You know, I just realized we probably hit the reverse situation of your hopping vampire/Yoshika Miyako.
Namewise she's a Jiangshi. But the way she acts, she's actually a western zombie
The Jiangshi are interpreted as some kind of vampire and some kind of zombie. The one from Oriental Adventure focused on the vampire interpretation by calling it a vampire, not a Jiangshi. Recognizing this, I destroyed my Jiangshi since the Hopping Vampire wasn't appropriate and I already had a zombie done.
There is no name issue here.
Bottom point being, "typical shinigami" aren't the origin of touhou shinigami. Greedy ferrymen of the River Styx with boats are.
You mean the Sanzu River. And your statement is also an inaccurate generalization. The ferryman shinigami are but one branch of them all.
Typical "yugoloth" aren't the origin of the touhou shinigami either if that actually concerns you, but you already admitted that they really didn't fit the Touhou shinigami by having them get replaced by the yugoloth in 'the future'.
Bottom point is that it doesn't matter. I said I don't care what race is what. What matters is the Touhou terminology. Touhou calls them shinigami. Call them shinigami. Use whatever monster you want as a shinigami from there, it doesn't matter.
Otherwise you might as well replace all references to the Lunarians with the name of some Dnd monster and perverse the whole thing while you're at it.
If you want to ignore terminology and insist on using something else, I still left you some points on why those yugoloths aren't the right ones for that. If you really want a direct connection to a monster class with a boat that takes payments, no matter what that monster is, might as well go with that shinigami monster.
It is CR17 and really doesn't have much to fill them. Some are already far from against taking bribes so dumping a boat ability in there, especially if it is optional to represent that not all shinigami have the ferrymen job, then it is easy to make it fit your vision of the thing. Sort of how you gave the yugoloth a soul explosion trick it didn't normally have.