... Still, if you were the Fighter, what would you have done to help ensure victory? ...
Get a psicrystal and go Big Guy.
Psicrystal does the same (I've been known to pimp this before).
Much higher level psicrystal takes Leadership (basic shards of leadership idea)
... for a semi-TO time traveler cohort build ; say Monty or Terminator or Pun-pun lite.
Goes forward in time, to find out what Lycan's build is and what it
is (was / has been) going to do.
back far enough in time.
PsyRef's into yet another psicrystal Big Guy short loop.
Much higher level psicrystal takes Leadership
... for
exactly Lycan's build as cohort.
Attacks Lycan's Wizard 1 level before it's total fruition !!
Result : Lycan's Wiz 20 + [ Fighter 20 + psicrystals + TO dross ] ... versus ... Lycan's Wiz 19
The [dudes] sit on the sideline, and the Fighter gets to feel self satisfied.