Søffå's turn happens before Granite's move, still gaining CA
Standard Action: Luring Strike on Thak (At-Will) Attack: Intelligence vs.
AC Attack Roll:
1d20+15 → [10,15] = (25) (+8 bonus, +4 CA, +3 LtA)
Damage Roll:
1d8+1 → [7,1] = (8) Effect: Søffå shifts to P38 after the attack; Slide of Orge prevented by encumbrance (still attached to wagon); shift again to Q37;
Minor Action: Turn head quickly to check on Suq and Everyn's status
Move Action: Søffå shifts again to
Q36, in front of the ogre and hopefully out of range of the explosions
Edited to add minor action visual check on the rest of the party.