I'm So Simple it Hurts rogue build
Rogue 20
- assume Dex modifier of +8, modest at 20th level
- Critical Items: 2 Force Splitting Hand Crossbows +4, Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis, Greater Shadow and Silent Moves armor, Gloves of the Balanced Hand, Rogue's Vest (150,000 - 200,000 gp left to spend)
- Critical Feats: Crossbow Sniper, Two Weapon Fighting, Savvy Rogue, Craven, Keen-Eared Scout, Hand Crossbow Focus
Going with the "rogue jumps solar" statement, let's see what happens:
Can the Rogue sneak up on the Solar? Hell yes. His Move Silently modifier is 64= 23 (ranks) +8 (Dex mod) +15 (silent moves) +6 (dark template) +12 (taking 12). The Solar's Listen modifier is only +32. The Rogue's Hide mod is even better.
Can the Rogue kill the Solar in a single barrage?Certainly. The Rogue's attack routine is as follows. His full attack modifier is 28 = 15 (base attack bonus) + 8 (Dex mod) +4 (magic weapon) +1 (handcrossbow focus).
His attack routine is +28 x2/+28 x2/+23 x2/+23 x2/I don't care about these ...
A flat-footed Solar's AC is 30 (I don't believe he has any permanent or at will abilities that affect that, but please correct me if I'm wrong).
The Rogue's damage, including sneak attack, is 1d4+4+4 (crossbow sniper)+11d6+20 = 63 average. It's force damage, so it ignores DR. The Solar has 209 hp, so is dead in 4 hits. Which means barring fluke dice rolling, he's dead in the first barrage.
And, that's with a mind-numbingly simple build. A more complicated scenario would require me to add more to it, but I'm going to get back to work.