I don't know if this should go here, but...
Dungeon #104 has a bunch of deity-specific feats that are pretty great.
Invoke The Cup And Talisman: 2/day, dip your Holy Symbol into a cup of holy water and spend a Turn Undead attempt as a full-round action; doing so gives you a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Delay Poison, or Remove Disease, which last for an hour. Taking it multiple times gives you two extra daily uses.
Sacred Steed: +1 to your effective Paladin level when determining your Special Mount, plus you can call it one more time each day. The bonus is not capped in any way.
Indomitable Loyalty: Whenever you succeed on a save against an Enchantment spell or SLA, you can spend one Turn Attempt to deal 1d4+1 Wisdom damage to the caster.
Mantle of Freedom: +Cha to Grapple Checks, Escape Artist, and Strength checks to break chains and bonds. Plus, you get a +2 Sacred bonus to a bunch of different types of save, but seriously, that's not what you're taking this feat for.