Author Topic: Gauntlet - Break the CR  (Read 34686 times)

Offline Lunarambling

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #80 on: November 27, 2013, 01:28:41 AM »
Huh. I was hoping this thread would be more active. Oh well. I think that the Summoner class is much stronger than I initially realized and really seems to hit it's stride around 5th level. Wonder when it slips back? If it does?

Offline PsyBomb

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #81 on: November 27, 2013, 10:09:40 PM »
PF summoners who know what they're doing are right on T1.5 or so. Though not quite as directly powerful as CODzilla or Wizards, they are supremely versatile and basically play like most of a party by themselves. This goes double for the Master Summoner archetype.

Offline Lunarambling

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #82 on: November 28, 2013, 08:54:09 PM »
The Half-Elf Favored Class Bonus is also very useful. Getting a total of an extra 5 Evolution points by 20th is very powerful. I am unaware of any other means of getting extra points at all. I didn't really look at the Summoner Archetypes all that much, but maybe I should take a look. When I first looked at it, I thought it was a little underpowered. Seemed like a limited version of a Druid. However, seeing it in practice, while it plays significantly different, it certainly has it's power.

The versatility of a good spell list, a good number of spells per day, and a potent companion allow for it to really be a force to be reckoned with. While it feels a little like you are playing the Eidolon at times rather than the Summon because of how frequently you will be relying on the Eidolon, for me that adds another wrinkle and layer to the RP quality. Too bad there are no real Prestige Options for the Summoner. It seems like PF moved away from the idea that you want to have multiple classes or Prestige Classes. They certainly made it more viable to stay in a single class throughout your career.

Offline meyer_william

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #83 on: December 07, 2013, 02:13:41 PM »
Sorry, real life has gotten in the way of this thread for me. I have some additional gauntlets to write up and post, but ... that needs to wait for time to make itself available. Btw, if you have anything, feel free to add it :)
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Offline Lunarambling

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #84 on: December 12, 2013, 01:03:30 AM »
Sorry, real life has gotten in the way of this thread for me. I have some additional gauntlets to write up and post, but ... that needs to wait for time to make itself available. Btw, if you have anything, feel free to add it :)

Thanks for the time you have put into this. I have enjoyed it and it has given me a chance to see how a class I had never really tried works out, at least on paper. I look forward to seeing what else hou have up your sleeve.

Offline A_bad_DM

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #85 on: January 25, 2014, 03:11:27 PM »
I know it's been a while, but I must admit I still want this thread to go on, and I don't think making a new thread for a challenge is a good idea when there's already one going on.

Since there haven't been much going on in here lately, I'll be posting a scenario of epic difficulty~(I hope this does not actually anger anyone though.)

First of all, know that this is a challenge some of my players had to face in my personal campaign setting. It is usually in a gestalt game, with a group of four players entering at level 15~16 with two to three times the amount of gold for their level. Due to the setting, all books other than Dragon Magazine and Psionics materials are allowed. Anything that would allow an infinite loop is forbidden by the dungeon master.

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Maps and Area Descriptions
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Duration between encounters
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Scoring metrics
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If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I did not ready any spell list, because I usually make them use spells as if they knew them all and could cast spontaneously, since in game, Raksh does have his army of diviners. If you want any precision on the NPCs other than the kobolds, here is where I asked for help for most of their builds:

PS: I just noticed the black dragonwrought kobold is not actually a cleric but an archivist. Still, it acts and dress like a cleric of Tiamat.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 08:06:38 PM by A_bad_DM »

Offline meyer_william

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #86 on: February 17, 2014, 10:01:38 AM »
Wow ... just ... wow.

What level should I list this as?

Also, you need to flesh out the encounters more, listing stats, equipment, etc ... without numbers (AC, HPs, etc), monsters are impossible to fight.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 10:05:33 AM by meyer_william »
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Offline A_bad_DM

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #87 on: February 17, 2014, 07:10:22 PM »
What level should you list this as? If you consider taking it on alone, it should probably be epic, hence why I was putting the level you were doing it as a scoring metric. If you really want to list it, considering a level up per "boss", you would need to start at 16~17.

As for the encounters, I don't have those character sheets anymore so I would need to remake them. I guess it's something I should do considering my players could stumble upon them eventually. It'll take me some time to finish them though.

Offline meyer_william

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #88 on: February 18, 2014, 09:11:51 AM »
No problem. Its just that without stats, its not possible to solve.

I am looking forward to this though ... I haven't "fought" a high level encounter in a really long time.

When you update it, please be a bit more descriptive, for instance, the room (area) the mob is in, ceiling height, floor condition (difficult terrain, slope), barriers (anti-charge, etc)
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Offline Sir Giacomo

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #89 on: February 18, 2014, 04:41:46 PM »
Hi meyer_william,

this looks quite interesting!  :love  I'll think up a character to run to the gauntlet and come back when I got enough time.

- Giacomo

PS: in case you have been also meyer_william over at WotC, I was known there under the name of "Themistokles" once... ;) Was a great discussion on monk unarmed damage back then...

Offline meyer_william

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #90 on: February 19, 2014, 09:57:19 AM »
Grin ... its nice to be remembered :) yes, that was me over at wotc --> gleemax --> whatever.

I came here since that one had basically died off.
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Offline CE2JRH

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #91 on: February 25, 2014, 06:37:53 AM »
I was the guy that ran the DMM persist cleric, and oh yes, I remember that strongly.

Offline CE2JRH

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #92 on: February 27, 2014, 12:24:08 PM »
I remember it this strongly!

CR 5 adventure:

CR 5 monsters. This should be a terrible day for any CR 5 character.
 giant constrictor snake
 huge rug
young black dragon

Offline CE2JRH

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #93 on: February 27, 2014, 12:24:36 PM »
CR 5 adventure:
Hydra for the killin' & phat l3wtz, cave to the N of town 15 miles
The entrance is guarded by a powerful shaman riding a celestial lion!! Besides, that cave would take days to venture to the bottom of...*

Goal is hydra kill & return of Amulet of the Hydra-loot

*This information is false, but the locals are drunks and this is as much as they know. Actual avg time through should be about an hour I'd think, though if you can provide adequate explanation of tactics to go faster that can be shaved down. Say, 20 minute minimum.

Griffon (CR 4) Bugbear (CR 2)
Outside, guarding cave entrance, plains setting, say 250' sight range*, Bugbear riding Griffon to start

*This is you spotting the cave entrance, Griffon spots you at this time. May be possible to hide/sneak at this point, but it is just an open plain.


Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 5 mechanical, location trigger, manual reset, DC 20 ref. save avoids, 50ft deep (5d6, fall), multiple targets (first target in each of two adjacent 5' squares), search DC 25, disable DC 17
Cave entrance, 15' wide, followed by a chamber 15' x15'x10' ceiling, followed by a corridor 20' long that varies between 15' and 20' wide. Trap around corner.

3x Shocker Lizard (CR 2 each)
Small room 20'x40'x10' ceiling, 10'x10'x2' deep pool of water to SW corner, doorways at SE (entrance) and NW corner, lizards spread around room, 2 in pool

Cloaker (CR 5)
Small antechamber before final boss door, 8'x15'x10' ceiling, attempts to surprise while preparing at doorway, or follows and attempts to attack from behind once hydra is killed

6 Headed Hydra (CR 5)
Large domed* chamber, 40'x70'x40' ceiling, mostly water filled, avg. 1' deep, no deeper than 3', hydra starts at far end of chamber

*It's an oval chamber, it can be a dome. Shut up.

Offline CE2JRH

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #94 on: February 27, 2014, 12:25:32 PM »
CR 6 version of the above:
CR 6:
Encounter 1: Were-Tiger (CR 5) Unicorn (CR 3), dense forest, 20' sight range, not mounted, Unicorn attempts charge/gore initially, will fall back and heal itself and companion if needed
Encounter 2: Spiked Blocks from Ceiling: CR 6, mechanical, location trigger, repair reset, attack +20 melee (6d6, spikes), multiple targets (all targets in 10'x10' area), search DC 24, Disable DC 20
Encounter 3: 3x Ghast (CR 3 each)
Encounter 4: Lamia (CR 6), uses abilities per SRD to attempt surprise
Encounter 5: 6 Headed Cryo-Hydra (CR 6), foreknowledge of Cryo requires scouting/divination, no one has lived to know it's not just a hydra

Offline CE2JRH

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #95 on: February 27, 2014, 12:26:45 PM »
CR 5 adventure:


1. You know that it is a crypt and have as much times as you need to prepare.

2. 1 minute between encounters. This accounts for puzzles and times needed to move from place to place.

3. For simplicity each encounter occurs in a room that measures 40 by 40 by 40.

4. You get a clue.

He waits alone.
Guarded by rags.
Dressed in stone.
Patent as death.
The treasure is his alone
Encounter 1

2 bone creatures. (Book of Vile Darkness page 184)

Bone elf(undead (augmented humanoid)) sorcerer 4 (Cr 5)
HD 4d12 (24)
Str 10 +0
Con -
Dex 18 +4 (+2 +4)
Int 11 +1
Wis 9 -1
Cha 14 +2 (+1)

Rapier +7 (+3 Dex, +1 masterwork), 1d8 +1 ( +1 master work)
2 claws +6 1d4
saves: Fort +1 (+0) Ref 5 (+4), Will 3 (-1)
AC 16 (10 + 4 Dex, +2 Natural, +1 bracers, additional +4 with Mage Armor not included)
Skills: Concentration 8, Knowledge Arcana 8
Feats: Draconic Heritage (White), Draconic Breath (Cold), Finesse Weapon: Rapier (3.0 holdover)
Items: Spell Component Pouch, masterwork rapier, Bracers of Armor +1

Spell Per Day, 6, 6, 3 DC 12 + Spell Level
Spells known 0th (6), Resistance, Acid Splash, Daze (?), Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue, Prestidigitation.
1st (3), Grease, Mage Armor, ray of Enfeeblement
2nd (1), Web

Special Qualities

Darkvision 60 feet.
Immunity to cold
1/2 damage from piercing/slashing weapons.
undead traits
+2 vs cold.
Can convert spells into a 30-foot cone that deals 2d6 per spell level, Reflex save for half equal to the spells save.

Tactics: Frack try to nerf you with each Web, or Ray of Enfeeblement. He will also convert spells into cold as Frick is immune he doesn't have to worry about hitting him.

Bone Human(undead (augmented humanoid)) fighter 3 (Cr 4)
HD 3d10 18 (15 base +3)
Str 14 +2(+1)
Dex 16 +3 (+4)
Con -
Int 11 +0
Wis 10 +0
Cha 9 -1

Spiked Chain +7 (+3 Dex, +1 Focus, +1 masterwork), 2d4 +3 (+2 Str, +1 Masterwork)
2 claws +6 1d4 +2
saves: Fort + 3 (+0), Ref 4 (+3), Will +1 (=0)
AC 19 (10 +3 Dex, +2 Natural +4 chain mail,)
Skills: Jump 7, Intimidate 7
Feats: Weapon Finesse: Spiked Chain, Toughness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain, Improved Intuitive, Weapon Focus: Spiked Chain
Items: masterwork Spiked Chain, Chain mail

Special Qualities

Darkvision 60 feet.
Immunity to cold
1/2 damage from piercing/slashing weapons.
undead traits

Encounter 2

2 advanced wights

Hit Dice: 6d12 (38 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3
Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d4+1 plus energy drain)
Full Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d4+1 plus energy drain)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Create spawn, energy drain
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con —, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15
Skills: Hide +8, Listen +7, Move Silently +16, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight

A wight’s appearance is a weird and twisted reflection of the form it had in life. A wight is about the height and weight of a human.
Wights speak Common.
Wights attack by hammering with their fists.
Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a wight becomes a wight in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the wight that created them and remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wight’s slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 14 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based. For each such negative level bestowed, the wight gains 5 temporary hit points.
Skills: Wights have a +8 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Encounter 3


Small Aberration (Air)
Hit Dice: 9d8 (40 hp)
Initiative: +13
Speed: Fly 50 ft. (perfect) (10 squares)
Armor Class: 29 (+1 size, +9 Dex, +9 deflection), touch 29, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/–3
Attack: Shock +16 melee touch (2d8 electricity)
Full Attack: Shock +16 melee touch (2d8 electricity)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, natural invisibility
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +12, Will +9
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 29, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills: Bluff +13, Diplomacy +3, Disguise +1 (+3 acting), Intimidate +3, Listen +17, Search +14,

Spot +17, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB

Will-o’-wisps can be yellow, white, green, or blue. They are easily mistaken for lanterns, especially in the foggy marshes and swamps where they reside. A will-o’-wisp’s body is a globe of spongy material about 1 foot across and weighing about 3 pounds, and its glowing body sheds as much light as a torch.
Will-o’-wisps speak Common and Auran. They have no vocal apparatus but can vibrate to create a voice with a ghostly sound.
Will-o’-wisps usually avoid combat. They prefer to confuse and bewilder adventurers, luring them into morasses or other hazardous places. When they are forced to fight, they loose small electrical shocks, which act as melee touch attacks.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A will-o’-wisp is immune to most spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance, except magic missile and maze.

Natural Invisibility (Ex): A startled or frightened will-o’-wisp can extinguish its glow, effectively becoming invisible as the spell.

Encounter 4

Advanced MUMMY

Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 10d12+3 (67 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+10 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+11
Attack: Slam +12 melee (1d6+10 plus mummy rot)
Full Attack: Slam +12 melee (1d6+10 plus mummy rot)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Despair, mummy rot
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/–, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, vulnerability to

Saves: Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +8
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 10, Con —, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 15
Skills: Hide +7, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Toughness

Mummies are preserved corpses animated through the auspices of dark desert gods best forgotten.
Most mummies are 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh about 120 pounds.
Mummies can speak Common, but seldom bother to do so.
Despair (Su): At the mere sight of a mummy, the viewer must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be paralyzed with fear for 1d4 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same mummy’s despair ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Mummy Rot (Su): Supernatural disease—slam, Fortitude DC 16, incubation period 1 minute; damage 1d6 Con and 1d6 Cha. The save DC is Charisma-based. Unlike normal diseases, mummy rot continues until the victim reaches Constitution 0 (and dies) or is cured as described below.
Mummy rot is a powerful curse, not a natural disease. A character attempting to cast any conjuration (healing) spell on a creature afflicted with mummy rot must succeed on a DC 20 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the afflicted character.
To eliminate mummy rot, the curse must first be broken with break enchantment or remove curse (requiring a DC 20 caster level check for either spell), after which a caster level check is no longer necessary to cast healing spells on the victim, and the mummy rot can be magically cured as any normal disease.
An afflicted creature who dies of mummy rot shrivels away into sand and dust that blow away into nothing at the first wind.

Claim Treasure

In the end of the adventure is a stone sarcophagus.

Surprise encounter, if you honestly paid attention to the clue you should have all the time in the world to prepare. If you didn't the occupant gets a surprise round. Sealed within the sarcophagus and unable to leave was a vampire! The sarcophagus acts as a coffin for the vamp.


Human vampire warblade 5
Undead (augmented Humanoid)

HP 5d12 +5 (35)
Str 22 +6 (+7)
Dex 18 +4 (+4)
Con -
Int 15 +2 (+2)
Wis 14 +2 (+2)
Cha 14 +2 (+4)

Slam +13 (+1 focus, +7 Str), 1d6 +7 (=7 Str) and energy drain
Saves: Fort +4 (+0), Ref +7 (+4, +2), Will +3 (+2)
AC 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus: Slam, Ability Focus: Dominate, Improved Toughness, Alertness,

Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes
Items: None except cloths, much gold is found in the vampire was stripped of his gear.
Skills: Balance 8, Climb 8, Concentration 8, Diplomacy 8, Jump 8, Tumble 8
Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and

Spot checks

maneuvers known
1st Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Steel wind, Stone Bones, Wolf Fang Strike
2nd Emerald Razor, Disarming Strike.

Punishing Stance, Stance of Clarity

maneuvers readied
Disarming Strike, Stone Bones, Emerald razor, Sapphire Nightmare Blade

Special qualities & attacks.

Special Attacks: A vampire retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + 1/2 vampire’s HD + vampire’s Cha modifier unless noted otherwise.

Blood Drain (Ex): A vampire can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points.

Children of the Night (Su): Vampires command the lesser creatures of the world and once per day can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 wolves as a standard action. (If the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might summon other creatures of similar power.) These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the vampire for up to 1 hour.

Dominate (Su): A vampire can crush an opponent’s will just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the vampire must use a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the vampire targets must succeed on a Will save or fall instantly under the vampire’s influence as though by a dominate person spell (caster level 12th). The ability has a range of 30 feet.

Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by a vampire’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn (see the Vampire Spawn entry) 1d4 days after burial. If the vampire instead drains the victim’s Constitution to 0 or lower, the victim returns as a spawn if it had 4 or less HD and as a vampire if it had 5 or more HD. In either case, the new vampire or spawn is under the command of the vampire that created it and remains enslaved until its master’s destruction. At any given time a vampire may have enslaved spawn totaling no more than twice its own Hit Dice; any spawn it creates that would exceed this limit are created as free-willed vampires or vampire spawn. A vampire that is enslaved may create and enslave spawn of its own, so a master vampire can control a number of lesser vampires in this fashion. A vampire may voluntarily free an enslaved spawn in order to enslave a new spawn, but once freed, a vampire or vampire spawn cannot be enslaved again.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam attack (or any other natural weapon the vampire might possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round.

Special Qualities: A vampire retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.

Alternate Form (Su): A vampire can assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph spell cast by a 12th-level character, except that the vampire does not regain hit points for changing form and must choose from among the forms mentioned here. While in its alternate form, the vampire loses its natural slam attack and dominate ability, but it gains the natural weapons and extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It can remain in that form until it assumes another or until the next sunrise. (If the base creature is not terrestrial, this power might allow other forms.)

Damage Reduction (Su): A vampire has damage reduction 10/silver and magic. A vampire’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Fast Healing (Ex): A vampire heals 5 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a vampire is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit points per round.

Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a vampire can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Resistances (Ex): A vampire has resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10.

Spider Climb (Ex): A vampire can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.

Turn Resistance (Ex): A vampire has +4 turn resistance.

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #96 on: February 27, 2014, 12:27:35 PM »
CR6 version of the above:

1. You know that it is a crypt and have as much times as you need to prepare.

2. I'll highlight changes to monsters so you can find errors easier.
The Entrance
Area: A cave entrance to a crypt. It descends down 20 feet and turns to the right to prevent sunlight from ever shining upon the entrance.

As you descend from the sunlight world an old set of double doors blocks your path. Upon it is a old, but legible, cryptic warning and a scroll-like piece of paper upon the crack between the doors. Any attempt to remove it or open the doors destroys it.
Read the Writing
He waits alone.
Guarded by rags.
Dressed in stone.
Patent as death.
The treasure is his alone

Encounter 1
Area: 20 X 20 with a 10 foot ceiling. entered from the south. Door to the north.

The first room in this crypt is a large chamber. The air hangs old and rank. In the darkness 2 wights are attempting to hide. No concealment against darkvision.

2 rogue 1 wights


Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 5d12 (32 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+3
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d4+1 plus energy drain)
Full Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d4+1 plus energy drain)
+1d6 Sneak attack might apply
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Create spawn, energy drain, Sneak Attack Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, trap finding Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +5
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con —, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15
Skills: Hide +10, Listen +9, Move Silently +18, Spot +9
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight

A wight’s appearance is a weird and twisted reflection of the form it had in life. A wight is about the height and weight of a human. Wights speak Common.
Wights attack by hammering with their fists.
Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a wight becomes a wight in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the wight that created them and
remain enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had in life.
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wight’s slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 14 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based. For each such negative level bestowed, the wight gains 5 temporary hit points.
Skills: Wights have a +8 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.

Encounter 2
Area:You come to a tunnel that is partial composed of natural cave and a constructed tunnel. 50 feet long with a turn in the middle and the ceiling varies from 10-15 feet hight.

An uneven ceiling looms over you head. The foul air of the crypt as changed from rank to moist and rank.
Two green slimes
Green Slime (CR 4): This dungeon peril is a dangerous variety of normal slime. Green slime devours flesh and organic materials on contact and is even capable of dissolving metal. Bright green, wet, and sticky, it clings to walls, floors, and ceilings in patches, reproducing as it consumes organic matter. It drops from walls and ceilings when it detects movement (and possible food) below.
A single 5-foot square of green slime deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage per round while it devours flesh. On the first round of contact, the slime can be scraped off a creature (most likely destroying the scraping device), but after that it must be frozen, burned, or cut away (dealing damage to the victim as well). Anything that deals cold or fire damage, sunlight, or a remove disease spell destroys a patch of green slime. Against wood or metal, green slime deals 2d6 points of damage per round, ignoring metal’s hardness but not that of wood. It does not harm stone.

It might matter so, it is 120 feet back to the sunlight.

Encounter 3
Area: A large natural cave with a massive reliquary. The room is 40 feet long and 15 feet wide at the bottom and 20 feet high. For each 5 feet above the floor a 5 floor terrace is formed.

The smell of death permeates this room. Within each wall and level of the reliquary is a 5 foot wide and tall impression with a body on some sort. Some are mummified or skeletal.

There is a Ghoul Glyph (Spell Compendium page 105) in the doorway DC 15

2 bone creatures. (Book of Vile Darkness page 184)
Both are tempting to hide in the enclaves on the far side of the room. One on each side.

Bone kobold sorcerer 5 (Cr 5)
variant: Dragonblood Sorcerer (Races of the Dragon page 107)
Flaws: Feeble, Shaky
Intuitive +4 (+4 Dex)
HD 5d12 (30)
Str 6 -2 (-4 racial)
Con -
Dex 18 +4 (+2 racial +4 racial)
Int 11 +1
Wis 9 -1
Cha 16 +3 (+1, +2 Enhancement)

2 claws +7 (+1 size) 1d3 -2
saves: Fort +3 (+0) Ref 7 (+4), Will 5 (-1)
AC 22 (10 + 4 Dex, +2 Natural, +1 natural, +4 Internal Armor, +1 Size)
Skills: Concentration 8, Knowledge: Arcana 8
Feats: Draconic Heritage (White) (Races of the Dragon page 102), Draconic Breath (Cold) (Races of the Dragon page 102), , Finesse Weapon: Claw (3.0 holdover), Hidden Talent igor (Expanded Psionics Handbook page 67, Internal Armor (Psionics Handbook page 26), Combat Casting
Items: Spell Component Pouch, Sling, Cloak of Charisma +2

Spell Per Day: 7, 7, 5 DC 13 + Spell Level
Spells known 0th (6), Resistance, Acid Splash, Daze (?), Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue, Prestidigitation.
1st (4), Benign Teleportation, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement
2nd (2), Web, Ghoul Glyph

Special Qualities

Light Sensitivity
Darkvision 60 feet.
Immunity to cold
1/2 damage from piercing/slashing weapons.
undead traits
+2 vs cold.
Can convert spells into a 30-foot cone that deals 2d6 per spell level, Reflex save for half equal to the spells save.
Tactics: In a surprise round Frack 5-foot steps out and uses web. In later rounds he hits with direct damage.

Bone Human Feat Rogue 1, Fighter 2 (CR 4)
Flaws: Vulnerable, Murky-Eyed
Initiative +7 (+3 Dex, +4 feat)
HD 3d10 18 (15 base +3)
Str 14 +2(+1)
Dex 16 +3 (+4)
Con -
Int 11 +0
Wis 10 +0
Cha 9 -1

Spiked Chain +7 (+3 Dex, +1 Focus, +1 masterwork), 2d4 +3 (+2 Str, +1 Masterwork)
2 claws +6 1d4 +2
Trip + 6 (+4 feat +2 Str, or +3 Dex Opposed)
Disarm +10 (+4 feat, +2 Str +4 2-H weapon)
saves: Fort + 2 (+0), Ref 7 (+3 +2 feat), Will +1 (+0)
AC 18 (10 +3 Dex, +2 Natural +4 chain mail, -1 flaw)
Skills: Spot 4, Listen 4, Move Silently 4, Hide 4, Balance 4, Tumble 4, Intimidate 6, Jump 6, Sense Motive 4.
Feats: Weapon Finesse: Spiked Chain, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Spiked Chain, Improved Intuitive, Combat Expertize, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Lightning Reflexes, Prone Attack (Complete Warrior page 103)
Items: masterwork Spiked Chain, Chain mail

Special Qualities
Darkvision 60 feet.
Immunity to cold
1/2 damage from piercing/slashing weapons.

Tactics: Frick's job is to protect Frack. As such he moves into a position to protect the bone kobold and readies a trip attack Vs. Approach to his reach.

Any successful trip attack that Frick makes he will follow up with a disarm with his extra attack. On his own turn he tries the trip/disarm combo and strikes any prone and unarmed for if he cannot.

Encounter 4
Area: This is a 15 x 15 foot room, with a 10 foot ceiling.

You enter the room to find that it is occupied my a mummy practicing with a training dummy?

Rap Woo, Mummy/Monk 1
Variant: Decisive Strike, it's a full-round to use. (Player's Handbook II page 51)

Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 9d12+12 (66 hp)
Initiative: +4 (+4 feat)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+10 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+11
Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6+10 plus mummy rot)
Unarmed Attack 11 1d6 +10
Decisive Strike +9 Unarmed X 2
Full Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d6+10 plus mummy rot)
Unarmed Attack +11 1d6 +10, Slam +6 melee (1d6+10 plus mummy rot)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Despair, mummy rot ,Stunning Fist
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/–, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits, vulnerability to fire
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +10
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 10, Con —, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 15
Skills: Hide +7, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Spot +8
Feats: Improved Toughness, Improved Initiative, Death Blow (Complete Adventurer page 106), Toughness

Mummies are preserved corpses animated through the auspices of dark desert gods best forgotten.
Most mummies are 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh about 120 pounds.
Mummies can speak Common, but seldom bother to do so.
Despair (Su): At the mere sight of a mummy, the viewer must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be paralyzed with fear for 1d4 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same mummy’s despair ability for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Mummy Rot (Su): Supernatural disease—slam, Fortitude DC 16, incubation period 1 minute; damage 1d6 Con and 1d6 Cha. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Unlike normal diseases, mummy rot continues until the victim reaches Constitution 0 (and dies) or is cured as described below.
Mummy rot is a powerful curse, not a natural disease. A character attempting to cast any conjuration (healing) spell on a creature afflicted
with mummy rot must succeed on a DC 20 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the afflicted character.
To eliminate mummy rot, the curse must first be broken with break enchantment or remove curse (requiring a DC 20 caster level check for either spell), after which a caster level check is no longer necessary to cast healing spells on the victim, and the mummy rot can be magically cured as any normal disease.
An afflicted creature who dies of mummy rot shrivels away into sand and dust that blow away into nothing at the first wind.

Claim Treasure
Area: 20X15 foot room with a 10 foot ceiling.

In the final room of the crypt is a stone sarcophagus.

Surprise encounter, if you honestly paid attention to the clue you should have all the time in the world to prepare. If you didn't the occupant gets a surprise round.

Sealed with the stone sarcophagus is a strange sight. The occupant is dresses in a black robe and holding a scythe in its bony hand laying on a bed of copper coins.

Shadow, The Hoard Hog
Bone Human Ninja 2 (Complete Adventurer page 5)/Scout 3 (Complete Adventurer page 10) (CR 5)

HD 5d12 (42 hp)
Initiative +5 (+4 Dex, +1 Battle Fort)
Str 13 +1
Dex 18 +4 (+ 4 racial)
Con -
Wis 16 +3 (+1 level)
Int 10 +0
Cha 8 -1
Ac 21 (10 + 3 dodge, +4 Dex, +1 feat +1 Bracers of Mage Armor, +2 Natural, +1 Skirmish not included)
Attacks: + 4 (+1 Str, +1 Enhancement) 2d4 +2 (+1 Str, +1 Enhancement)
+6 (+4 Dex) 1d4 +1 (+1 Str)
+1d6 Sudden attack and +1d6 Skirmish might apply.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +10 (+4 Dex), Will +6 (+3 Dex, +2 Ki Power)
Skills: Hide 8, Spot 8, Listen 8, Move Silently 8, Disable Devise 8, Search 8, Tumble 8, Balance 4
Feats: Weapon Proficiency: Scythe, Dodge, Draconic Aura: Vigor (Dragon magic page 16
Items: Masterwork Scythe, Bracers of Mage Armor +1, 50 Shurikens

Special Qualities.
Ki power: 4/day (opps, put to many uses the first time)
Ghost Step (Invisibility)
Trap finding
+10 speed
+1d6 Sudden Attack
+1d6 +1 AC Skirmish
+1 Battle Fortitude
Uncanny Dodge
Vigor Aura
Trackless Step
Darkvision 60 feet
Immunity to cold
1/2 damage from piercing/slashing weapons.

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #97 on: February 27, 2014, 12:28:30 PM »
CR6 Extraplanar adventure:
The set-up: You have discovered information about a pocket dimension that currently has no owners. Centuries ago, the owner/creator was attacked and used the power of the plane, plus his own sacrifice to defeat an interloper.

You've discovered a way to enter the plain, but there are 5 tests that you must complete to gain sole possession of the pocket plane. You have no idea what those tests are.

There is a clue translated from an ancient, and dead, language. By rough estimations, the clue is as follows:

Four realms in one
Four seasons are done
To master this realm
Defeat the twisted one.

You activate the portal, and after a brief moment of vertigo, the portal snaps shut behind you, leaving the smell of ozone in the air. You find yourself in a field of grasses and wildflowers as songbirds flit past overhead. In the distance, you see the boundary of the realm, 1/2 mile distance across a grassy plain with a few rocky outcroppings and some acacia trees. To your left, you see an orchard, though the fruit and leaves have already fallen. To your right, you see a forest, with several small animals moving about. Behind you you notice two things. First is the black basalt building roughly 60 ft. away that appears to be about 100 ft. in diameter. Beyond the building you see snow-covered hills dotted with pine and other evergreens.

The building is roughly 20 ft. tall, and you see two doors from your vantage point.

The entire realm is 1 mile in diameter. Each of the four areas described above are divided by a path that leads near the building.

Exploring the realm reveals no threats or combatants. If you attempt to rest and recover (in order to face the challenge fully prepped), you'll be dumped into a random encounter while sleeping.

The doors to the building have no locks, and each one is a different color.

The Green Door (#1) faces the forest.
The White Door (#2) faces the snow-covered hills.
The Red Door (#3) faces the orchard.
The Blue Door (#4) faces the open plains.

Behind each door is a 'pie-slice' shaped room, except the inside wall is concentric to the outside of the building. Each room has its walls, floor and ceiling painted to match the quadrant of the realm it faces. The far inside wall has a colored door with four locks; one green, one white, one red, one blue.

If you attempt to open the interior door, it fades from your grasp, as does the rest of the room. You find yourself in a wilderness environment similar to the motif of the room, except much more exaggerated and harsh. The forest is a steamy jungle, complete with biting insects and sweltering heat. The snow covered hills are frigid, the snow is 18 inches deep (no balance check required), and the wind howls past. The plains are baking under a glaring sun. The orchard is complete with a cold, drenching fall rain.

Editor's note: I've rolled randomly to determine the length of time after opening an inner door and when the monster attacks. For the purposes of this thread, I'm just going to assign a number of rounds for the monster, while a real campaign might play out differently depending upon the actions of the party of PCs.

Green Door - Jungle: It is day time, 12 rounds after entering...

Make a DC 27 (take 10, +8 Hide, +9 distance) Spot check to notice the 2x Forest Trolls (MM3) hiding 90 ft. away. If you make the check, no surprise round, if not, they throw a javelin on the surprise round. The trolls are standing only 20 ft. apart, and in a position that the undergrowth doesn't hinder their movement, nor yours.

Medium Giant
HD: 5d8 (47)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
AC: 18
Touch: 13
FF: 15
BAB: +3
Grp: +6
Atk: CLAW +6 (1d4+3 plus poison), claw +6 (1d4+3 + poison), bite +1 (1d4+1
Ranged: Javelin +6 (1d6+3 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
SA: Poison (DC 17, 1d6 Con / 1d6 Con)
SQ: Darkvision 90 ft., LLV, Scent, Fast Healing 5
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +1
Str 17, Dex 16, Con 21, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 6
Climb +11, Hide +8, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +5
Improved Initiative, Track

Once defeated, you find a gold key with emeralds set in the head, and the encounter area fades away, revealing the building standing only 60 ft. away. You are back where you first entered the realm.

White Door - Snow-covered hills: It is night time (pitch black), 5 rounds after entering...

You hear a the howl of the wind, but it turns into something more sinister as a Chraal looms out of the night. It notices at 60 ft. away (its darkvision), roll initiative. Ground movement is at half-speed, though you do not need balance checks to move.

Large Elemental (Cold)
HD: 9d8 (85)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 21
Touch: 13
Flat Footed: 21
BAB: +6
Grp: +15
Attack: CLAW +10 (1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold), claw +10 (1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold), bite +8 (2d6+2 plus 1d6 cold)
Space/Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.
SA: Breath Weapon (60 ft. cone, 6d6 cold, Ref DC 19 half)
SA: Death Throes (when killed, it explodes in a 30 ft. radius blast of cold that deals 10 piercing plus 10 cold damage)
SA: Freeze (add 1d6 cold damage to any physical attacks)
SQ: DR 5/-
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft.
SQ: deflecting cold (add +4 deflection bonus to AC)
SQ: Elemental Traits
SQ: Immunity to cold
SQ: vulnerability to fire
Fort +11, Ref +3, Will +5
Str 21, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 14
Listen +4, Search +3, Spot +4

Once defeated, you find a gold key with diamonds set in the head, and the encounter area fades away, revealing the building standing only 60 ft. away. You are back where you first entered the realm.

Red Door - Orchard: It is in the evening, but it is raining, decreasing visibility to a scant 50 ft., 7 rounds after entering...

You move through one row of trees you and a gaunt figure 10 ft. tall looms out of the downpour and begins to more toward you. The Boneclaw cackles with glee as it moves to end your miserable life.

Large Undead
HD: 10d12 (105)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 16
Touch: 13
Flat-Footed: 12
BAB: +5
Grapple +14
Attack: CLAW +9 (2d6+5), claw +9 (2d6+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft. / 20 ft.
SA: Reaching Claws (claw has 20 ft. reach)
SQ: +2 turn resistance
SQ: DR 5 / bludgeoning
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft.
SQ: Immunity to Cold
SQ: Undead Traits
SQ: Unholy Toughness (HD x Cha mod bonus hit points)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +9
Str 21, Dex 18, Con -, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 19
Hide +13, Intimidate +17, Listen +15, Move Silently +17, Search +15, Spot +15
Combat Reflexes, Power Attack

Once defeated, you find a gold key with rubies set in the head, and the encounter area fades away, revealing the building standing only 60 ft. away. You are back where you first entered the realm.

Blue Door - Plains: It is in the morning of a clear, hot day. You are standing a a field of grasses and wildflowers nearly three feet high, 8 rounds after entering...

A cloud of flowers, apparently animate, swarms up from the ground around you.

Tiny Plant (Extraplanar, Swarm)
HD: 7d8 (45)
Initiative: +3
Speed: fly 60 ft. (good)
AC: 16
Touch: 15
Flat-Footed: 13
BAB: +5
Grapple: -
Attack: Swarm (2d6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft. / 0 ft.
SA: Blood Drain (In addition to swarm damage, this deals 1d6 Con damage to any paralyzed or otherwise immobilized creature in its space)
SA: Distraction (Any creature beginning its turn in the dread blossom's spaces is nauseated for 1 round; Fort DC 15 negates the effect. Even after a successful save, spellcaster must make DC 20 concentration check to cast spell or concentrate on a spell.
SA: Poison Pollen (15 ft. radius, creatures must make Fort save (DC 17), or be paralyzed for 1 round)
SQ: Half damage from slashing and piercing
SQ: Plant Traits
SQ: Regeration 5 (Fire and Cold deal normal damage)
SQ: Swarm Traits
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2
Str 2, Dex 17, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 3
Hide +11, Listen +2, Spot +2

Once defeated, you find a gold key with sapphires set in the head, and the encounter area fades away, revealing the building standing only 60 ft. away. You are back where you first entered the realm.

Coming tomorrow, the final encounter. Don't forget to account for movement after each encounter to get to the next door. I'd like to see contestants randomly choose the order they open the doors, but that's not likely to happen.

It's important to keep track of your rounds. With all this movement and the delays before the monsters attack, it will become important for buff durations. After each encounter, you are 60 ft. from the building (which is 100 ft. diameter), which will eat up more time.

The boneclaw is only CR 5. I wanted to give it the spellstiched template, but this was kinda spur of the moment.

This is based off a real adventure I'm in the middle of writing, so it'll be interesting to see what happens and what tactics or questions are raised.


Extraplanar Adventure:
It's a little twisted, but here it is, the 5th extraplanar CR6 challenge.

You defeat the final challenge, and the landscape begins to fade away. You find yourself back in your original location when you first entered this pocket plane, 60 ft. from the building.

As you approach the building, you can't help but feel that your final test is near at hand, and that the magical forces of this place are driving you onward. (You may take up to 1 minute to prepare for the final encounter.) Once inside the building, you place each key in the corresponding lock. The keys turn easily and the last key clicks into place, unlocking the inner door.

You begin to open the door, and just as the slightest crack might be able to reveal the inside room, you are drawn through the door, no matter how hard to try to pull against it. The floor turns into a beautiful tile mosaic of the entire realm, complete with roads, trees, and every terrain feature of the outside realm depicted in the tiles. It even shows your battle sites.

The room is obviously much larger than the building's inner room could fit. In fact, it appears to be the size of the entire interior of the building (90 ft. diameter) with all the walls removed. You are standing with your back to the wall, and there are no visible doors inside this room, which has a 15 ft. ceiling. The center of the room has a platform 10 ft. in diameter and raised one foot from the remaining floor and obviously represents the building you now find yourself within. The floor of this raised platform is a jumble of colors, and standing upon it is a figure; The final guardian.

This creature is best described as a mad wizard's attempt at creating a new centaur-like race, except using different animals. This creature has the body and legs of a Lion, with the torso and upper body of a lizardfolk. Its muscles are freakishly large, and it glares at you with an otherworldly hatred. It wields a Glaive, though its hands appear to end in claws as well.

Monster of Legend Tauric Lion-Lizardfolk (CR 6)
Large Outsider
Initiative: +10
HD 7d8+49 (81)
Movment: 70 ft.
AC: 28 (+10 natural, +6 dex, +2 armor, +1 dodge, -1 size)
Touch: 16
Flat-Footed: 22
Attacks Large Glaive +18/+18/+13 (2d8+15) plus claw +17 (1d6+5) plus claw +17 (1d6+5) plus bite +16 (1d8+5)
BAB +7
Grp +21
Space / Reach: 10 ft. / 5 ft. (10 ft. with Glaive)
Str 31, Dex 23, Con 25, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 14
Fort +14 Ref +13 Will +8
SA: Raging Blood (if hit with slashing or piercing weapon, spray of blood for 1d4 electricity damage, range 5 ft.)
SA: Pounce (make charge and full attack at end of charge)
SA: Rake (if begins turn grappling foe, can make two claw attacks; +17/+17, 1d6+5 each)
SQ: Haste (as the spell, always active)
SQ: Fast Healing 5
SQ: Low Light Vision
SQ: Scent
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft.
SQ: Hold Breath (can hold breath for 100 rounds before risk of drowning)
Feats: Alertness, Run, Weapon Focus Claw, Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Skill Bonuses: +4 racial bonus on Balance, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Swim
Skills: Balance +15/5r, Hide +6, Jump +19/5r, Listen +6/3r, Move Silently +6, Spot +8/5r, Swim +14
Skill Tricks: Nimble Charge

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #98 on: February 27, 2014, 12:29:56 PM »
CR 5/7 normal urban adventure's what I consider to be a "normal" adventure. It's probably suicide but is the sort of thing a team of adventurers would normally be facing. The encounters sometimes need a lot of explanation so be patient. You can be homicidal or a nice guy and still make it through the adventure, if you're tough enough.

I will concede that any build that can do this one solo is overpowered  I'm pretty sure Bela will die, although it is possible level 7 Bela could do the CR5 version.

Adventure name: Full Moon (both CR5 and CR7)

The adventure starts after you've successfully completed an overland mission,
perhaps guarding a caravan or doing courier duty. It is 12 hours after dawn and
you've finished your business and are relaxing in a tavern, eating dinner and
drinking if that's the sort of thing you do. Most of your fellow adventurers have
scattered, but the BDF (Big Dumb Fighter) Elmo is sharing an ale with you.

Nothing happened today on the road, so only routine buffs are expended. Note that 12 hours includes 1 hour to wake up and memorize spells, an hour to break camp, more time after travel to sell goods, get paid off, find a tavern/inn/stables etc.

City Rules

If you do all-day buffs by recasting hour/level buffs, note resources burned
and spells you might have running.

You are in a major walled city. Domestic animals are allowed but not in taverns,
they mostly live in stables or kennels. Wild animals size large or smaller are allowed but
must be muzzled or equivalent on streets and you're responsible for their actions. Wild
animal "stables" are reinforced with iron.. Size huge or larger animals aren't allowed in city
but there is a person who will stable them outside the walls safely. He will also store corporeal undead for you. Incorporeals aren't allowed anywhere...dismiss them if you summon them after combat.

Muzzled means bite attacks can't happen without removing (full round) but claws are free.
All animals must be on leash (or bridle and ridden or lead)

Pole arms and projectile weapons aren't permitted to be carried openly on the
streets but you're allowed to bundle them up and store them in a home or rented
room (they'd be in your room at the inn, or with your scary wartrained steed if
you feel paranoid). Weapons other than quarterstaves, clubs or "light" type
weapons are supposed to be peacebonded. (full round action to release).
Pole arms are any inflexible reach weapon. Spike chain and whips are peacebonded.
Throwing weapons are considered "light", including splash weapons.

Weapon/animal laws can be reversed if you are working for the city (they have
licenses, often temporary). You can forge a license with DC20 forgery check
that will defeat most guard's skills. You can generally bribe a guard to
"overlook" a non-peacebonded weapon with diplomacy DC25 (dc20 for a large
bribe, ie not measured in silver). You can pretend you have a license with
bluff skill (opposed roll, sense motive on guards is +1). You can fake
a peace bond with a disguise check, opposed by guard spot of +3.

Weapon/Animal Licenses are not available for sale. They're issued as needed only.

Magic like a hat of disguise can easily conceal illegal weapons and fake peacebonds.

Spellcasting is legal, but you're responsible for injuries or property damage
just as with animals or swinging an axe around (or throwing alch fire).

Self defense or defense of others is reason enough to use lethal force,
but only if the opposition is using lethal force. Most injuries or property
damage can be settled "out of court" by reimbursing the victim with enough
cash to repair/buy healing or alternately to cast spells that fix the damage
or heal the injured - a failed diplomacy check of 15 might mean an additional
"pain and suffering" fee to them. Players need to use judgement on fines.

Encounter 1

As the sun sets, your adventuring companion looks surprised and
says "It's too early!" then mutates into a half-man/half bear form!

Patrons scream and scatter, and you reflexively stand up.

You face a Werebear in a confined area with lots of innocents.If
you stay in its face, it won't go after other people, if you back off it
will start going after others. The Werebear is in Hybrid form but
its weapon is peacebonded and the wrong size so it will just fight
with claw/claw/bite. Note that it does not have improved grab in
hybrid form. It will attempt touch attack to grapple if it goes two

The tavern is 30x40. You were at the bar next to Elmo so you two start out next to
each other. There are several small tables and chairs if you need improvised weapons.
rounds after getting nohits but will only attempt the tactic for one
round and if it doesn't workwill revert to normal attack methods.

Elmo at some point in your travels told you silver can hurt him but not much else does.

The bar contains a dozen other patrons plus the bartender and a barmaid. Three
of the other patrons start in reach of the bear, 6 if you consider 5' steps. After the first
round, on initiative zero, patrons try to flee, and bartender and barmaid retreat to cellar.
If you are not engaged with the werebear though, it will pursue. It will kill two people
on the first round and one in each following round (move and swat) if you aren't in full
attack range. After two rounds of keeping its attention, it won't have any other targets
but the PC so you can move if you want to.

The above is CR5. For CR7, add a barbarian level and a fighter
level. This gives it two feats - extra rage and power attack. It
will rage in this fight.

Statblock is same as werebear in MM, except as follows:
hit dice = 9, speed =40, AC=15 when raging, hp raging = 91
Saves when raging are +18 fort, +6 ref, +6 will
2 claws +17/17 1d6+11 bite +15 d8+5

Should you win, you can heal up and cast any other spells you want
before you leave. If you stick around for the watch, read further.
If not, skip to the next encounter

Nobody will interfere if you loot the body. He's got a +1 greataxe,
and other equipment that's melded with his body if he's still
alive (+1 chainmail, gauntlets of ogre power, cloak resist+2, cash)

The Watch

The watch will arrive and take away the defeated bear. He changes
back into human form if killed but there are enough witnesses to
your story that you'll not be hassled.

The watch knew Elmo, he has a good reputation in the city for
controlling his affliction, and it isn't even a full moon so theyare
very disturbed by what happened.

If you looted the body they'll confiscate the equipment but arrange
to pay you 20% of value for protecting the city from the menace.
(if he's still alive, they'll let you keep the axe).

If no innocents were hurt, the watch will license you for a day to
investigate this, allowing you full access to weapons and to unmuzzle
any dangerous animals you might want to have on streets.

If innocents were hurt, the usual weapon/animal laws apply although
they won't fine you for self defense.

If you were bitten by the bear, they will escort you to a temple
and insist that you "take the cure", paid for by Elmo's funds

Any CR5+ adventurer can get away from the watch if they want.
You defeated a werebear, if you try to run or fight they'll just
scatter, blowing whistles. You're out of their weight.

Encounter 2

If you talked to the watch, this takes place as you try to recover
your mount/companion/equipment or alternately 15 minutes later
in an alleyway. If you evaded the watch, it takes place 15 minutes
after you left the prior fight, in an alleyway.

What happens in this encounter depends on prior encounters.
The other two party members you adventured with are now
in conflict with you. This is either because

1. The watch licensed them to capture you (you ran/fought watch,
you did not stick around to be questioned etc). In this case they use
their best abilities to capture you but are trying not to kill you.

2. You killed Elmo. Elmo was the kin of the bard and the lover
of the ranger. They're out for blood.

3. You subdued Elmo and allowed the guard to question you.
Theyr'e uncertain what is going on but figured you triggered the
change somehow, by being violent or getting Elmo very angry.
They'll fight to subdue, wanting to give you a good beating before
questioning you.

In situations 1 and 2 they're hostile. A rushed diplomacy dc25 that gets
them to indifferent can turn it around, as might charm or suggestion
type magic, but both have spellcraft so that is chancy.

In situation 3 they're only unfriendly but a good story will calm them down.
Bluff is risky, as both have good sense motive checks, but diplomacy
DC is only 15 and it doesn't have to be rushed.
Intimidate is opposed vs +6 (bard) and +7 (ranger) and you have to beat both
to "win". At EL7, DC is +8 and +9 because you are outnumbered four to one.
DC's are from PHB rules, with circumstance bonus at EL7.
What makes this encounter especially dangerous is that they know you.
They will pick the best tactics to defeat you they know. This means the
bard will counterspell spellcasters with silence or target weak saves on fighters,
the ranger will use splash weapons and tanglefoot bags on high AC targets.

On the flipside you know them well too. You can use any weakness you see
on their statblocks without being accused of metagaming.

If the adventurer has a mount or animal companion, they'll call you out in the
stables, before you can secure the animal. The stalls are hardness 5, 10hp
for domestic, they're hardness 10, 30hp for wild animals (cages). You also have
to get past both of them to get at your stall. The animal with a "fight" command
will try to break out on its own.

Barring a mount, they'll next wait for you in your room at the inn, blocking access
to projectile weapons and pole arms. Failing either of those, the fight takes place
in an alleyway. Assume the bard has someplace to stand not silenced in any event.

An alleyway is 5' wide. Buildings are mostly wood construction, and stables
have straw floors on the mud so fireballs are not recommended. Stables have
10' high ceiling and 10' wide corridors between stalls. Kennels are still 10' high
but only 5' wide corridors between kennels (medium or smaller animals). If
fighting near your room at the inn, the inn room is 10x20, corridors 5' wide and
there are 3 rooms on the floor, all empty and unlocked at the time (probably
rented by Julia and Antonia)

There's normally no surprise - they call you out. If you're hidden/concealed in a way that
they can't discover (remember, they've got scent, tracking and good alertness skills) then
youcan avoid this encounter by avoiding them or take a surprise round.

The bard is running Message and a +2 atk/+2 damage bardsong as the encounter begins.
The ranger is doing the talking. In CR7, bards have alter self troglodyte (from scroll) running
Bards are 10' behind ranger(s). Dog is next to or in front of ranger, default command "defend ranger".
There should not be a way to melee the bard without getting past dog and/or ranger. If in stables ranger+dog are 15' from you in 10' wide corridor, if at inn, dog is 10' from you in 5' wide corridor.
If in alleyway, it is 5' wide but dog is 25' away at start.
For CR7, use the same statblocks but double the numbers. You only adventured
with two of them, but they brought their twin brothers and sisters along for the fight.

This is a CR6 encounter in theory, but the opposition is normally holding back
and it's fairly easy to avoid or negotiate away. Also losing doesn't end the adventure
unless you killed Elmo and didn't talk to the watch. You'll get woken up
and questioned and the adventure will continue. So close enough to CR5

Julius (and Julia at CR7), level 4 human bard
str 8 dex 13 con 14 int 12 wis 10 cha 18
cloak cha+2, masterwork studded leather
scroll silencex2, glitterdustx2, alter self, cure light wound
ac14(20) hp 25 fort3 refl6 will5 grapple2 bab3
spot/listen 7, sense motive 7, tumble 10 balance 10 jump
Feats: Improved initiative, spell focus enchantment & conjuration
spell slots remaining: 221 DC 15+spell level
L0: message, daze, detect magic, read magic
L1 inspirational boost, charm person, tasha's laughter, grease
L2 silence, glitterdust

Antonia (and Antony) , level 4 human ranger
str 14 dex 16 con 14 int 10 wis 13 cha 8
amulet con+2, chain shirt+1, quarterstaff and oil of shillelagh
2 alch fire, 6 oil flasks. 2 tanglefoot bags 8 acid flasks 12 javelins, 2 saps
AC 18 hp30 fort6 refl7 will2 grapple6
spot/listen 8, sense motive 1, survival(track) 8 handle animal 11 (with bonded dog)
Favored enemy: Human. Point blank shot, rapid shot, quickdraw, two weapon fighting Animal companion: riding dog (MM) with chain shirt barding and magic fang cast on bite
attack (point blank range or shillelagh) = +8 or +6/6 or +4/4/4 (thrown only)
usually will lead with tanglefoot bag then shower with splash weapons unless AC is very low.
If prone (grease perhaps) will oil up shillelagh and go in and whack for 2d6+3/2d6+2

Don't forget inspire courage on all weapon attcks (splash and otherwise) +2/+2

As a rule, against spellcasters Julius will ready to counterspell with silence scrolls while Antonia
tries to lock them down with tanglefoot bags. If in silence, Julius will try to grease while Antoinia
peppers. Note the DC10 balance check every time you're hit while balancing to keep from falling
down.Once prone, Antonius will close for shillelagh. Juluis might silence the quarterstaff if that
seems more useful forcountering spellcasting. If Antonia is defeated, Julius will spam charm
persons (+4 to save in combat) hoping to get lucky.

Against nonspellcasters, Julius will normally spam tashas but once there is a tanglefoot hit
will follow it with grease. Tactics are otherwise similar, the shillelagh beating will come down
once the tashas "Sticks" or at least the enemy is prone. Charm person if Antonius is down.

If the fight is well in hand, Julius will take the time to use the saps for a round or two to
stickanonlethal tag on or maybe swing at -4 with the shillelagh if he thinks that might
work. They're pretty afraid of the PC though, If he's still throwing splash weapons they'll rely
on the clw scroll to "take you alive". If they don't kill you accidentally and you did not kill
Elmo OR if you did kill Elmo but are working for the city, they'll revive you and talk over the
situation calmly, eventually agreeing to get you healed up and help out in the investigation.

If the PC wins he again gets the option to stay around for the Watch. If he does, he will
again be offered the opportunity to work for the city if he didn't kill either of the NPC's. If
he did kill either, he'll again get off on "self defense" but warned that leaving bodies all over
the place won't make him popular. If he was working for the City already, it doesn't matter
much what he did unless he damaged property or bystanders. He can tell the watch any
story he wants.

If the PC evades the watch twice and killed anyone, this adventure becomes about his
escape from the cityand not about investigating the werebear.

It is assumed that by now the PC has purchased a lesser restoration either from a temple
or in potion form to allow them to continue adventuring through the night without fatigue.
Financed by the equipment from your former companions if they're dead, or by the city
if you're working for them, or suggested by them if they're now working with you.

Encounter 3

If the PC is hunted by the watch, this encounter came from them just as he exits the city walls.
He's heard whistles all around him, but knows a way out that isn't guarded. This depends on the PC…you can climb/fly the walls, go out via sewers, bribe a guard. Use the way that makes the most sense to the character but expend resources normally.

Otherwise the questioning of witnesses to the werebear transformation has lead to somebody recognizing a disguised wild elf - follower of a Moon Goddess. A check with the nature god temples reveals a location in the forest which is their territory. Unfortunately the questioning has also revealed the PC (and any NPCs who are helping) as a threat and an agent in the city has activated the countermeasures. Summoning dangerous elementals to rampage would be an act of war with the city, so they wait till the PC's are outside city limits, and the attackers are instructed to wait until the PC exits the city, out of bowshot of the walls.
Weapons can be assumed to be available and not peacebonded, animal companions of any size available, barded and ready to fight.

If you are in flight from the guard, this is about an hour after the prior encounter. If you investigated, it is about 2 hours after the prior encounter. In either event, about 15 minutes after you exited the city.
The elemental assassins only go for their own victim. If Julius is still alive the party will have a +2/+2 bardsong for the first 5 rounds. The NPC's all get killed (lifted and dropped) and the other elementals vanish.

If the PC wins his fight, he does not have to face any other creatures unless he wants to intervene. If you survive you can take the NPC's stuff.

CR5, this is one large air elemental per PC. CR7, one huge elemental.
The timeline for intervention to save NPC's is:

R0 Antonia spots, warns quickdraws and readies tf bag
R1 E1 rolls over A and gets TF bagged. Scoops up J, 50' away
R1 E2 rolls over A and scoops him up, pulls 100' away
R1 E3 attempts to roll over PC and move him 100' from starting point
R1 if E3 gets PC, A is 175' from PC, J is 135'.
R1 Julius blinds E1 with glitterdust
R2 E1 goes up 50'. J at 18 hitpoints. fails concentration to cast
R2 E2 goes up 200' and drops A. A dies. E2 vanishes
R3 E1 goes up to 100' and whirlwind ends. J falls and dies.

R0 Antonia spots, warns quickdraws and readies alch fire
R1 E1 rolls over A, hit,4 dmg burning. Scoops up J, 100' away
R1 E2 rolls over A and scoops him up, pulls 100' away
R1 E3 attempts to roll over PC and move him 100' from starting point
R1 if E3 gets PC, A and J are 175' from PC
R1 Julius blinds E1 with glitterdust
R2 E1 goes up 100' and J at 16 hp. fails concentration to cast
R2 E2 goes up 200' and drops A. A dies E2 vanishes
R3 E1 goes up to 200' and whirlwind ends. J falls and dies.

Tactics: they break cover 100' from party in whirlwind mode. PC's need a DC10 spot check and either DC12 knowledge plains or DC15 knowledge nature to recognize them as something other than a weather effect. In any event you get one "surprise round" of time to prepare from whether you think they're an elemental or storm. If Antonia is still alive, she makes the spot and kn nature roll.

Please review MM rules on whirlwind. At ground level they kick up dust preventing movement AOO's. They don't provoke for movement in WW form and you must make separate reflex saves for damage and being sucked in. My interpretation of the volume limits on whirlwind is that weight does not encumber if you are carried off via whirlwind (as opposed to grapple or similar). Grapple will prevent the whirlwind from moving but not the damage each round or allow you to escape (you need flight+reflex save).

Large elementals can only lift medium creatures, Huge can only lift large. If mounted you can choose to use ride check instead of reflex save if the mount is not pulled in. If mount is pulled in and you are not, DC15 ride check to land on feet.

Tactics are to scoop up PC (and mount/companion if any) with whirlwind, fly up 160-200' or until whirlwind runs out and drop the PC. They'll spend one round grabbing people and scattering in different directions, so you'll be at ground level in round 1. Round2, you'll be 200' up, they'll drop you. If you can't fly they'll repeat till whirlwind runs out or you're dead. If it did not scoop you up in round 1, it'll hover just out of what it thinks your 5' step plus full attack range is and try to scoop you in round 2, gaining as much altitude as it can (and dropping you if that is over 160').
If you can fly they'll move away and fly out of reach, shift out of whirlwind and return to exchange full attacks or flybys depending on how dangerous you seem to be in full attacks. If it fails to scoop you up in 3 attempts on the ground, it will give up and use same tactics as if you fly. If it can, it prefers to hover above you at extreme reach, getting height advantage to attack. They also like flyby attack, but generally only with a reach advantage unless full attack is more dangerous than single+AOO.

The elementals have found the PC's via an invisible stalker tracker. While druids can't be tracked their companions normally can as can any NPC's that are still working with the PC. The Stalker won't fight, it is only there so the elementals can locate the party. It vanishes once the fight begins, its task done.
If the PC's somehow foil the Stalker's ability to track them, they "win" this encounter.
The elementals are all called, not summoned. Prot evil won't help but they're extraplanar, so can be dismissed etc.

Encounter 4

If the PC is hunted by the watch, this represents an adventure they stumble into while using the forest to
evade pursuit. Otherwise it's the PC following up the clue provided by investigation.

The PC's can attempt to rest if they want but may be nervous about future assassins. If they are
working for the city, they can rest safely in a fortified tower on the wall. If not, the City is either
hunting them actively or won't let them sleep in town or nearby, for fear of elemental attacks.
Which means the woods are the main option. If you try to rest in the woods, the High
Priest of the Moon God will detect your dreams and the monsters(s) will find you 4 hours in.
Their babble means you'll wake up for sure before they get to you, but you need to make saves
as normal. (the moon god also has dream portfolio)

If the PC has tracking abilities, they'll notice the hunting patterns seem wrong for wild elves. The
recent tracks are all a mess, like they were just running around aimlessly. A PC may even find
an elf or two, starving and babbling to himself.

Eventually the PC hears the sounds of a large number of elves, but even with very high listen checks
they really seem to make no sense. It's coming from a large thicket, 60' radius. You can buff outside
and nothing happens. The brush near the thicket is double move where it is passable at all. The
second 10' of movement, one (or two) DC13 will saves must be made to avoid confusion (see below)

Once you clear the underbrush, you can see and hear clearly. A gibbering mouther is in the center
of the glade (two at CR7) about 50' away. They won't attack beyond babbling until they can see you.
The mouthers start out half in and half out of a pool fed by a spring. The water looks unhealthy

Spellcraft DC20 will indicate that the glade was used for a ritual that went horribly wrong.

For confusion, roll on the table with the honor system and post results.

Encounter 5

At this point the PC's can rest safely, as the enemies have no mobile threats left. But
use fair judgement about whether a PC would dare to rest after the last night attack.

Searching the area the PC's eventually find the tree where the high priest of the Moon God
used to live. She is merged half in and half out of the tree, an unusual tree where two separate
trees grew together. She's helpless, and after the efforts to summon the air elementals the last
of her sanity has gone. What remains are the creatures that tempted her to folly.

This encounter takes place 5 minutes after the Mouther encounter if you find the Mouthers in the thicket. If they attacked you at camp, it takes an hour of searching to find the tree.

Initial range for the final encounter is 40', there is underbrush etc providing
total concelament beyond those ranges. This works both ways, it is fairly easy
to retreat. The CR5 monsters don't pursue, the CR7 will pursue, most likely using teleport+hide
The underbrush provides 20% concealment beyond 20' but does not hinder movement.
The twinned trees have a huge canopy (20' radius from center) that has killed off any
competing trees. A few stunted trees are in the 20-40' radius, then forest is normal
after that.

EL5 = two corrupted dryads (use MM stats, but they're chaotic evil and lost the deep slumber SP ability to get the wisdom drain described below)
EL7 - succubus.

Both will try to make friends with the PC using charm abilities first, or suggestion.

Failing charm, they will use the "kiss me" suggestion, in the dryad case if you succumb it is as if you
failed a save versus entangle and you lose a point of wisdom each round you allow the kiss (the tree
grabs you and tries to meld you in, as what happened with the high priest

You get new saves to break out each round at +4 because you're being injured, but you will still be
grappled by succubus or entangled by dryads in the round you break the mental commands.

If the succubus gets knocked to half hitpoints she'll attempt to summon a vrock. Succeed or fail,
if reduced to less than 10 hitpoints, she will try to flee with teleport. The dryads fight to the death.

Should you win, the treasure of the tribe is there for taking, along with a journal that shows the
deterioration of the moon priest and the tribe. Extracting her from the tree is possible with an axe
and a lot of effort. She needs a Heal spell or equivalent to regain sanity, which can be done if you
get her back to town. Although she might not really want to be sane given what she did to the tribe.

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Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« Reply #99 on: February 27, 2014, 12:30:50 PM »
CR7 Kobold Adventure:

CR 7:

I think the time has come to separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, the overpowered from the merely powerful.

This adventure is much more complex than the ones posted so far. It is also much more difficult.

A tribe of kobolds living in a cave outside of town has kidnapped the local lord’s daughter and is holding her for an outrageous ransom fee. The lord has hired you to bring back his daughter.

The kobolds’ location is well-known, a cave outside of town.

Note: unless specified otherwise, normal doors are Good wooden doors (hardness 5, 15hp, break DC 18). Rooms and hallways, unless specified otherwise, are well-lit with torches in wall brackets.


The cave entrance opens into a small cavern, approximately circular, 40 feet in diameter and 20 feet high. It appears to be empty, and is full of miscellaneous debris and rocks. (Difficult terrain: land-based movement is halved)

6 Shocker Lizards are hidden on the jagged ceiling of this room (hide check +11). They have been trained by the kobolds to kill any non-kobold that enters. Every action, as long as at least two lizards remain, the entire group produces a lethal shock, which fills the room.

There are no apparent further exits from this room, but groups of kobolds have been seen entering and exiting the cave.

There is a secret door concealed on one of the walls, requiring a search check (DC 15) to locate. There are approximately 240 5-foot squares that contain walls. Assuming that the door is found a quarter of the way through searching the walls, it takes 2 hours to find the door (taking 20 on each search check). Obviously a character with ranks in search could do this much faster.


The secret door leads down a passage approximately 50 feet before it comes to a wooden door. The door is locked, requiring a DC20 Open Lock check to open. 5 feet behind the door is a second, identical door, similarly locked.

Behind the second door is a square room, 40 feet by 40 feet. On the opposite side of the room are 12 kobolds. (as in MM/SRD, but each has 5 flasks of acid) If both doors were opened quietly, they are surprised, otherwise, they all have moved up to 10 feet from the door and readied actions to hurl flasks of acid at anything that comes through the door.

There is a 60 foot deep pit trap directly in front of the door, just inside the room. Anyone moving over that square must make a DC 20 Reflex save or fall in, taking 6d6 damage. The pit has climb DC of 20. If the invader falls into the pit, the kobolds move up and snipe with crossbows, hurling acid if the target tries to climb out. Otherwise, they simply fight. There is an unlocked door on the other side of the room that leads onwards.


The hallway extends 150 feet, ending in a wooden door. It is 10 feet wide and approximately 50 feet high. 40 feet up, an inset ledge conceals 6 kobolds (the 50foot elevation makes their hide total +11). When the PC gets to about 75 feet from the door, or takes any offensive actions, one of the kobolds pulls a lever, causing an iron door to slam shut at either end. The kobolds then attack.

Each of the 8 kobolds possesses 2 +1 Spell Storing crossbow bolts and a masterwork crossbow. Each bolt contains a Fireball spell cast by Yik-Yik (CL8, DC20). On their first and second rounds, all kobolds fire one of these bolts at the intruder(s). After that, they fire with normal crossbows.

The kobolds use a rope, stored on the ledge, to ascend and descend. The wall’s climb DC is 25.

Note: This encounter may prove a bit too much for the wuss-of-heart. If you are weak, you may want to change it so that two of the kobolds have one bolt each. Please note clearly whether you are using the full or cop-out version of this encounter. A lever on the ledge can open and close the iron doors.


The door from the corridor opens into a lavishly appointed circular room about 100 feet in diameter and 60 feet high. 6 heavily armored kobolds stand in a tight group in the center of the room. Another kobold flies near the ceiling. On the opposite wall, a girl dressed in tattered nobles’ garb is chained to the wall.

The kobolds have heard the fighting in the previous room, and are prepared. The 6 Kobold Warriors have drunk their potions of blur and shield of faith. Yik-Yik has casthis Scroll of Fly, as well as Mage Armor and Shield of Faith.

Tactics: The 6 warriors use combat expertise to full and dodge do boost their AC. Yik-Yik has a readied action to use one of his scrolls of dispel magic on any flying creature that enters the room. Yik-Yik then uses Power Word Fatigue twice and an empowered Ray of Clumsiness once on the intruder. He then attacks with Empowered Fireballs, targeting them to hit the enemy but not any of his warriors if possible, although he is willing to inflict some friendly fire if necessary. If a fireball would hit more than two of his allies, he uses empowered scorching rays instead, switching to normal scorching rays once his 3rd level spell slots are expended. If at any point an enemy flies, he uses the other scroll of dispel magic on them. If he is ever attacked, he protects himself by casting Wings of Cover as an immediate action.


Kobold Sorcerer 6

HP: 16
AC: 22 (+1natural, +4armor, +4shield, +3dex)

(25pt buy)
Str: 4 (-4racial)
Dex: 16 (5pts, +1level, +2racial)
Con: 10 (4pts, -2racial)
Int: 8
Wis: 8
Cha: 20 (16pts, 2enhance)

Ranged attack bonus: +6

Fort: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +4

Flaw: Spell Focus (Evocation)
Flaw: Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
Sorc1 Empower Spell
Sorc3: Easy Metamagic (Empower Spell)
Sorc6: Arcane Thesis (Fireball)

Flaws: Feeble, Noncombatant

Spells Known 4/2/1:
1: Power Word Fatigue(RotD), Shield, Mage Armor, Ray of Clumsiness(SC)
2: Scorching Ray, Wings of Cover(RotD)
3: Fireball

1: 8
2: 6
3: 4

Spell Save DCs: 15 + spell level, +2 for evocations

Cloak of Charisma +2
Scroll of Fly
Scroll of Dispel Magic (2x)

Races of the Dragon Spell Effects:
Power Word Fatigue: Makes target fatigued. Short range
Wings of Cover: Immediate action cast to stop completely one attack, or gain cover against an area attack (+8AC and +4 to reflex saves).


Warrior 3

HP: 27
AC: 29 (8armor, 4shield, 1dex, 4dodge, 2deflection)

(25pt buy)
Str: 12 (8pts, 1level, -4racial)
Dex: 12 (2pts, 2racial)
Con: 14 (10pts, -2racial)
Int: 13 (5pts)
Wis: 8
Cha: 8

AB: +2
Damage: 1d6+1

Fort: +6, Reflex +2, Will +0

1: Combat Expertise
3: Dodge

Full Plate Armor
Tower Shield
Small Masterwork Longsword
Potion of Blur (CL3)
Potion of Shield of Faith (CL1)