Unless otherwise noticed all Riverside View maneuvers are supernatural and can full affect ethereal and incorporeal opponents. If they demand a melee attack, it must be made with a melee nonreach weapon.
Riverside maneuvers that boost an attack's critical properties also allow you to ignore an undead's critical immunity, but your weapon's critical multiplier is reduced by one.
1st levelTip of DeathRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 1
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: See text
Duration: Instantaneous
You can't take your own money with you when you die, but you can take what others give you to your final journey.
As part of this maneuver you throw one coin (at least copper quality) for every 2 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen).
They're treated as regular ranged weapons with a range increment of 20 feet that deal 1d6 piercing,
slashing and bludgeoding damage for a medium creature.
The first time a creature is struck by Tip of Death in a round, they take extra damage equal to your Int mod.
If you have any ability that triggers in a sucessful thrown attack, it only applies on the first sucessful hit from Tip of Death on each target.
If you have 7 ranks in Profession (Ferrymen) or more the coins can be thrown inside water whitout penalty.
If you have 11 or more ranks in Profession (Ferrymen) or more the coins ignore adverse wind conditions, even magic ones such as Wind Wall.
Death's Due-For each 5 GP you spend, each thrown coin deals 1 extra damage.
"Oh, sorry! I'll work seriously from now on! "
Nautical Sign "Flow of the River"Riverside View (Counter)
Level: Riverside View 1
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: See text
Duration: Instantaneous
You may use this counter whenever an opponent moves whitin your view (after said movement is finished). Make an Profession (Ferrymen) check. You can move up to the result in feet towards your opponent (rounded up to the nearest 5 multiple), ignoring any difficult terrain (and even moving trough the air if your opponent is upwards, altough you fall normally at the end if there's nothing else to support you).
If you're in water or in a boat, it moves along with you and double the max distance moved.
You can move over opponents in your path with this, in which case they may attempt an attack of opportunity against you. If they do so, you can make an attack of opportunity against them as well.
Death's Due-for each 5 GP you spend when using this Counter, you gain +1 to AC and saves during this movement.
"If you're going to interfere with my work, then I'll show no mercy! "
Lonely Bound SpiritRiverside View (Boost)
Level: Riverside View 1
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range:5 feet per rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: See text
Save:11+Int mod
When you initiate this counter you create a small floating spirit that goes toward the target and sticks to them, inflicting a penalty equal to your Int mod to all their skill checks.
Death's Due-for each 5 GP you spend when using this counter, there's a cumulative 30% chance a second ghost is created when you initiate this maneuver, doubling the penalty.
"Take great care for the bonds between a person and another.
An isolated human is determined to be the least virtuous spirit. "
Scythe of the ReaperRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 1
Initiation Action: Fullround action
Target: See text.
Duration: See text
As part of this maneuver make a basic melee attack against up to three creatures whitin your melee reach that deals damage as normal, and you gain a bonus on confirming any critical hits with this strike equal to your Int mod.
Death's Due-For each 5 GP you spend when using this Strike, you gain a +5 feet to melee reach for 1 round.
"I'm going to give you a little lesson,
a lesson of the pain cycle of humans! "
Boat on the StyxRiverside View (Stance)
Level: Riverside View 1
Initiation Action: Standard action
Target: you.
Duration: Stance
Boats flow on rivers. The river Styx flows wherever it damn pleases, and you go along.
When you enter this stance you summon a small wooden boat with HP equal to half your own, AC and saves as you do, and hardness equal to your Int mod.
It moves at a speed of 100 feet on water, but you if you move on land a small stream of water appears just enough to let this boat go at 50 feet speed. This water instantly evaporates/drains after you move over it or if someone tries to pick it up.
The boat moves as you do, basically replacing your movement speeds with its own. This mean you can charge, 5-feet step, double move, run, etc.
It can carry one medium/small passenger for every rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen). They take position in an adjacent space directly in front or behind you and the boat magically grows just enough to fit them in. For each size a creature is larger than medium it takes double the space and for each size a creature is smaller than small it takes half the space.
This boat can't take cargo besides what the passengers can carry by themselves.
You can choose to ignore difficult terrain with the boat, but it takes 1d12 points of damage per square of difficult terrain you ignore, reduced by the hardness.
When you exit this stance this boat instantaneously sinks into whatever surface it was.
Death's Due: Each 5 GP you invest when entering this stance increases the water speed by 20 feet and the land speed by 5 feet.
Komachi rides a boat, don't you ever forget.
2nd levelCash Into the NightRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 2
Initiation Action: Fullround action
Range: Burst of 20 feet centered on you.
Target: Other creatures inside burst.
Duration: See text
Save:12+Int mod
This is definitely a lot of money.
To use this maneuver you have to throw at least one hundred coins (of at least copper quality), that proceed to spin around you like a storm. Creatures inside the area take damage equal to an Profession (Ferrymen) check from you, reflex save for half.
The "storm of coins" lasts 1 round, during which new creatures entering the area take the same damage as well, altough no single creature may be damaged more than once per round by this. If at least 1/3 the coins are Silver, damaged creatures are Dazzled for 1 round. If at least 1/3 the coins were gold, damaged creatures are Blinded for 1 round if they fail the save.
Creatures inside darkness or shadowy illumination take a -4 penalty on their saves against this maneuver.
Death's Due-For each 20 GP you spend when using this maneuver, you can move 25 feet before or after using this maneuver (including up into the air).
"The agitation of being surrounded by money tarnishes the beauty of this fearsome technique."
Bound Spirits of the Earth:
Riverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 2
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: melee
Duration: See text
Save: 12+Int mod
Activates the spirits in the ground and makes them erupt.
You need to be standing on a solid or watery surface to use this maneuver (Boat on the Styx will do).
Make a single melee attack that deals damage as normal, plus it has itscrit threat range increased by 4 plus 1 per 2 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen) (applied after any threat range multipliers).
If you miss with this attack, you instead create one spirit that fills an empty 5-feet square, in any position adjacent to your target.
Spirits-Enemies passing over your spirits or ending their turn on the same space now take damage equal to your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen) and are tripped unless they succeed on a Reflex save.
Death's Due-For each 20 GP you spend, you deal 5 extra damage if you hit, and if you miss there's a cumulative 60% chance of creating another spirit.
"Hm? Why do you still take damage if they just pass through you? The secret of the ghosts' gloominess must be hidden there. "
Wind on the Last JourneyRiverside View (Counter)
Level: Riverside View 2
Initiation Action: Immediate action
Range: Personal
Target:see text
Duration: instantaneous
Save:12+Int mod
Those that get move too close to you may be moving for the last time.
You may use this counter whenever an opponent enters or exits your melee reach. Make a basic melee attack against them. If you hit, you deal no damage and your target is pushed on a direction of your choice 5 feet per rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen). This movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. If your opponent hits a surface or other creature, they both take 1d6 damage for each 10 feet they had to move. A reflex save halves the distance pushed.
Death's Due-For each 20 GP you spend when using this counter, you gain a +2 bonus on your to-hit roll.
"Now, now, there are so many wonderful things in this world.
You are ten years too early to say that you want to die. "
A Human Spirit Passing ByRiverside View (Boost)
Level: Riverside View 2
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: See text
Save:12+Int mod
Your next melee attack made whitin 1 round affects a line with length 5 feet per rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen) and 20 feet tall. Roll once and compare against the AC of each opponent inside the line.
Death's Due-After this attack is made it leaves behind a wall of spirits for 1 round per each 20 GP you pay while using this maneuver, filling the same area. It counts as a spirit.
Spirits-Your spirits now provide cover and concealment against all attacks passing by, and deals damage equal to your Int mod to all enemies passing by it or ending their turn inside it.
"Oh? Trying to kill yourself again, huh.
How many times do I have to say it,
nobody is going to care if you commit suicide.
Think it over. "
3rd levelScythe of ExorcismRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 3
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: instantaneous
Save: 13+Int mod
As part of this maneuver make a melee attack, that deals damage as normal and has its crit threat range increased by 4 plus 2 per 3 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen). If you hit your opponent must succeed on a Fort save or be pushed back 5 feet for each point they failed the save in a straight line of your choice, whitout provoking attacks of opportunity. If they hit a surface or another creature, they stop and both must make a Reflex save or be tripped.
Death's Due-For each 45 GP you spend when using this maneuver, you create a spirit in any position adjacent to you or your opponent's final position.
Spirits-Now if any of your spirits share the space with you or an ally, it disapears and heals that creature for an amount of HP equal to your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen).
"If you're gonna try to commit suicide, I'll kill you!
You should prepare yourself. "
The Endless WayRiverside View (Stance)
Level: Riverside View 3
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: -
Target: you.
Duration: stance
Save: none
Her ability to make it seem as if you never get closer or can never get away
makes her terrifying to humans.
When you enter this stance choose another creature whitin 5 feet per rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen). When that creature moves, you can choose to move the exact same distance as a free action. Once you choose to move after a specific creature, you cannot move after others as a free action until the start of your next turn.
This includes teleportation effects and similar effects in which case you can choose to teleport/similar to the same location and remain at the same distance. If your target benefits from any obstacle-ignoring ability, so do you for this movement. If you would end inside a solid object, you instantly move to the nearest empty space to the moving creature.
While in this stance you also gain a profane bonus to attack rolls with non-reach two-handed weapons equal to your Int mod against the target.
Death's Due-For each 45 GP you pay while entering this stance, you may choose an extra creature whitin range as a valid target for this stance. As a move action, you can teleport adjacent to one of the chosen creatures.
"It's a good idea to do some self-introspection every now and then
'Cause I'm still alive enough to do it. "
Poor Fate "Short Life expectancy"Riverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 3
Initiation Action: Fullround Action
Range: Melee
Duration: See text.
Save: 13+Int mod.
A fearsome skill that cuts the opponent's life in half.
As part of this maneuver make a basic melee attack. If you hit, you don't deal damage but rather your opponent's current HP is halved.
They must also make a Fort save. If they fail they're pushed directly away from you 5 feet per each rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen) until they hit an obstacle or another creature (this movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity) and their remaining natural lifespan is halved as well. If their lifespan was "really long but not immortal", then it is reduced to 1d12 centuries.
Death's Due- for each 45 GP you spend when using this maneuver, any HP recovery your opponent receives is halved for 1 round (stacking for multiple rounds duration, so for example if you spend 450 GP, your opponent's healing is halved for 10 rounds).
"Well, however you play is fine, as long as you don't make yourself depressed.
If you are, your outlook, what you can see, will be small.
It'll bring forth envy and vanity,
and on top of that you'll try to justify that
and become a very narrow-minded person.
Depressed humans will, in no time at all, become isolated.
They will try to justify their isolation, speak ill of others,
and eventually reach a state where they cannot be reached. I abandon them."
Malice Sign "Irresolute Bound Spirit"Riverside View (Boost)
Level: Riverside View 3
Initiation Action: Swift Action
Range: 5 feet per rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen)
Target: Up to one creature for each 4 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen)
Duration: See text
Save: 13+Int mod
Call upon strong homing demonic spirits.
This boost works as Lonely Bound Spirit, except as noted here. Instead of just one you produce a spirit for each 4 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen). Each must be assigned to a diferent target whitin range.
Death's Due-For each 45 GP you spend when using this maneuver, you create one extra spirit and the targets also suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to ranged attack rolls while the spirits are on them.
"Ones who don't fear death have a wide outlook.
So that's why they're also very good at adapting.
'Ah, I died. Ahaha~'
That's kind of how they take death. "
4th levelTies With the DeceasedRiverside View (Counter)
Level: Riverside View 4
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: See text
Save:14+Int mod
While you have this counter prepared, you can detect whenever a creature dies whitin 10 feet per rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen) from your current position, regardless of obstacles.
When you sense a creature dying, you can choose to use this counter to be transported to their position, and then gain an Insight bonus equal to your Int mod to attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and AC for 1 round.
In addition you may choose to create a Spirit over the creature with the properties of your last created Spirits. In that case if the recently deceased would rise as any kind of undead, the process is stopped.
In alternative you may spend this counter when you approach a dead corpse to replicate a Speak With Dead spell with CL=your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen).
Death's Due- The bonus to saves/attack rolls/damage rolls/AC increases by an extra 1 for each 80 GP spent.When using the Speak With Dead option, for each 80 GP you spend you can ask an extra question and the DC increases by 1. If the corpse isn't in a state that would be acceptable for Speak with Dead, then it answers anyway, but only the extra questions from Death's Due.
"Ones who commit suicide.
Are either enlightened sages or fools that think too much.
Nine out of ten times, they're the latter.
The fools who try to justify suicide don't realize
the foolishness of that."
Spirit Sign "Abundant Floating Spirits"Riverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 4
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: See text
Duration: See text
Save:14+Int mod
As part of this maneuver make a basic melee attack that deals damage as normal. Your crit threat is increased by 4 plus 3 per each 4 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen).
If you hit, you create one spirit for each 4 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen) in any positions adjacent to you our your target.
Spirits-Your spirits now block line of sight and effect and count as difficult terrain for all other creatures but you.
Death's Due-When using this maneuver, for each 80 GP you spend you can create another 1 spirit anywhere within 100 feet even if you miss.
"See, even the ghosts around here...
...Wait, ghosts!?
Why are there so many?"
Taste of DeathRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 4
Initiation Action: Fullround action
Range: 10 feet per Rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen).
Target: one creature.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: 14+Int mod.
As part of this maneuver choose a creature whitin range you can detect. They must suceed on a Reflex save or be instantly pulled to a position of your choice inside your melee reach.
This movement doesn't provokes attacks of opportunity and ignore any obstacles in the path. If the target failed the save, you can then perform a regular melee attack against them.
Death's Due-When using this maneuver, for each 80 GP you spend, the DC increases by 2, you deal an extra 8 damage if you hit the victim in melee, and can target another creature whitin range, including making the melee attack if they're pulled.
"You stuff yourself in coffins even though you're not dead?
That sounds tight, man."
Ritual of EcstasyRiverside View (Boost)
Level: Riverside View 4
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: 30 feet per Rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen).
Target: One Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: 14+int mod.
When you initiate this maneuver you switch places with the target creature unless they suceed on a Will save.
Death's Due-When using this maneuver, for each 80 GP you spend, increase the Save DC by 1.
"Whoops, I guess I relaxed too much.
Well it's fine.
This little break will increase the efficiency of my work. "
5th levelFloating Spirits of The Indolent DeadRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 5
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: See text
Save:15+Int mod
When you use this maneuver you produce one spirit for each 4 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen) in squares adjacent to you.
After you initiate this maneuver you can move any and all of your spirits 30 feet each.
Spirits-At the end of your turn, any other creatures adjacent to your spirits must succeed on a Will save or be Slowed and Exhausted for 1 round. Even undeads can be affected by this Fatigue, but other creatures normally immune to Slow and/or Exhaustion can be affected if they fail by 5 or more. At the start of each of your turns, you may move them again 10 feet each.
If a creature is adjacent to multiple of those spirits, instead of multiple saves just increase the DC by 1.
If a creature is sharing the same space as at least one of those spirits, increase the DC by another 1.
If a creature fails their Will save by 20 or more, instead they fall in a complete torpor, unable to take any actions for 1d12 hours.
You can start this maneuver as a fullround action, in which case it produces two extra spirits.
Death's Due-When using this maneuver, for each 125 GP you spend, the movement speed of those spirits increases an extra 10 feet and the DC for having a spirit sharing the same space is increased by another 1.
"Who knows? I just know that they're human souls
that don't accept that they've died,
and still think they don't want to."
Exchange "Unpitiable, Pitiable Life"Riverside View (Counter)
Level: Riverside View 5
Initiation Action: Immediate Action
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: 15+Int mod
The unprecedented psyche-switching skill.
It's possible to turn crisis into opportunity instantly.
You may initiate this counter whenever you're harmed in some way by an opponent inside your melee reach. Make a melee attack against them. If they have any percentual miss chances, reduce them by an amount equal to your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen).
If you hit, instead of damage you swap your current HP with your opponent's current HP. If this would leave you with more HP than your max, the excess is gained as Temporary Hit points that last up to 1 minute, but don't stack with other temporary Hit Points.
You may use this counter even if you would be left at zero or negative HP or otherwise instantly killed or disabled, but then your opponent is left at 1 HP minimum if you suceed on your attack.
If your opponent succeeds on a Will save, your HPs aren't switched, but they take normal melee damage plus a Profession (Ferrymen) check from you.
Death's Due-When using this maneuver, for each 125 GP you spend, you can ignore one negative condition on yourself other than death for 1 round. This also allows you to initiate this maneuver even if the ignored condition would normally prevent you from initiating this maneuver.
"You might die tomorrow,
or you might die after a hundred thousand years. "
Old Rain "Rain in the Afterworld Journey"Riverside View (Boost)
Level: Riverside View 5
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: Cylinder centered on you with height and radius each up to 5 feet per rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen)
Target: See text
Duration: 1 round
It seems that it rains around the river Styx.
Though, I've been told that rain is demonic.
For the duration of this boost, dark rain falls in the area, reducing the range of all special senses by half and inflicting a penalty on ranged attacks, spot and listen checks equal to your Int mod.
Any unprotected nonmagical fires are automatically put out. Magical and Supernatural fires (anything with a duration higher than instantaneous and that has either "fire" on its name, that deals fire damage, or counts as if dealing fire damage in certain conditions) are put out as well if you succeed on a check of your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen) against the CL of the creator of said fire (or HD if they didn't have a CL). You can choose for the cylinder of rain to move with you or remain in the same place where it was created.
Death's Due-For each 125 Gp you spend when using this maneuver, you can increase the width/radius of the rain by 20 feet and the penalty to ranged attacks, spot and listen checks increases by an extra 1, and the duration increases by one round.
Scythe of Wandering SpiritsRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 5
Initiation Action: Fullround action
Range: Cone with 5 feet per rank you have in Profession (Ferrymen)
Target: Enemies inside the cone
Duration: See text
Save:15+Int mod
As part of this maneuver make a melee attack against each opponent inside the area(roll once and compare against their ACs).
For each opponent damaged, you create one spirit filling a separate 5 feet square in any adjacent space.
Spirits-Your spirits that share the space with you or an ally disapear, healing that creature for an amount of HP equal to a Profession (Ferrymen) check from you.
Death's Due-For each 125 GP you spend when using this maneuver, your melee attacks with this maneuver deal an extra 9 damage and you can move either move one of the hit opponents or one of the created spirits 10 feet. This movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
6th levelThrow AwayRiverside View (Counter)
Level: Riverside View 6
Initiation Action: Immediate action
Range: See text.
Target: See text.
Duration: See text.
Save: 16+Int mod
You may initiate this counter whenever you would take damage or an harmful effect.
A large number of coins appears in a closely packed arrangement around you. Make a Profession (Ferrymen) check. Substract the result from the damage taken.
At the end of your next turn, those coins explode outward, dealing damage equal to half the damage they prevented to all in a 30 feet burst centered on you. Reflex save negates. Opponents are aware the coins are going to "explode" out this way.
Death's Due-For every 180 GP you spend when iniating this counter, you may either remove one harmful condition with a duration other than instataneous or permanent currently affecting you, even if they were inflicted by the one attacking you, or roll another Profession (Ferrymen) check and reduce it from the damage taken. This doesn't increase the damage dealt when the coins explode.
"I got it.
If you're saying you'll interfere with my work then.
I'll ferry you over with my Titanic.
50% off. "
Spirit Sign "Awakening of the Ancient Earthbound Spirits"Riverside View (Boost)
Level: Riverside View 6
Initiation Action: Swift Action.
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: instantaneous
Save: 16+Int mod.
When you initiate this boost you call forth one spirit for each 5 ranks you have in Profession(Ferrymen). Each fills a separate 5 feet square and they must all be adjacent to you or to at least two other such spirits.
Spirits-Squares filled by spirits count as difficult terrain and grant cover and concealment except against your own attacks and movement.
Death's Due-For each 180 GP you spend when iniating this boost, all your spirits created in previous turns disapear and you create one more spirit. This allows you to over your usual control limit of spirits.
Way of Avici "Infinite Nightmare"Riverside View (Stance)
Level: Riverside View 6
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: Stance
It is said that when one rings the Bell of Avici, it will
bring one happiness in this life, but will also drop one into the
Avici (Muken Jigoku), the worst level of Hell,
where suffering continues unabated, in the afterlife.
While on this stance, the first time you deal damage to an opponent each round, you deal extra damage equal to a profession(ferrymen) check from you for every 10 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen).
However, your opponents can also choose to don't take any damage or ill effects from your attacks for 1 round of their choice.
If they choose to do so, in 1d12 rounds they'll suffer an horrible death and their essence confined to the Avici, never to be seen anywhere else.
Creatures that never killed another sentient creature or incited another one to kill a sentient creature are immune to the effects of this stance (they still take normal damage from your attacks and cannot choose to don't take damage).
Plus while in this stance you become able to see the natural lifespan of every creature you see above their heads.
Death's Due-For each 180 GP you spend when you enter this stance, pick one creature whitin view. While on this Stance you can choose to instantly teleport to any one position adjacent to them as a move or swift action.
"It's a real pain when a fool like yourself is taking your
own life "
Death Price "Price of Life"Riverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 6
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Range: melee
Target: one creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: 16+Int mod.
It looks expensive, but
what is it really worth?
As part of this maneuver make a basic melee attack. If you hit your opponent dies instantly unless they succeed on a Fort save. Undeads are fully affected by this.
They take a -1 penalty on this save for each 20% of their HP they're missing.
Even if they save they still take normal damage plus damage equal to two profession (Ferrymen) checks from you.
Death's Due-For each 180 GP you spend when using this maneuver, you may count your opponent as having less 20 HP than they currently have for the save purpose.
7th levelSoul SignRiverside View (Boost)
Level: Riverside View 7
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Save: 17+Int mod
For one round whenever you hit an opponent in melee they take extra damage equal to your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen) succeed on a Will save or be teleported up to 5 feet in a direction of your choice for each point they failed the save. You may then teleport to any position adjacent to them. Making the Will save also halves the extra damage.
Death's Due-For each 245 GP you spend when using this maneuver your melee reach increases by 5 feet for the duration, your melee attacks deal an extra 2 damage and the DC increases by 1.
Money from the YesterdayRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 7
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: 17+Int mod.
Everydbody has to pay their debts sooner or later.
Or at least somebody else will pay those debts.
As part of this maneuver make a basic melee attack
If you hit, you deal extra damage equal to 1/20th the money you had already used on Death's Due against that specific opponent in the last 24 hours. This extra damage affects not only the target but also all other enemies whitin 5 feet per 5 ranks you have in Profession (Ferrymen).
This extra damage cannot be healed or prevented/converted by any means for 24 hours. A Will save halves this extra damage and allows it to be healed after 1 round.
Death Sign "Scythe that Chooses the Dead"Riverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 7
Initiation Action: Fullround action
Range: 20 feet wide, 100 feet tall cylinder whitin 5 feet per rank you have in Profession(Ferrymen)
Target: Enemies inside area.
Duration: see text
Save: 17+Int Modifier
Oh, a mock trial?
I've seen a lot of those.
Make a melee attack against each opponent inside the cylinder (count yourself as you were adjacent to each target). Each opponent that had been damaged by your melee attacks in the last turn and is now hit must make a Reflex save or die/be destroyed.
Even if they save they still take regular damage plus damage equal to one Profession (Ferrymen) check from you and are then thrown an amount of feet equal to this damage in a direction of your choice, rounded down to the nearest 5 multiplier (this movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity). Nothing special happens if they collide against an object or another creature.
Death's Due-For each 245 GP you spend when using this maneuver you may increase the Cylinder's radius by 5 feet and its height by 10 feet, plus you can re-roll one missed attack, including miss chances and effects like Mirror's Image.
"Ahh, living in the Netherworld is so much like living in the human world.
Dying and ending up in the Netherworld is the best. "
8th levelSpirits of the FirmRiverside View (Boost)
Level: Riverside View 8
Initiation Action: Swift action
Range: Burst with 5 feet per IL centered on you.
Target: enemies inside burst.
Duration: See text
Save: 18+Int mod
When you initiate this boost you call forth one spirit for each 6 ranks you have in Profession(Ferrymen). Each fills an empty 5 feet square and they must all be adjacent to you or to at least two other such spirits.
Spirits-Your spirits can move 5 feet at the start of each of your turns. They block line of effect against all others but you, and if anyone tries to pass trough, under, or over one of them, that spirit suddenly flies to that creature and explodes, dealing damage equal to a Profession (Ferrymen check) from you and pushing them back to the square where they started. A sucessful reflex save halves this damage and negates being pushed back.
Creatures bigger than medium may trigger multiple spirits due to filling multiple squares.
Death's Due-For each 320 GP you spend when iniating this boost, all your spirits created in previous turns disapear and you create one more spirit, plus an extra one for each 2 payments. The number of spirits created by this maneuver may exceed the number of spirits you are usually allowed to control.
Hell "Narrow Confines of Avici"Riverside View (Stance)
Level: Riverside View 8
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: See text
Target: See text
Duration: stance
Save:18+Int mod
Avici, the lowest Level of the Naraka or "hell" realm, into which the dead who have committed grave misdeeds may be reborn.
Whereas in other layers of Hell, after perhaps a few eons of suffering, the being might be reborn as some sort of lowly life-form in a somewhat less horrible place;
But, the beings in Avici Hell are hopeless for any respite.
When you enter this stance you project an aura with upt to 5 feet per each 3 ranks you have in profession (Ferrymen).
Creatures caught inside this aura cannot exit trough any means unless they suceed on a Reflex save. Even if they save they must remain inside until the start of your next turn. If you move and any creature that was inside would get outside the aura, instead they're moved along with the periphery. If that would make them hit an obstacle, they instead go around it. If they die while inside, they cannot come back by any means short of divine intervention.
Creatures outside this aura when it starts see the initiator and others caught as blurred figures behind dark flames. They can enter the area of this aura normally, but aren't affected by it unless the stance is restarted, or they willingly let themselves be dragged by the Avici.
However, you gain a bonus to AC, saves and ability score checks equal to your Int mod against attacks from those not currently affected by your aura.
Death's Due: For each 320 GP you spend when entering this stance, you can add an extra effect of suffering from the below list
-Other creatures inside take 3 damage at the start of your turn, to a minimum of 1 HP, can be chosen multiple times, stacks.
-All healing other creatures receive is halved, can be taken multiple times, stacks.
-Other creatures inside take a -1 penalty to AC, stacks.
-Other creatures inside take a -2 penalty to two different skill check of your choice, can be taken multiple times either for the same pair of skills or diferent combinations, stacks.
"The only humans who come to Muenzuka
are the ones that want to die. "
Death Song "Ferriage in the Deep Fog"Riverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 8
Initiation Action: Fullround action
Range: 10 feet per IL
Target: See text
Duration: see text
Save: 18+Int mod
A skill that leads the ghosts to form into a pack.
The ghosts following the lead will naturally become damaging danmaku.
It's actually an abuse of power.
As part of this maneuver make a charge attack. If you're in a boat you can ignore difficult terrain, fog effects, move in the air or underwater, and change direction a number of times equal to your Int mod.
If you hit your target, any amount of spirits you created trough Riverside maneuvers whitin view move into the empty squares adjacent to the target. If there's not enough adjacent empty squares, you can position them adjacent to other spirits that were also moved to this maneuver, as long as they end as close to the target as possible.
Then any spirits directly adjacent to the target detonate dealing damage equal to 1/3 a Profession (Ferrymen) check, Will save for half, plus an extra effect based on the last spirit-creating maneuver you used.
Lonely Bound Spirit-The target cannot benefit from benefical effects that were originated from others for 1 round if they fail their Will save. Items owned by the target keep working normally. Buff effects already in place from others are supressed.
Bound Spirits of the Earth-The target becomes tripped and cannot stand up for 1 round if they fail their Will save.
A Human Spirit Passing By-The target takes extra damage equal to your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen) at the end of their next turn if they fail their Will save.
Scythe of Exorcism-The target cannot heal HP for 1 round if they fail their Will save.
Malice Sign "Irresolute Bound Spirit"-The target takes a penalty on a skill of your choice equal to your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen) for 1 round if they fail their Will save.
Spirit Sign "Abundant Floating Spirits"-The target cannot draw line of effect to anyone that isn't adjacent to him for 1 round if they fail their Will save.
Floating Spirits of the Indolent Dead-The target is Slowed and Exhausted for 1 round if they fail their Will save.
Scythe of Wandering Spirits-The target cannot remove ill conditions on themselves for 1 round if they fail their Will save.
Spirit Sign "Awakening of the Ancient Earthbound Spirits"-The target cannot move from its position for 1 round if they fail their reflex save.
Spirits of the Firm-The target becomes blinded for 1 round if they fail their Will save.
Regardless of the effect, it becomes permanent if the opponent fails four or more saves in a single go. You can let go of the effect as an immediate action. They can be ended by any effect that ends curses.
A natural 1 or 2 is an automatic failure against this save. If the target couldn't automatically fail on a natural 1, then they just fail automatically on a natural 1.
Death's Due-For each 320 GP you spend when using this maneuver, you may move an extra 100 feet while or after performing the charge. You can attack one extra target at any point of the charge for each payment. Spirits that exploded over one target cannot be used for another.
Game of the SoulRiverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 8
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: see text
Target: see text
Duration: instantaneous
Save: 18+Int Modifier
Gambling one's soul in all kind of challenges seems to be a pretty popular hobby among mortals.
As part of this maneuver make a basic attack. If you hit you deal damage as normal and can make a Profession (Ferrymen) check opposed by the best skill check of your opponent.
If you succeed on the check, you won the rights to their soul. When they die, their soul will automatically converge to you, in the form of a
ghost, 1 level.
They must then serve you for 1 minute before you send them to the afterlife.
Undeads are instead automatically destroyed if they fail their skill check, and cannot return even by divine intervention.
Other creatures that couldn't take a level of ghost must automatically start serving you if they fail their skill check unless they're a construct, in which case they don't suffer anything. However this servitude just lasts 1 round.
If your opponent succeeds on the check, they still take extra damage equal to three times your profession (Ferrymen) result.
You can't have more than 1 ghost serving you at a time with this. You can choose to delay the start of servitude after the enemy is killed (so for example if you already had one ghost serving you when another creature dies that had failed their check against this maneuver, they would only start serving you after the previous ghost is released). You can dismiss your current ghost to make room for the next one in an adjacent position to you.
If you unprepare this maneuver, the ghost is automatically released.
Death's Due-For each 320 GP you spend when using this maneuver, the servitude period extends an extra minute (or 1 more round in the case of other creatures that couldn't take a level of ghost), but you still cannot have more than one serving ghost at a time.
"It's time for a pleasant life!"
9th levelDeath "Styx Retour"Riverside View (Stance)
Level: Riverside View 9
Initiation Action: Standard Action
Target: you.
Duration: stance
Save:19+Int mod
I'm the first class Styx guide,
Onozuka Komachi.
I drop suicidal people into the river,
so you should prepare yourself!
You need two large separate bodies of water in view to initiate this stance and also to be in a boat.If you were in the Boat In the Styx stance, you remain on that boat, but it only moves at half speed.
When you enter this stance, you bring forth a segment of the River Styx itself, as wide/deep as 10 feet per rank you have in Profession(Ferrymen) and up to 100 times as long as that. The river is created over the existing terrain. If it's an enclosed space, you must keep at least 30 feet between the river's surface and ceiling. The water doesn't spill over trough any openings, nor can it create waterfalls. The current is quite calm and thus doesn't push unattended objects or creatures caught inside.
Creatures that would get caught inside the river's area get a Reflex save to move to the closest dry edge.
Creatures that stay inside need to make a Will save or have all their memories erased (this doesn't erase class/racial abilities tough). If they drink the water, they get no save.
This segment of the river releases foul vapors, forcing all flying creatures above to automatically drop to the waters, and creatures trying to teleport across it similarly materialize on the water's surface. It is simply impossible to fly or teleport across the Styx.
At the start of your round you can change the width of this river segment, including making going 20 feet over the initial limit, stacking for multiple turns.
At the start of your second turn you remain in this stance a
Styx Dragonof a level equal to your ranks in Profession (Ferrymen)-5, no feats or skill points, Int score -, and all other stats equal to your IL+10 pops out from the waters in a position of your choice and attacks anyone in them that isn't inside your boat to the best of their ability.
Styx DragonHuge Dragon (aquatic)
Hit Dice: 15d12 +120 ( 218 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 160 ft. (32 squares), Swim 160 ft. Burrow 80 feet (16 squares)
Armor Class: 27 (10 +8 Dex, -2 Size, +10 Natural) touch 15, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+31
Attack: Bite +21 melee (3d6+8) or Tail Blade +21 (3d6+12+disease+grab)
Full Attack: Bite +21 melee (3d6+7) plus 2 Tail Blades +16 (3d6+12+disease+grab)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks:Stygian Breath, Summon From the Deeps, Diseased Tail Blades, Constrict, Stygian Grab, Crush, Frightful Presence, Stupefying Breath
Special Qualities: Immune to all Diseases and Poisons, can breathe in water, no penalties for aquatic combat, SLAs, Keen Senses, Blindsense 60 feet, DR 7/magic, SR 26
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +17
Abilities: Str 27 Dex 27 Con 27 Int- Wis 27 Cha 27
Stygian Breath: 15d6 Acid damage, Reflex 25 for half, 1d4 rounds to recharge, 200 feet line. Deals half dealt damage in the next round and ¼ damage dealt on the turn after.
Summon From the Deeps: Summon Monster VII, monsters summoned have swim speed equal to Styx Dragon's own, if they already had a better one, it is doubled instead, immune to poison and disease.
SLAs: Save DCs are all 25 (if any)
Fog Cloud 30/day Any fog SLAs work underwater, producing a dark miasma instead of an usual cloud.
Curse Water 30/day
Stinking Cloud and Deeper Darkness 15/day
Mind Fog and Feeblemind 7/day
Hold Monster 3/day
Diseased Tail Blades: The tail blades of the Styx Dragon inflict a disease of the user's choosing, except the DC is 24
Stygian Grab: Free grapple when hits with tail blades, ignores Freedom of Movement effects.
Constrict: Deals 6d6+24 with each successful grapple check.
Stygian Influence: The Stygian Dragon's natural weapons count as Evil for bypassing DR.
Stygian Corruption: Styx Dragon SLAs can affect creatures immune to mind affecting with his Mind Affecting SLAs, but those creatures receive a +4 bonus on their saves.
Crush: the Styx Dragon can make a crush attack dealing 2d8+12 damage.
This special attack allows a flying or jumping dragon of at least Huge size to land on opponents as a standard action, using its whole body to crush them. Crush attacks are effective only against opponents three or more size categories smaller than the dragon (though it can attempt normal overrun or grapple attacks against larger opponents).
A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under the dragon’s body. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 25) or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the dragon moves off them. If the dragon chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents take damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape.
Frightful Presence: ability takes effect automatically whenever the dragon attacks or charges. Enemies within a radius of 210 are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than the dragon. A potentially affected enemy that succeeds on a Will save (DC 25) remains immune to that dragon’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, enemies with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore the frightful presence of other dragons.
Stupefying Breath: Cone with a radius of 105 feet deals 5 Int damage, Fort DC 25 for half. Recharge in 1d4 rounds.
Disease ascension: At 15th level, the dragon can now bypass immunity to disease derived from class features (Such as the Paladin's divine health) and any ability not derived from a creature's type. However, Styx dragons cannot affect each other with this ability. In addition, the damage die for both Stygian wasting and devil chills increase by one die size.
A new styx dragon then pops out each turn while you remain on this stance. If any of them gets killed/dominated/charmed/similar, it melts back into the water, as well if you exit this stance.
If at the end of each of your turns there's no sentient creatures inside or over this Styx River segment (not counting inside your boat) besides Styx Dragons, you automatically exit this stance.
Once you've exited this stance, you cannot enter it again until you've returned to the original Styx River.
If you're knocked out of your boat or it is destroyed, or you exit this river segment, this stance also automatically ends.
Death's Due: For each 405 GP you spend when entering this stance, there's a 10% chance a new Styx dragon pops out starting at second turn and each subsequent turn.
"Ooh, the breadth of the Sanzu River...."
Death Sign "Scythe of Final Judgement"Riverside View (Strike)
Level: Riverside View 9
Initiation Action: Fullround action
Range: Melee
Target: One creature
Duration: See text
Save: 19+Int mod
You look so bored.
Alright then, I'll be your playmate from now on!
As part of this maneuver you teleport to any place whitin you've ever seen and make a melee attack. If you hit, your opponent must make a Fort, Ref or Will save (your choice). If they fail they realize the futility of their struggle, abandon their possessions and go live a carefree life for the rest of their days, never bothering anyone else neither taking any damage as you stopped the attack in the final moment. Or they're utterly destroyed, your choice. If they succeed on the save they take extra damage equal to four Profession(Ferrymen) checks.
Creatures slain by this maneuver are automatically sent to their proper afterlife and will spend at least 1d12 years before they can ever be returned to life, unless both a miracle and wish are simultaneously expended over a 24 hour ritual to petition on their behalf. You're automatically aware of anyone trying to perform such a ritual for a creature you've personally dispatched with this maneuver. Undeads go to some nasty sealed place for 1d12 years and then automatically reicarnate into a living form.
Death's Due- For each 405 GP you spend when using this maneuver, you can either attack an extra target whitin range, increase the DC of this maneuver by 1, or teleport one more time to any place whitin your view after each attack. Either way you cannot pick the same option more than one time than at least one other option (so if you have 18 HD, you could choose to increase the DC by 5 and attack 4 extra targets, but not to increase the DC by 6 and attack an extra 3 targets, since that's a difference bigger than one). If you miss one attack, you can attack a previous target using the extra attacks.
"Every lifespan is different
That's why they're always missing something."