SOme of the concepts you mentioned could be done with spells I already have and I'm adding the others as I can.
Sounds good! I figured some of the ideas I mentioned would overlap what you already had, but I was too busy brainstorming to bother with checking.
Cool Runnings: Lol, I love it! I had a couple of vague ideas for what you might do with the curse name, but this wasn't one of them, and it's so much better! (one was about cold diarrhea...) I'm glad you mentioned retraining after the curse is gone, otherwise it would be too cruel for its level.
Cursed with Beauty: Heh, this is a perfect curse for diplomancers! One question, how does it work with charm spells? If the charmed victim is still limited to no better than indifferent, then 6th level is probably perfect for the curse, but if charms still work just fine, then you could probably lower the curse to 4th level.
Cursed with Intellect: Same question as Cursed with Beauty. It appears to be a great curse, otherwise!
Maybe You Should Get Yourself Checked: Mummy rot as an STD... I can't stop giggling at the thought, for some reason. Having the target of the curse only be a carrier makes it very insidious! I love it! 5th level sounds appropriate for mummy rot.