world than Star Wars' the Force. I could go on, but I think that's enough to make it about as realistic as say, Death Note or Code Geass or really any other anime.
Acting for logical worlds in anime is kind of like asking for high drama from soap operas -- it's just apparently not their thing. Rule of Cool rules the day. I'll settle for consistent characters, at least, and maybe some internal consistency. But, like I said, I've found it pretty watchable, if pretty standard anime with a bit more in your face blood, through the first 10 or so episodes.