What feat?
Oh never mind. I read your original post wrong; I thought you meant binding a magic item to the Arms chakra gave you a +2 to grapple checks, and then binding the Gauntlets to your hands on top of that for another +2. I forgot Open Lesser Chakra (Arms)(the feat, not the spell) gave you a bonus to grapple checks. Which is apparently what you were pointing out in the first place...
So a non-meldshaper who wanted to get better at grappling could get himself a Wand of Open Lesser Chakra (Hands) and bind his Gauntlets there, take the Open Lesser Chakra (Arms) feat, and maybe take Shape Soulmeld (Girallon Arms). He'd have no essentia to put in it, so it'd only give the initial +2 and Rend (from the bind), but whatever. Total = +6 grapple, cost 2 feats and a 4th level wand (or 3 feats)
If you were a Totemist, and you used the reading of Open Chakra that lets you break the daily limit of Binds (because that's the only way this feat would be useful for you), you could bind your Gauntlets to Hands, bind Girallon to Totem, and Open Lesser Chakra for +2 to grapple. Total = +4 + 2x(1+essentia), cost 1 feat and however much essentia you felt like investing.
So basically, it comes down to 1-3 feats (depending on if you're already a meldshaper or not) that each give +2 to grapple. Expanded Soulmeld Capacity would work too if you had the essentia available.
And yes, having named bonuses of the same type explicitly stack is definitely an interesting quirk, which I now realize is what you were trying to point out from the beginning.