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Messages - tuesdayscoming

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Environmancer 1: City
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:16:10 PM »
The Racial Emulation feat allows a changeling to count for all purposes as a member of the race he is mimicking. This includes PrC prerequisite based on race, such as Shadowcraft Mage.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v6.0
« on: January 16, 2015, 01:42:47 AM »
Oh, and a real fun find: Enjoy.

If, for whatever reason, this link ends up going the way of the original, see also:

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Free Dispel Magic on Touch Attack?
« on: January 11, 2015, 10:49:36 PM »
Perhaps a smidge off-topic, but if you're looking to shut down enemy casting with a touch attack, you might consider the Quorbred template from (IIRC) Secrets of Sarlona.

It works preemptively, though, not reactively. On touch, enemy gets a Fort Save with a decent DC, and is unable to cast on failure. Might also shut down spell-likes and supernaturals, though I'm not sure off-hand.

Hope that's useful to you!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: (Almost) Flawless Erudite
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:08:40 AM »
Because Heighten Spell is limited only by the highest level spell you can cast then if you are claiming that you are granted the ability to cast X level spells simply by heightening a lower level known spell to that level and having a high enough attribute score to cast that level spell, then you are also claiming that a 1st level spellcaster can cast 9th level spells. There are a few Metamagic feats that you could take at 1st level, and heighten spell only requires you to know any other metamagic feat. There are various ways to get multiple 1st level feats, so it's entirely possible to have Heighten Spell at level 1. Since your only limited by your ability to cast spells of higher levels then you could by your logic heighten a 1st level spell all the way to 9th level and claim you have the ability to cast 9th level spells thus meeting the requirement for any spell level based feat & prC at level 1.

Oh, lord. You've set up a lovely straw-man there. Bravo.  :banghead

No, this is not my argument. Nor is that the limitation of Heighten. The limitation of Heighten is, generally, determined by your highest level spell slot. If I have a 2nd level slot, and I use Heighten to cast Magic Missile out of that 2nd level slot. By doing so, I am casting Magic Missile as a 2nd level spell. However, if that 2nd level slot is the highest slot I have available, then I cannot arbitrarily Heighten Magic Missile up to 9th level.

However, let's say that I do not have a 2nd level slot. What I DO have, however, is Earth Spell. With this set-up, let's say that I cast Prestidigitation, Heightened into a 1st level slot. At this point, I am casting Prestidigitation as a 1st level spell. Earth Spell then kicks in, and Heightens the spell one level further. Thus, I am casting Prestidigitation as a 2nd level spell. This is despite the fact that I do not have a 2nd level slot.

Frankly, I don't care that you disagree with this interpretation, faeryn. You are not, objectively speaking, right.

I apologize if my alternative understanding of the interaction of these feats has somehow offended you. However, I refuse to engage with you any further on this particular issue (at least within this thread).

If you would like to create a new thread for this particular issue, then please, by all means do so. We've already derailed this thread thoroughly enough.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: (Almost) Flawless Erudite
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:21:48 AM »

Again, I understand the argument you are using, and have seen it numerous times. While I appreciate that you adhere to this interpretation (which is certainly reasonable, but not objectively correct), I repeat that there is no need to rehash the tired debate in this thread. As I have stated, I, my table, and many others have a different interpretation that, frankly, is no more or less correct than is yours.

Your interpretation is one that is clearly not accepted as the one and only possible truth. The debate has been done to death. Clearly, I (and, for that matter, OP), am (is) relying on a more permissive ruling. This interpretation is not objectively correct or incorrect. Neither is yours. There is no reason to push for your interpretation as being the sole correct one; as I have stated, this debate has been done to death with no clear consensus either way.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: (Almost) Flawless Erudite
« on: September 13, 2014, 12:21:48 AM »
If I'm understanding your interpretation correctly, this same logic would preclude use of any of the numerous early-entry tricks based on Sanctum Spell and other similar shenanigans?

As I understand it, such tricks are pretty well-accepted, and I would be hesitant to throw my trick out based on such a ruling.

Unless I'm misunderstanding your contention?

Not misunderstanding one bit. Every early entry shenanigan revolving around gaining access to higher level spells/powers than your class levels actually allow for are in fact impossible. No amount of Heightened Spells, Extra Spell Slots or any such tricks will raise the level of spells/powers you have the ability to use.

Absolutely nothing exists within any of the source books that grants you higher level spells/powers than your class levels allow. If there was then you can bet that all classes that stop at 5th level spells would have a spell list up through 9th. Not to mention many of the feats used even spell it out to you.

Sanctum spell raises the EFFECTIVE LEVEL of the spell, it does not actually make the spell a level higher, nor does it grant you the power to use a spell a level higher. Heighten Spell still requires you to actually possess the ability to cast a spell of the Heightened Spell's level. Extra Spell Slot grants you a spell slot of up to 1 level lower than you have the ability to cast. Extra Spell grants you any 1 spell up to the highest level you have the ability to cast. None of these feats or any of the feats like them give you the ability to cast X level spells. They all rely on your class progression to determine the highest level spell you can cast. Everything that uses ability to cast X Level spell as a requirement relies on that progression.

This is true in of Spellcasting, Psionics, Shadowcasting, Incantations, Infusions, and Soulmelds. It doesn't matter what type of casting class it is, you are restricted to the level progressions outlined in your class. There is no such thing as early entry with these, with the exception of accelerated progression Classes & prCs such as Ur-Priest.

Thank you for your response. Of course, I understand where you are coming from on this issue; it is one that has been debated hotly on this and other forums for quite some time.

Ultimately, though, there are valid points to be made on both sides. Moreover, the debate has already been done to death, and need not be repeated here.

I grant that, under your interpretation, tricks such as the one I posted above would not work. However, I and many others adhere to a different interpretation.

Granting, then, that Heighten, Sanctum, and similar effects DO IN FACT increase the level of a spell, is there anything that would prevent the trick I posted above from working?

edit: Alternatively, should I create a new thread for discussion of my trick? Now that I'm thinking about it, I feel bad about hijacking focus from OP. It was just such a similar focus...

Min/Max 3.x / Re: (Almost) Flawless Erudite
« on: September 12, 2014, 10:38:17 PM »
Assuming super-transparency, can anyone think of a reason that this should not work?

For the exact same reason I posted in the post before yours. A hightened spell/power does not grant you the ability to use a spell/power of higher level by virtue of CL/ML and possessing the ability to use the original spell/power.

A hightened 9th level power would only be usable if you already possessed the ability to use epic level powers. Hightening a 9th level power without already possessing access to epic level powers will not instantly grant you epic level powers, nor will you be able to use the now hightened power.

You must possess the ability to use epic level powers to add 9th level discipline powers to an Euridite through any means besides Psychic Chirurgery

Why is this so hard for people to understand? You simply don't gain access to higher level powers by virtue of hightening a power you can use. There is only 1 way to gain access to higher level spells/powers and that is by gaining levels that grant you advancement in your existing casting/manifesting ability.

So if you want to use 9th level discipline powers on an Erudite you must be effectively a 21st level Erudite. Either by 21 levels of Erudite, or by prC progression advancing your Erudite class Psionic Manifesting ability up to that of a 21st level Erudite. Note: Just having ML21 does not mean you can manifest Epic level powers, you must have 21 class levels that actually granted you advancement in your Manifesting ability. Additionally, being a 21st level character also does not grant you Epic level powers, unless all 21 levels actually advanced your manifesting ability.

If I'm understanding your interpretation correctly, this same logic would preclude use of any of the numerous early-entry tricks based on Sanctum Spell and other similar shenanigans?

As I understand it, such tricks are pretty well-accepted, and I would be hesitant to throw my trick out based on such a ruling.

Unless I'm misunderstanding your contention?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: (Almost) Flawless Erudite
« on: September 12, 2014, 10:00:19 PM »
I've been working on a method of getting 9th level spells on an erudite recently, too.

My method also relies on a Magic-Mantled Spell-to-Power Erudite.

Required Feats
* Earth Spell (and its prereqs)
* Eldritch Corruption

According to my understanding of the "Super-Transparency" interpretation, you should be able to apply Eldritch Corruption to a psionic power. This heightens the power by two levels for free (Say, from 7th to 9th level). From there, Earth Spell should bump it up one higher (making that same 7th level power count as 10th).

I've never seen this method discussed before, and was rather pleased to find it.

Assuming super-transparency, can anyone think of a reason that this should not work?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: September 21, 2013, 01:00:37 AM »
Isn't there a race that gets unlimited uses of bardic music? I seem to remember mention of it somewhere on the boards. Seems like it would combo nicely.
Firre Eladrin.  ECL 20 though, IIRC.

I believe that Outsider type, Assume Supernatural Ability, and Polymorph/Alter Self, etc. should let you use the bardic music ability, no? Working from memory, here.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: September 12, 2013, 07:57:15 PM »

Forgive me, but does this really work? As I understand it, the ability to use a Spell-like ability =/= the ability to cast a spell for purposes of meeting prerequisites.

Am I mistaken?

You are. Check Complete Arcane, pg 72.

Hmm... Not by my reading. The rules there say "requirements for feats and prestige classes based on specific levels of spells cast (“Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells,” for example) cannot be met by spell-like abilities or invocations—not even spell-like abilities or invocations that allow a character to use a specific arcane spell of the appropriate level or higher."

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v4.0
« on: September 12, 2013, 07:10:26 PM »
Check out the Shadow Bound template.  For only +1 LA you get Shadow Blend and Shadow Walk SLA (apparently at will).
You can use that to meet the prereqs for Shadowcrafter at lv1.
EDIT: Shadowcraft Mage too.

Forgive me, but does this really work? As I understand it, the ability to use a Spell-like ability =/= the ability to cast a spell for purposes of meeting prerequisites.

Am I mistaken?

Min/Max 3.x / Dusk Giants and Barghests and ______s, oh my!
« on: August 24, 2013, 12:04:19 AM »
I'm looking for any and all creatures that, like the right honorable Dusk Giant and Barghest, have an ability that allows them to gain HD through methods other than experience gain.

Whether it be supernatural (like the Barghest's Feed ability), extraordinary (like the Dusk Giant's Cannibalize) or anything else under the sun, I'd like to know about it!

For those curious few: I'm working on a way to boost a creature's HD to make simulacrums with >1/2 normal HD; while Inspire Greatness optimization gets me a good ways, and either of the above creatures could get me where I need, I'd like to know if there are any other options out there.

Thanks, everyone!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Cohort Build Advice
« on: June 03, 2013, 06:23:59 PM »
Hmm... not quite what you were asking for, but the first thing that strikes me is the Save Game Psion. He wouldn't be able to do ANY of the things you request, per se; however, if you were to have the cohort attempt to contact the PC every day, he could simply 'reset' if the character was unavailable.

Again, not what you were looking for, I know. Apologies. This just struck me as an alternate way of accomplishing much the same.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Shadow creature template - shadow blend
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:26:16 PM »
How interesting...

I wonder, then: how would Shadow Blend interact with Darkvision, or other effects which allow the beneficiary to negate the effects of darkness. RAW, it seems to me that the Shadow Creature would have full concealment, even against a creature that was otherwise unencumbered by the darkness...

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Factotem Chameleon Build
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:30:00 PM »
If you can't convince your DM to give you the epic progression, you still might be able to get higher level spells through use of the feat Extra Slot from Complete Arcane, combined with some method of casting spells of a level >6. The Chameleon Handbook on these forums should have at least one variation on this method (IIRC, using Planar Touchstone: Catalogues of Enlightenment), but using something like, say, Earth Spell/Heighten Spell or Sanctum Spell should work as well.

Far more feat intensive, and relies on an interpretation that some DM's may not enjoy, but it's a RAW method that is completely independent from hombrew.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Perfect memory?
« on: October 22, 2012, 02:01:19 PM »
Just for completeness's sake, I believe there is one more PrC that has not yet been mentioned.

The Cerebrex from Dragon Compendium is a half casting class that, at level 6, gets an ability called Eidetic Memory (not to be confused with the Jordain Vizier ability of the same name). It explicitly gives perfect sensory recall of events in all of your senses, and comes with a bonus to various intelligence related checks.

It's really a mediocre class, but the ability is precisely what you are describing. Plus, you still pick up a few spellcasting levels on the way.

Min/Max 3.x / Maximum possible Inspire Greatness bonus?
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:08:03 PM »
How all can you bump the bonus HD granted by Inspire Greatness?

So far I have:
Words of Creation (Double bonus)
Song of the Heart (+1)
Focused Performance (Double bonus, Dragon Magazine)

Are there any other sources of bonuses out there pre-epic?

I haven't read all the way through this thread, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank you, X-Codes, for compiling all of this.

Bravo, sir! :clap  :clap

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help filling a friends request for a character.
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:05:44 PM »
Hmm... For storing the weapon in the leg, perhaps you could use a modified version of the Absorb Weapon spell from Complete Adventurer?

It's a level 3 Assassin spell that normally stores a single weapon in your arm.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Howdy!
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:16:56 PM »
No, but I do live in a giant bucket. I figure everything will work out fine.

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