Author Topic: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!  (Read 14470 times)

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2021, 12:13:15 AM »
Calder's emerald eyes cloud over into perfect orbs of white and electricity crackles through his body. He draws three arrows, taking a moment to choose deliberate points on his quarry to attack, then looses each arrow at a separate creature.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2021, 12:23:10 AM »
Two lightning arrows streak into the closest beast, and it falls quivering with residual electrical energy.  The other remains motionless as an arrow to thinks into it's back - lightning corsing through it's body.

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2021, 01:03:07 AM »
Not to be outdone, Ijol moves in to engage the closest enemy and one of his arms turns into a spike as he attempts to impale the creature.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2021, 07:31:59 AM »
As his furious strike lands the nearest beast's skull splits apart and Ijol is showered in clear fluid and limp chunks of pink brain matter.  No sooner is he covered in gore then a golden portal opens up and *VOOM* the two downed beasts and their respective leftovers are sucked through the portal in an instant leaving only the quivering paralyzed beast on the right left.

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« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 07:56:02 AM by dman »

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #44 on: July 27, 2021, 01:32:07 PM »
The strange dance doesn't let up, and a shimmering cloud of ghostly butterflies form... a larger butterfly, which then goes to hover over the beast thing.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #45 on: July 27, 2021, 05:42:10 PM »
The Beast is unperturbed by the butterfly swarm.

Offline skydragonknight

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #46 on: July 27, 2021, 10:34:38 PM »
Lynn's boost in size wears off, and seeing one is still functioning, tries to turn it into sashimi, despite knowing deep down inside that it is not fish, and will disappear when it dies. Life is a tragedy.

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2021, 08:03:23 AM »
Lynn tears apart the last beast and *VOOM*.  It's sucked back through a portal.  Proteon moves forward and rapidly utters the arcane secrets to open two sets of portals in rapid succession.  Dark and ominous, the first portals open and four flying gargoyle-like creatures emerge.  In unison the long index claws of each hideous humanoid point out and fire a hissing beam of dark energy at each of you.  The first beam strikes Ijol directly in the forehead, but Ijol screams in fury and the energy dissipates seemingly frightened away by his anger.  The second beam strikes Calder and he feels the dark energy sap his strength away.  Áine easily dances out of the way of the third beam, and the fourth beam grazes Catlynn's shoulder.  She suddenly feels weak and feeble.
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The second portals open in a burst of light and two giant rock creatures armed with double swords emerge.  The first walks right into the swarm of butterflies, and appears oblivious to their presence.  It grimly knods at it's partner flanking Catlynn, and swings it's rocky blade.  The two creatures expertly coordinate their attacks on the cat.  Lynn catches the blade of the first attack on her left thigh.  She ducks the second, and dodges the third from behind, but the rock creature spins his double sword around and slams it home into Catlynn's abdomen on her right side leaving a terrible wound.
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« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 08:12:22 AM by dman »

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2021, 10:40:33 AM »
Calder reacts as the creatures appear and start calling up strange magical attacks against the party, loosing retributive shots from his bow in quick succession. As he's hit by one of the beams, he instantly feels much of his strength melt away, leaving him stronger than an average human, but far weaker than he should be.

These gargoyles needed to be taken out first.

Focusing his concentration, he takes careful aim to focus fire on the one creature he knows he hit, which just happens to be the same that affected him with its sapping magic, before he moves on to any others.

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« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 10:42:57 AM by VennDygrem »

Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2021, 12:33:37 PM »
Calder's arrows fill the sky with streaking lightning.  The 2nd and 3rd flying humanoids fall pierced to the ground and get sucked back into their dimension.  His last shot flies wide.

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2021, 12:37:52 PM »
Ijol focuses on the giant creature next to him.  Enraged, his movements speed up as he lets loose a barrage of piercing arm attacks.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2021, 12:43:23 PM »
Rock pierces rock as Ijol's fury drives him to new heights of assaulting power.  Each strike crushes a rocky limb.  First the right arm crumbles. Then the left and each leg shatters leaving only a rocky head and torso that get sucked back through a portal.

Offline Raineh Daze

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2021, 01:08:38 PM »
The fairy flutters over closer to the combat, spinning around and folding her arms confidently. The result is two enormous pillars of ice sprouting underneath the non-flying creature and rushing up towards the ceiling.

Wherever it ends up, the spectral butterfly cloud floats over it.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2021, 01:27:08 PM »
The rock creature's impassive face looks almost comical as it slips on ice that begins to raise slowly under its feat and then the pillars surge upward to smashing it into the roof.  The ice shatters and the creature slams back down onto the ground.  It's head cracks against the ground - obviously hurt but with the same impassive face staring back at you. 

Offline skydragonknight

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2021, 02:12:03 PM »
Worried of further ambushes, Lynn adopts a more defensive posture even as she unleashes her Ferocity on the creature. However, she seems somewhat distracted. She shifts into Mist, to potentially ward off future attacks.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2021, 03:55:42 PM »
Another set of portals opens and four bulbous tentacled worm-like creatures emerge, surrounding Ijol and Calder.  They beginning flailing their tentacles wildly.  Their bulbous slimy touch sucks the will of their targets.  Calder blocks the first tentacle with his bow, but the second lashes his wrist, and two more slam into his back.  The gargoyle creatures shift in the air and fire black bolts at Ijol.  He manages to shake off the first one which he fends away with his left appendage, but the second one strikes him full on the chest, and he feels his strength sapped from his body of rock.

The rock monster easily defends himself from Caitlyn's assault while prone.  Then he holds out his palm toward Catlynn, and an invisible wave of energy breaks over her misty form.

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« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 06:12:52 PM by dman »

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #56 on: July 29, 2021, 10:02:22 AM »
Calder soon finds himself feeling overwhelmed by the new creatures swarming over him. The other creatures at least appeared at a distance, but these were right on top of him! He hadn't felt such anxiety before; but then again, he hadn't felt much of anything in his short life.

He tries to carefully aim his bow at the ravening, tentacled monstrosities, but his shots are far more frantic than he anticipates.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2021, 11:17:09 AM »
Calder's first arrow glances off the northern worm-creature's rubbery hide, but the second strikes true in the creature's forehead, and the third catches the southern creature just under it's gobby orifice.  Each creature is wracked by electricity, but only the one to the south appears to be twitching uncontrollably. 

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2021, 11:46:16 AM »
Ijol maintains his heightened reaction speed as he attacks the tentacled creature next to him.

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Offline dman

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Re: Chapter 1: Introductions - An Arcane Heirophant Did It!
« Reply #59 on: July 29, 2021, 12:05:29 PM »
Ijol's furious fusillade of attacks pay off.  The worm-creature is knocked unconscious and *VOOM*.  It's gone.