Nevermind that here, if you're white and you call someone black, you can get arrested, but if you're black and you call someone white, you can laugh it off
I assume this is hyperbole.
Even though I find your larger attempts at philosophy very weak, you are spot on in this thread. Leave those below you in the dust Kuro!
Cue personal attacks on the basis that "I think I own the truth" (which begs the question, is she more afraid that I actually think that, or that what I say might actually hold truth contrary to her beliefs?) and whatnot.
I assume you are forgetting something here.
In respect to the support you guys have given me at times like this, I won't be complaining about how bitching to someone else makes me feel worse, so there's a little bit of personal advancement for ya.
We (well, I know I do) read your threads to help you feel better. I've have been in that situation before. All I can say is there is one Friend who won't forsake you.
@Kajhera since you opened the can of worms: the confusing correlation for causation I can let slide (call me a pessimist but I expect it) but not the wanting women to die in combat
I'm afraid it is not. This is literally the case. We have an anti-racism law, and it is enforced, but it has only ever been enforced in the sense of "protecting" one side of the equation. Calling someone whatever slur for white here doesn't get you arrested, regardless of how offensive you meant it to be.
And I can't claim to be a philosopher yet. For one thing, it's not a subject I've actually studied, not in-depth anyway (I only had a few philosophy classes back in high school). So it comes as no surprise that you find my attempts at it weak. All I can do in that regard is take the criticism and see how I can improve it.
I may be forgetting something there, but if I did notice it, I wouldn't be forgetting it now, would I?
Yeah, I appreciate it. It's just that in the past, I have noted to the fine people here that I don't like to complain about my problems to others because it makes me feel like I'm not strong enough to face them. But I have to admit that no one is strong enough to face everything on their own; it's one of the reasons we form relationships. You guys, along with other people in my life, have helped me realize that, and I'm trying to gradually change that outlook so that I can rely on my friends without overburdening them. So the comment was geared towards that.
@ the wanting women to die in combat thing: military service, like many other kinds of service, is about what you want to do. If someone wants to fight, they should be able to. If someone wants to heal, they should be able to. No one is forcing women into the military - they WANT to join and they are being denied the opportunity either based on flimsy arguments or just plain falsehoods. That much I wouldn't let slide, either.
Suppose it wasn't military service, but humanitary aid in a war- or disease-ravaged zone. There's still risk of death, but you don't see people denying women the opportunity to help there.
EDIT: There's also the historical and cultural component to consider here. Since the time we had been hunters/gatherers, fighting had been the men's job. The idea that we would endanger potential mothers or sisters was just plain unacceptable. This has gone on for centuries and it has embedded itself in our collective cultural identity (obviously, there are exceptions). So, at a subconscious level, women are being denied in the military because men feel like they're stealing their thunder.