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Messages - weenog

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Gaming Advice / Re: TWF Question
« on: February 18, 2013, 05:11:47 AM »
@jackinthegreen: Ah! Nice to know there's a source on that, thanks! :)

Well... if we went strictly by RAW, it also says that ...
A one-handed weapon is bigger than a light weapon and has sufficient length and heft to allow you to use both hands to wield it and possibly deal some extra damage with a successful hit
(from here)

According to this, I guess it's possible to use a heavy shield two-handed, because it's considered a one-handed weapon... but i still maintain the shield is equipped (i.e. attached to the body) and not wielded, so I'm not sure if i'd allow that, if i was DMing it.

So?  It's not as if you can't stabilize one arm with the other to get away with leaning more body weight or hip torque into an elbow or forearm strike.

Gaming Advice / Re: Please advise on house rules for solo game for newbies
« on: February 18, 2013, 04:56:25 AM »
The tutorial angle was actually the main reason I intended to start her off in a school. Something like a bard college, but a bit more broad in subject matter.  It would be a credible source of peers of similar level, as well as some higher-level NPCs that can help out but aren't available as adventuring companions, but the main point is to serve a tutorial function.  Why sit through a boring OOC explanation of stuff like high ground advantage, difficult terrain, balancing in combat, and cover bonuses to AC, when you could have a colourful lecture, participate in a practical demonstration, and pick up a little XP from a darkrunner guest professor teaching terrain advantage in Combat Tactics 101?

Gaming Advice / Re: Please advise on house rules for solo game for newbies
« on: February 18, 2013, 03:10:18 AM »
Some good points there, brujon.  I think I may have been planning to approach this in the wrong way.  Right now I probably shouldn't be looking to set up things I want for the long term.  I should be thinking in terms of a standalone adventure or short set of adventures, not a months- or years-long campaign.  If she wants to hit the thing with the other thing right now, I don't need to worry about how crappy fighters and low-op barbarians are at hitting things beyond level 6ish.

I would still like to present her with a fairly wide range of NPCs and let her pick her own allies.   I think that will give her a greater sense of control over what's going on, and reduce the likelihood of resentment.  I'm also planning to optimize mainly support NPCs a little harder, and be a little more easygoing with NPCs which act directly.  This should help to avoid situations where she might feel like just a sidekick.

Gaming Advice / Re: Please advise on house rules for solo game for newbies
« on: February 17, 2013, 04:11:13 PM »
From what she's said to me on the subject, I think she wants to play a simple kick-in-the-door style game, at least at first. I think I'm going to build a war blade with her for her first PC. I thought about barbarian, but war blade scales up better and doesn't necessarily rely so much on charging.

I have already explained to her that fluff is mutable and sometimes lies. I've also told her any class undergoing major revision is NPC-only until I get its balance where I want it and can stop making adjustments. She seems OK with that.

Gaming Advice / Re: Please advise on house rules for solo game for newbies
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:09:06 PM »
I don't do DPMCs, as such, I find them abhorrent and counterproductive.  Instead I'm going to put her character in a class with 8-10 NPC students of the same level (one each of the traditional warrior, mage, priest, and thief types, and then 4-6 oddballs like hybrids and super-specialists).  I'll arrange for her to do field work with all of them, and then when it's time to strike out on her own she can take a few of the NPCs she likes with her.  I won't be showing favoritism to any of them.  I might be using her favorite NPC that doesn't actually get taken with, as bait for a trap.

I simply don't want to do full gestalt yet. The 3 levels gestalt with racial paragon or favored class is just something I've wanted to try for a long while now. I think favored classes reflecting natural aptitudes you're likely to see in most individuals of that race is a nice idea, but encouraging dipping in that class by punishing any other kind of dipping (with many workarounds, as we all know) is a clumsy and lame way to do it.  I think this way has a little more style, and helps to mitigate the problem of many starting characters being fragile and lacking flexibility.

I might just go ahead and waive restrictions in general, open up all classes, but I'm undecided here.  I like a permissive game, but I don't want to have to give the player a truly huge list of "this isn't actually how it works" when she's trying to learn the system.  Annoying things like falling and losing paladin powers are a part of D&D 3.5, like it or not.

I had meant for the Con mod to apply to every level, for natural healing. Fighter 1 with Con 14 heals 1+2 hp, with a night's sleep, same character at level 4 heals 4+8 hp/night.  Maybe it's a little too much.  Not sure yet.

The necromancy and negative energy and alignment rules are a nasty can of worms, there are arguments to be made for pretty much any position you want to hold.  I don't consider it a house rule as such, more like a chosen interpretation of many available and supported, but for my purposes: positive and negative energy are simply building blocks of the multiverse.  They lean toward no particular alignment, their feature planes are neutral, and being powered by one or the other has no effect on a creature's alignment.

Thanks for the class revision links, I'll take a look at both of those.  I'll probably still wind up using my own dragon shaman revision, but I might steal some ideas from that one.

Gaming Advice / Please advise on house rules for solo game for newbies
« on: February 16, 2013, 03:20:05 PM »
I have someone here who doesn't play RPGs and would like to learn about D&D.  I don't know any other local players, so I'm thinking of running a solo D&D 3.5 campaign for her.  I've played plenty but not been in the DM seat before, and it's been a long time since I even played, so I've been second-guessing myself a lot.

I intend to implement some house rules. I want to provide her with a little more power and flexibility because she'll be the only PC, without increasing complexity too much; I also want to work in a couple of ideas I've often thought would be cool whether or not they're relevant to the newbie. I'd like to get the input of some more experienced players on these.
  • Experience penalties for imbalanced multiclassing are out completely.
  • The PC and important NPCs (anything that uses PC instead of NPC classes) take their first 3 levels as gestalt levels.  The gestalt levels must be used on their race's favored class or their racial paragon class (if any), and may be mixed and matched as the player desires.
  • Class alignment and behavior restrictions are waived, for free gestalt levels only (e.g. an aasimar's first 3 paladin levels don't require lawful good alignment nor adherence to the class code of conduct, Paladin 4 and beyond do require appropriate paladin standards).
  • Martial stances and maneuvers have no prerequisites except (indirectly) initiator level.
  • The Artificer class does not exist.
  • The PC and all suitable NPCs (students and staff of the school I'm going to use as the starting area and hub for early adventures) get the effect of the Education feat for free.  They don't get the feat itself, to avoid dark chaos feat shuffle exploits later on.
  • Constitution has a slightly increased impact on remaining alive.  Death by hp damage occurs at negative hp equal to the dying character's Con score, not -10.  A character's Con mod (only if positive) applies to their rate of natural healing (e.g. a character with a Con score of 14 heals 1+2 hp/level with a full night's rest).
  • Behaviour begets alignment, not the other way around.  This mainly to give undead and undead-using characters a greater range of possible alignments.
  • Barbarians gain DR 1/-- at every class level.
  • Fighters gain a bonus feat at every level, and are proficient with all exotic weapons, armor and shields.  Fighter bonus feats may be spent on directly combat-related feats even if they aren't tagged as fighter bonus feats (e.g. a razorclaw shifter fighter could take Improved Natural Weapon [Claws] with a fighter bonus feat).
  • Dragon Shamans get a major overhaul, to be elaborated upon when I have time to write it up (gotta go to work now).

Off Topic Fun / Rise of the Guardians
« on: December 05, 2012, 03:48:17 AM »
Was I the only one that noticed that the only two guardians able to directly challenge the boogeyman were both conjurers?

I've got a little time now.

What we already have, as the DM put it, is "a wizard, a druid, and a minigun."  Fairly decent potential for all of them, but both the spellcasters are very inexperienced, and the shooter is deliberately fairly one-dimensional so as not to step on other players' toes.  Another player was expected to serve as eyes and ears and front line warrior, but that didn't work out.

The wizard is clever enough to be flying and/or invisible for tough fights, but then he makes battlefield control decisions like placing stinking cloud as an instant barrier between the PCs and enemies who have already demonstrated a penchant for stealth, losing them for us.  He's only got so many spells per day to go around, anyway.  No significant lasting defensive options, so if he suffers a surprise round or loses initiative, he just plain loses.

The druid's animal companion (and to a lesser extent the druid) get smashed by ranged attacks before they can do much of anything, and then they're left too brittle to do much more than whimper after they or the enemies close to melee range.  Fortunately, the druid has some cure light and lesser vigor sticks, rather than wasting prepared spell slots on healing.  Unfortunately, the wands are typically in extradimensional space and wild shape melded out of availability like the rest of her crap when she needs 'em.

The minigun can take care of himself when opponents close with him.  He lacks the reach, special attack options, and infliction of status conditions to effectively restrain or otherwise delay enemies that would prefer to pass him by and go after the spellcasters.  He is so much more effective at medium to long range that melee combat is a reluctant last resort for him; martial maneuvers see very little use as a result.

Nobody has much in the way of ability to notice things at a distance (or even pretty nearby, if they're good at going unnoticed).  I think the best Spot and Listen modifiers in the gang are +6 each.  So far we've managed to find one invisible enemy through blind luck, noticing that weeds and vines from an entangle spell were wrapped around something that wasn't there.

We're playing Red Hand of Doom, and while we'd like to avoid spoilers, early indications are that we can safely assume nearly all of the region is behind enemy lines... I'd like to have sense options that are working all the time, not only when I know I need them and can spare limited resources such as spell slots or magic item uses.  I would prefer to not use a druid, or to use one so dramatically different from the one we already have that she won't feel redundant and become resentful.

Anything by WotC goes D&D 3.5 game, ECL 6 currently, expected to go as far as ECL 12.  Somebody flaked and I'll need an additional character ready to go by June 24.  The party is weak on healing, front line stopping power, talky skills, and sensing ambushes and other hidden things, though I think talky skills can slide, probably healing too if we get a little bit better about preventing incoming damage.

I'm stuck for ideas.  So far the best I've come up with is half-minotaur whatever with a spiked chain (Aptitude through one wealth exploit or another) and Boomerang Daze, Combat Reflexes, plus either Knock-Down or Large and In Charge.  Senses by either custom competence bonus Spot+Listen items, or a mindbender dip + Mindsight (preferably use a longer-range source of telepathy if I can only find a usable one), or finding some way to improve Scent range from the wimpy 60 feet provided by the Improved Scent feat.  I'm looking for reliable enemy detection at least 300 feet out.  I considered being undead and using Lifesight, but it's no good against undead or construct ambushes, plus I'd be losing even more actual character levels if I pick up an undead template, not to mention no bonus hp from Con.

Trouble is my financial situation has become fairly dire and I'm too busy looking for a new job to spend hours poring over books and guides and thinking about the problem.  I could use some hints and pushes in fruitful directions.  Please help.

Other criteria such as not passing through a space occupied by another creature?

Actually, the Tumble skill says that "obstructed or otherwise treacherous surfaces... are tough to tumble through." Not impossible. And if you can tumble through a square occupied by an enemy, why couldn't you do the same through an ally's square?

Quote from: Charge
You must have a clear path toward the opponent, and nothing can hinder your movement (such as difficult terrain or obstacles). Here’s what it means to have a clear path. First, you must move to the closest space from which you can attack the opponent. (If this space is occupied or otherwise blocked, you can’t charge.) Second, if any line from your starting space to the ending space passes through a square that blocks movement, slows movement, or contains a creature (even an ally), you can’t charge. (Helpless creatures don’t stop a charge.)

That's why you couldn't do the same through an ally's square.  Specific trumps general.  If you come up with an explicit exception to the no charging through allies rule, then you can do it.

No idea, but it sounds like yet another reason Mindsight is badass, and Scent is nice.

Gaming Advice / Re: Encouraging Roleplaying (as DM)
« on: April 15, 2012, 07:43:23 PM »
Don't be stuffy about it.  If somebody wants to roleplay something silly or off-colour, let 'em.  It's their role, not yours, it's not your place to judge.

Don't discourage social interaction skill rolls.  This might sound counterproductive, but you must understand that some players just aren't very good at being smooth, manipulative or fearsome, nor at picking up subtle cues, just like most players would have a hard time lifting even their own body weight and may not know an aorta from an artichoke.  The social interaction skills are there to help characters do what their players can't, and should be used as such.  If you punish someone socially awkward for being socially awkward, he's going to clam up, so don't do that... let him use the tools the system provides him to be the suave James Bond type or ferocious mongol officer, if you want to encourage him to try.

Set an example.  Try to provide a little more detail in what you're doing, and make it interactive.  Nobody gives two shits about Generic NPC #27, even if she has a name.  If she's clearly an elf, yet seems to be humming a harsh orc tune on her way to market, pausing only to scold and shout at children playing in the street, that's distinctive, and might draw attention.  Be ready with the how and why of it if the PCs check it out -- maybe she sympathizes with the half-orc underclass (and can point them to a short side-quest involving them) because she feels the higher classes in the city have gotten too lazy and helpless, and dislikes seeing children playing when they should be working apprenticeships -- and don't bite their heads off for it, even if she is snappish... remember you're trying to encourage the PCs to interact, and you'll do exactly the opposite if they get the impression that it's not safe because the first thing they touched exploded.

You can also just run with it when the players do something unexpected (even something minor), and people seem to react well to it.  Some of the best PC-initiated, long-term drama and motivation I've ever seen started with one PC becoming attached to a random expendable NPC, retrieving her corpse after her purpose was served and she was thrown away, and bullying the party divine caster to bring her back to life.  DM balked at first (divine caster was a NPC), but eventually decided to quit resisting and start incorporating.  He fleshed out the throwaway NPC, developed a more complete backstory and attitude for it, and found it a place in the world... that NPC wound up being good for three or four years of stories, plot twists and mind screws, serving duties as party member, surprise traitor, love interest, incitement for rivalry and riot*, quest macguffin, and supervillain.  Not bad for what started off as a joke by one player, and then him getting sulky and stubborn when his toy was broken.

*: BTW, if you need some terrain rearranged without heavy duty spells like move earth, provide an opportunity for a lycanthrope frenzied berserker and a roughly young adult true dragon to fight over a woman.  You might wind up with a crater where a town used to be.

When it comes to political plots in roleplaying games, you may be better off trying to get the players to cook up some machinations that the NPCs have to respond to. Instead of playing Sherlock Holmes, trying to figure out who is screwing them and who's their friend, try to encourage them to come up with their own plans that force the NPCs to recalibrate their aims.

How do you suggest I start this up?  Perhaps a small fight that will get them to realize that there are things going on, and then ask them what they do?

That's still NPCs act, PCs react.

You need to start by figuring out what they want.  Once you understand that, provide them with opportunities to do or get that.  You can't force PCs to take the initiative, but if you'll probably find that they do it on their own, if you make cool things available (their idea of cool, not necessarily yours) available and stay out of the way.  They'll need to be real opportunities -- don't play bait and switch with them, or they'll catch on and assume you're full of it even when you're not.

So, you don't care about overall power, you don't care about balance, you care about "free" and you've already made up your mind, even when it's pointed out that your definition is warped at best.

What was the point of making this thread again?

It's more like blending bard, expert, commoner and healer, and then taking away the expert's ability to have a selection of any skills as class skills, because you think folding four classes into one is necessarily powerful, and needs to be punished somehow.  You've got three classes that overlap each other, plus a class that's just garbage.  It's more like 1.5-2 classes than 4, and none of them is a power class.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: archer help
« on: April 13, 2012, 05:43:24 PM »
Seems like it would be pointless to try to do it with Superior Unarmed Strike, since that feat just sets your damage to a specific value (well, range of values) within a progression, and one that's pretty crappy compared to the base damage the crossbow already has.  You might be able to get away with plugging in feats like Improved Natural Attack since that just kicks your damage up by one step regardless of what it currently is.  Hmmm... throwing in INA (bite) and Great Bite might be amusing, if it works.

Actually now I'm tempted to try to get my character killed and reincarnated as a shifter just to pick up Great Bite at 9th level.  Crit 15-20/x3 on a build like that would be nasty even staying with the 2d8 base damage.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: archer help
« on: April 13, 2012, 12:57:01 PM »
HCF explicitly doesn't stack with WF.  Aptitude works with feats, not non-feat class features, so flurry is no good unless you can find it in feat form and demanding a specific weapon.  I'm not familiar with the Exoticist or H&R fighter variants so I dunno about that... I'm using the Targetteer variant from Dragon #310 for Vital Aim, which seems questionable but the DM's okay with it, and if he wasn't that would be okay by me... most of my damage comes from Blood in the Water, not from Dexterity.

For melee purposes I felt that a two-hander was ill-advised.   I use a +5 unarmed strike (greater magic fang plus permanency) as my usual melee weapon because I don't have to put away the crossbow to wield it, it saves me actions switching modes between ranged and melee combat.  Damage comes from strikes and from whatever bonus I've built up with Blood in the Water at that point.  For situations in which the crossbow is not usable (cramped corridors and the like) I have a pair of Keen Aptitude Morphing shurikens, shaped into kukris (there's that 15-20/x2 crit again) to take further advantage of the feats I already have and of Blood in the Water, but so far I haven't run into any situations that called for them.  If for whatever reason I felt the need for a two-hander, I'd most likely pick up a falchion or something else with an 18-20 base critical threat range.

Monk could certainly be used to pick up Improved Unarmed Strike, possibly other useful feats depending on the variant chosen.  I chose to use Swordsage because the low amount of levels I had to work with left me unable to fit in any Warblade.  Swordsage access to Tiger Claw maneuvers enabled me to grab Blood in the Water with the same dip that picked up IUS, and a few handy defensive maneuvers like Moment of Perfect Mind.

Gaming Advice / Re: Would you play this?
« on: April 12, 2012, 11:22:19 PM »
No, single class only is a dealbreaker.  I'll put up with restrictions like that for something quick and simple like Arkham Horror, but not in a RPG.  It's too much time and effort to learn a new RPG system, to be putting up with nonsense like that.  Worse, it completely shatters my suspension of disbelief for a person to be locked into one path like that, not least because you couldn't make RL me without some heavy multiclassing.

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