((Assuming Sorrel takes that info at face value...))
You all share and compare your information ((and are free to read spoilers)).
Both of the books that you found are by a dwarf named Gurdin, and both have his name written in the runic script on the front of the books (and nowhere else). One is a book on crafting wands, and the other is a book about crafting ritual incense.
The third group has Zim Widdle's map, and Snowy recognizes some of the landmarks drawn on it (it's a very good map). You're pretty darn sure that you can find the place.
At this point, you're all tired and hungry, so you eat some more of the Tiny Lancer's hearty halfling fare, and rest for the night, promising to get a good start in the morning. It occurs to some of you while lying in bed that the elders of Springley Downs may be looking for you... and it might be a good idea to leave town.
Morning dawns bright and clear, with a brisk wind snapping the pennants of the Keep. An auspicious day, it would seem.
((Where to next?))