Thank you sirpercival.
Another round of questions:
Imps get a natural poison; is it possible to use this on weapons and how safe would it be for the imp.
Dragonfang weapon, Draconomicon pg 117-118. Only stipulation I could see was piercing or slashing weapons; does this include bows, if so, does it also work with Elvencraft Bows, Races of the Wild pg 166?
Does Martial Stance, Tome of Battle pg 31, meet its own prerequisite, assuming a casting of Heroics, Spell Compendium pg 113, was used to meet the prerequisite when Martial Stance was first gained?
With all the feat changes, is there possibly anything we can do to Precise Shot? If not, that is understandable.
Oh, and custom magic items, will an at-will Prestidigitation be allowed?