Author Topic: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!  (Read 14469 times)

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #100 on: August 07, 2021, 11:23:33 PM »
Ijol nearly blacks out from the dragon's previous assault.  Suddenly a terrible fury rises up inside of him and brings him back from the brink.  He brings his spiked arms together and, uttering cry of palpable rage, lunges with a piercing double punch!  The dragons eyes grow wide with surprise as the foe it thought was defeated suddenly penetrates the small dragon's chest and nicks it's heart.
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  Ijol rolls into a ball and slips quickly into the ground. 

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #101 on: August 07, 2021, 11:35:27 PM »
Áine moves in towards the shinier dragon, seeming to try and hide herself within the swarm--just enough to brush her lips against it.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #102 on: August 08, 2021, 10:47:34 AM »
The crystaline dragon snaps at Aine and manages to catch her tiny foot between its razor sharp fangs, and then it twists its head around to devour the butterfly swarm.  It's jaws slam closed on the butterflies, but their ghostly forms phase right through it.  As the dragon's attention is turned Aine's frosty kiss brushes against the cold crystalline scales on its neck. Once again the dragon's eyes widen in surprise.  This time in confusion at Aine's behavior as it does not feel the icy bite of her kiss nor that of the swarming butterflies. 
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Offline skydragonknight

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #103 on: August 08, 2021, 02:24:27 PM »
Catlynn steps to the side and throws two black discs, one at the dragon and the other at the rock guy.

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« Last Edit: August 08, 2021, 04:53:30 PM by skydragonknight »

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #104 on: August 08, 2021, 07:01:41 PM »
Despite normally striking with ease Lynn's first dark ring flies high over the head of the rock creature because of her temporary blindness.  The second ring strikes the dragon which throws it off with some effort. 

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #105 on: August 09, 2021, 11:25:23 AM »
The formerly paralyzed hawk creature streaks toward Calder and attacks with a vicious claw.  The giant snaps off a shot and barely misses, then swivels and hits the rock monster squarely in it's torso.  The oozing creature is slowed in its tracks, but still manages to move closer and hurl a glob of rocky magma that smashes Calder to the ground.
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The remaining hawk creature hovers next to Aine and slashes missing with every strike.
The dragon decides that is will answer this flying little lady's deadly kiss with some "affection" of its own.  Aine dodges the majority of the flurry of attacks, but gets caught by slash from one of the dragon's left foreclaws.
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Lynn is peppered with arrows from the flying gargoyle archers, and manages to dodge one and ferociously knock the second one away but, the third and fourth arrows pierce her left paw and left foot.
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Proteon moves with surprising speed over to Calder, and touches him with healing positive energy.
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With a wave of his hand the summoned creatures return to their respective home planes.  "Be at ease, brothers and sisters.  You have proven yourselves capable and enduring combatants both singly and as a team.  Forgive me for cutting the battle short, and allow me to attend to your wounds.  I would like to hear your evaluation of the progress of the battle.  As combatants what in your estimation went well, and what do you believe you could you have done differently?"  He begins applying a poultice to Calder's bleeding wounds. "And I welcome any questions you may have for me." 

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #106 on: August 10, 2021, 02:30:01 PM »
"Uh... well, I had no idea what any of this things were~" the fairy says cheerfully, still seeming to dance and shimmy in odd patterns as she hovers closer to the others, swarm fluttering above her head, "That last one didn't look like it would be all ready for winter."

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #107 on: August 10, 2021, 04:59:09 PM »
Calder stirs slightly at the touch of the poultice as he regains consciousness. Bloodied and battered though he may be, his apparent burns and wounds rapidly being to heal over.

He sits up, clearly still light-headed.

"That was some endurance test..."

The giant stands up, nearly stumbling as he does. His strength had yet to return to him, and his mind was still foggy from the assault of the tentacled creatures.

"We need to be able to plan better, know what we're up against."

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #108 on: August 10, 2021, 06:52:45 PM »
Ijol pops out of the ground, frowning, "If those are the kinds of resources that will be thrown at us then most of us will die."

Offline skydragonknight

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #109 on: August 20, 2021, 05:23:28 PM »
Lynn fidgets, her tail very low and subdued. "This will be hard. We should try to be the hunters and not the hunted."

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #110 on: July 11, 2022, 12:04:51 AM »
"Indeed, Calder. Though individually you are quite powerful, as a coordinated team who has scouted out the enemies you will be far more effective, but take heart.  I had the advantages of a perfect knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses,  tactical control of the battlefield once you were separated, and access to Daragon's own eccentric catalogue of mighty summons. My intention was to push you past your limits and you performed admirably.  The Captain will be quite impressed."

Proteon then confirms Ijol's remark. "Death is indeed an inevitability if you charge headlong into armies of the dragon queen - which is why either subtlety or annihilation in dealing with your enemies will be important.  If you are invisible they cannot kill you. If no one lives to inform the others they will not know your weaknesses.  If they believe you are a potential ally who could feed their own greedy desires they will seek your aid . . . at least in the short term and longer of you lead them to victory."

Proteon addresses, Lynn.  "Yes.  That's is exactly correct. You must set the stage of battle to your advantage at every opportunity.  Given your stealth, mobility, and healing powers a tactical retreat could often serve your group well."

"Áine, knowledge will be your friend, and I'm sure a sweet fairy like yourself could convince even the hardest of hearts that there could be much to be gained in working with you."

"Everyone take a hard earned rest and feel free to discuss the battle or your future tactics.  The divine gathering will be our next engagement before heading out.  Though not required your enthusiastic participation would do much to bolster the spirits of our community not to mention our minotaur leader the good captain Kravax, and who knows?  Perhaps Doberan himself will grant you a boon for the battle to come."

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #111 on: July 13, 2022, 05:30:51 PM »
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Proteon rises from the table.  "Excuse me.  It seems that a tank in the back room has opened.  He has reached full maturity after all.  Let me arrange for his welcome."  He pauses for a moment before walking to the back room to greet the new member.  Soon the wash ladies, food service, and equipment train pour in to welcome their new warrior of light. 

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Offline Skyrock

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #112 on: July 13, 2022, 07:04:29 PM »
Bahador turns out to be a swarthy, bearded ogre, wearing pantaloons and not bothering to hide his pot belly under more than an open vest. On his head he wears a red-and-white kefiyah, affixed by a simple copper hoop.
A very large iron club is by his side, like those commonly used by the oni of the far east.

Despite his race's reputation as man-eaters, the ogre sticks to fruits, and sips his spiced tea with the pinky finger held out, a very cultured gesture in sharp contrast to his primeval and brutish appearance.

Two tiny figures flutter around the ogre - a shy but haughty feminine water gen, and a more colloquial male fire gen with a certain spring in his step. The water gen makes briefly eye contact with the snow fairy, then vanishes again behind her master.

"By Mithra's curly beard, things have become even worse since I was last awakened. Hopefully you - and my humble skills - will be the undoing of Azar Khul, if the gods are so willing."

He takes another sip from his tea. Then he fills his cup again. Then he empties it and fills it again. Only after three more gos, he seems ready to talk shop.

"I am a sha'ir who haggles with the genie courts, and often, I get them to bestow their valuable spell gifts on me unworthy petitioner. That I have an emissary of the Efreets and an emissary of the Marids with me - normally deadly foes who would be at each other's throat like fire and water - may be a testament of the undeserved luck the gods have been willing to grace me with.

But as I said, the gifts of the genies are precious, fickle and have to be used with moderation. For the times when they are not needed, I have some modest skill with the iron club - skill enough to make the smaller races scared of me when I announce that I will give them a taste of my club. And I have some innate magical ability to make my club hit harder, if the gods are willing."

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #113 on: July 13, 2022, 11:30:26 PM »
Well, of course she could charm people. That didn't mean she knew anything about creatures herself, though; that was what bigger types and their books were for. Speaking of bigger types...

"... you're huge!"

In all sorts of ways. The amount someone like this must eat in a meal could feed her for a week, and Aine was pretty certain she ate more than anything her size had reason eating.

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #114 on: July 23, 2022, 11:36:11 PM »
The door flies open and a huffing walking bush calls in. "Trolls!  They're advancing on the border and will reach the barrier soon."  The bush removes it's top to reveal a cleverly painted hobgoblin clothed in a gilli suit.  "Captain's gone to fetch Dauren for your blessing.  If you need to get anything ready, do it now. They'll be here any minute."

The bush man fumbles with his botanical headress for a second as his eyes adjust to the lighting and he actually sees you for the first time before he says, "Sorry. Name's Skunk or Skunky if you prefer.  I'll be taking you out."

Proteon asks, "Is there anything you need?"

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #115 on: July 31, 2022, 10:08:19 PM »
As Proteon sees to Caldur's wounds there's a light knock on the door.  "Come in, Dauren!" He calls.

A lithe young woman appears with a small group of musicians trailing behind her.  Her long amber hair is tied in a soft tower held bound by striped woven scarves.  A small rivulet of hair- escaped from the tower and ringed with small turquiose beads - dances beside her large bright eyes.  Beaded bracelets line her slender wrists like bracers.  Her blouse is tie died in reds, oranges and golds with sleeves that wave around her knees around a long loose skirt of deep blues, purples, and silver.  She You are immediately struck by the power of her presence as she gracefully hurries forward. 

"You must be the Warriors of Light!"  Her husky voice is full of welcome.  "Who knew you would be so adorable!" She clasps her hands under her chin and then cups them under Aine - greeting her with an alternating right and left cheek kiss around the fairy's tiny form.  "...Or so large!" Her eyes grow wide and she lifts her arms - offering a similar greeting to Ijol and Vizier.  "...Or so refined." Offering the cheek kisses to Calden, Catlyn, and Zmaya.  "Welcome to our home..." Dauren beams.  "...and to our battle..."  she looks down soberly.

Kravax bursts into the room with a team of soldiers - barking orders. 
"You men!  Form ranks here and KNEEL!  Every minute lost is one step closer to being discovered.  Skunky's spotted two groups of trolls advancing on our position!  Some wounded - acid scarred - probably encountered that dragon.  You men will come with me to the southwest.  Skunky will take the Warriors of Light here to the southeast.  We must stop them before they breach the illusionary boarder!" 

From the kneeling position the orange faces with tusked mouths and cream faces with large noses look at you with varying expressions. You see admiration, fear, surprise, hope, skepticism, and incredulity among them.

Duaren's full voice commands the room. 
"The world is veiled in
darkness.  The winds stops,
the sea is wild,
and the earth begins to rot. 
The people wait,
their only hope, a prophesy....
'When the world is in darkness
 Six Warriors will come...
and Doberan
will light our darkest hour."

"Till all are one!" the room responds.

Dauren looks around at all the faces.  Her voice is sweet and deep.  "Doberan causes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good. His blessing is free to all who seek it.  Ask and you shall receive for if even you, who are evil, give good gifts to your children, how much more will our Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him.  If you seek His blessing then kneel."  Her gaze rests on you.  "You are free to choose as you wish."

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Dauren waits as you make your decision.  Once you've decided she smiles at you and nods to the musicians.  She begins to sway and then to sing... "Oh the beauty of the King. You make righteous those who seek...".  She sings with her eyes focused on an invisible sun above her, and a blazing white umbra of silky fire envelops her body.  She flows like fiery water as she dances and swirls around the room softly brushing each supplicant.  Some of them light up like candles with their own umbras a varying intensity.  You feel a soft warmth burst in your heart as she brushes you.  Skunky burns brightly. 

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Dauren returns to the center of the room as the song comes to an end - smiling at you as her fire fades away.  She takes a deep breath in the silence.  "Go now with the blessing of Doberan."

Kravax leaps to his hooves voice booming "MOVE!"

Offline Skyrock

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #116 on: August 04, 2022, 01:24:42 PM »
Bahador accepts the blessing, as awkward as it is given the size difference between him and Dauren.

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #117 on: August 05, 2022, 10:46:48 AM »
Ijol is somewhat confused by Dauren's appearance and behavior in a war zone but accepts it easily enough.  He also kneels and accepts the blessing of Doberan for it sounds similar to Daragon whose name fills him with purpose. 

However, Ijol cares not for gods and religions, he just cares about anything that will help him fight.

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #118 on: August 06, 2022, 06:59:50 PM »
The fairy conspicuously doesn't kneel.

Or maybe not so conspicuously. Really, who's paying the closest attention to something so small? Landing would be a great way to be trodden on.

She could totally sing a better song than that, too.

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #119 on: August 06, 2022, 07:59:58 PM »
Calder accepts the healing gratefully. It seems that his body had yet to fully finish settling, as the quick-healing he had through the battle has stopped working. His body also feels less resilient, and yet more receptive to tactics and modern, civilized warfare and tools.

Plus, he didn't feel nearly as hungry.

As word of a new threat emerges, the giant goes back to the mobile armory and grabs more gear to outfit himself for the battle to come.

As the offer of prayer and a blessing is presented, Calder is hesitant. However, once the singing begins, his mind is put more at ease. Song is apparently a part of who he is, and he kneels to accept the blessing. It felt right.