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Messages - LargePrime

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Wait.... Its still my turn.
« on: January 30, 2012, 05:00:00 PM »
It should be pointed out that SLAs are most definitely casting, and count as spells cast by arcane casters.  So says MM1.
Normally SLAs do not work for the special spell slot requirements of swiftblade, but Factotums prepare spells and cast them from prepared slots, so I no reason why it does not work.  A spell slot is a spell slot, after all.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun finds thread V3.0
« on: January 22, 2012, 03:29:59 AM »
I knew it had to be too good to be true. I still like the spell

But Sculpt Spell at least change the area type
combine it with a chainspelled Blockade to make interesting shapes.

I don't see how Chain Spell works on blockade.
it specifies a single 5' square

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 22, 2012, 03:24:09 AM »
I love you too!  But don't we agree that this is not a popularity contest?  You agreeing with me does no more than these fucktards who post "Hmm... agreed."

Go tear into what the FAQ says about 'domain spontaneity' or go find "arcane spellcaster" in the PHB!  Engage!  Don't tell me you agree with me; go find ANOTHER reason to, or NOT to, agree.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimizing a character to do nothing.
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:25:49 AM »
You want a character to do nothing and just be there?

This looks like a job for Monk 20 Man!
Yes but you missed
1) Not take treasure. You KNOW he will be fine if he just gets a +5 monk weapon.  lol
2) Not be in the way.  Why is the most agile and speedy character always in my AoE spells?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:11:59 AM »
My apologies, I must have misunderstood you here.
1) Go read sirpercival
2) Then read my reply below
Here's a piece of RAW that contradicts the "wizards who cast all their spells don't qualify for PrCs" argument, from the SRD.  The very first words of the "Spells" class feature are:

A wizard casts arcane spells...
The PHB goes on to say
Like other spellcasters, a wizard can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.
Therefore a wizard has the ability to cast only a limited number of spells per day. 

This contradicts you assertion "the ability to cast arcane spells no matter how many used or unused spell slots are left".  Thus, it seems, "wizards who cast all their spells don't qualify for PrCs" stands.

See what I was doing was contradicting his premise, and then pointing out IF WE ASSUME his position, with the correct premise, wizards DO NOT qualify as arcane casters.

Also note that I have not, and am not, saying; "wizards ALWAYS qualify", or not.  Just pointing out that IF THEY DO, Anyspell should ALWAYS work.

Mostly because you bothered to explain, I am gonna ask for a Mulligan.
I was not engaging you because you did not read the post two above mine and put two and two together.  But after a third reread perhaps the language/structure was a bit complicated and confusing.  It happens.  I am going to re-assume you are posting/engaging in good faith and are not being a fucktard.  Because you're not. 

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:00:01 AM »
And, again, ad nausium, you're ignoring the existence of the Class Feature "Arcane Spellcasting".
OK So I have my PHB 3.5 open to wizard and do not see  " Class Feature "Arcane Spellcasting" ".  Did i miss it?  I see "Spells;" and "Spellbooks:" but no "Arcane Spellcasting".  I also did a text search on "Arcane Spellcasting" and got no hits.
So where are you getting this?
But if there's a case to be made that that Class Feature doesn't do anything for PrC qualification, so what? It seems then that you should agree with our interpretation of Anyspell by the same merits of that part of your argument, that it only works to qualify once Anyspell has been used to prepare an Arcane spell that hasn't been cast?
Nope.  Because, again, if we assume a wizard ALWAYS works, and a wizard can be out of spells, and CANNOT CAST ARCANE RIGHT NOW, but does not loose access, than a cleric should NOT loose access because she cannot cast arcane RIGHT NOW.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 22, 2012, 12:52:18 AM »
FAQ ruled Southern Magician doesn't qualify for PrCs based on the grounds the your spellcasting ability is still X even if you are casting a Y typed spell.
Except NOT AT ALL!
Quote from: Main 3.5 FAQ page 44
Can a wizard with the Southern Magician feat qualify for prestige classes that require you to be able to cast a divine spell?
 The Southern Magician feat does not allow you to cast divine spells per se. It only allows you to change the spells into divine spells once they have been cast. Thus, you won’t qualify for prestige classes that require you to be able to cast a divine spell. The Southern Magician feat only gives the bonuses specifically listed in the feat’s description.
tl;dr Southern Magician says it does not change power source.
Anyspell likewise says when you cast the spell it is treated as if X cast it, well since you can't cast arcane spells you're using your divine ability which is mechanically similar to Southern Magician.
Except NOT AT ALL!
Quote from: AnySpell
Anyspell allows you to read and prepare any arcane spell of up to 2nd level. You must have an arcane magical writing (a scroll or spellbook) on hand to cast anyspell. During the spell’s 15-minute casting time, you can scan the spells available and choose one to read and prepare. Once you choose and prepare an arcane spell, you retain it in your mind. The prepared spell occupies your 3rd-level domain spell slot. If you read the spell from a spellbook, the book is unharmed, but reading a spell from a scroll erases the spell from the scroll.
When you cast the arcane spell, it works just as though cast by a wizard of your cleric level except that your Wisdom score sets the save DC (if
applicable). You must have a Wisdom of at least 10 + the arcane spell’s level to prepare and cast it. Your holy symbol substitutes for any noncostly material component. If the spell has a costly material component (one to which a gold piece value is assigned), you must provide it. If the spell has another focus, you must provide the focus. If the spell has an XP component, you must pay the experience point cost.
tl;dr Anyspell changes the spell source.
A second point to add to things is the FAQ's ruling on Southern Magician provide a clear point that when PrCs use the word ability they are not talking in a general English sense. This concept is enforced a second on the very same page as it touches on the interactions of Domain Spontaneity and Reserve Feats. Where even if the outcome is a measure of spontaneously cast spells, even Reserve feats only acknowledge your real ability to cast spells and not half-assed alterations to the outcome of what spell can be produced.
Um,no.  Firstly NOTHING in the FAQ suggests that it is not plain English.  Secondly the interaction if Domain Spontaneity (p40.  4 pages earlier) clarifies that the exact language of reserve feats needs to be followed, and adds an errata effect that when they were talking about these casters they meant to add 'need a spell list'.  However they ALSO make the point that it is not important and you can do it the other way, no harm no foul.

I am disappoint.  I'd a thought you would have done your homework.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:52:26 PM »
again, I am swearing because don't have any idea how to disagree with somebody without it.
No fucktard, there are several posts in this very thread that prove you wrong, but you cannot read anything that is not already in your small mind.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:51:04 PM »
Wizards and so forth don't lose it because they actually have arcane spellcasting as a class feature rather than yes, gaining it through a spell.
Again, this was refuted like 14 posts ago.  They cannot cast spells when they have no slots.

And, again, ad nausium, you're ignoring the existence of the Class Feature "Arcane Spellcasting".

But if there's a case to be made that that Class Feature doesn't do anything for PrC qualification, so what? It seems then that you should agree with our interpretation of Anyspell by the same merits of that part of your argument, that it only works to qualify once Anyspell has been used to prepare an Arcane spell that hasn't been cast?
Again, you are not engaging the arguments that have already been made.
If you wont engage them why should anyone engage your arguments?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 21, 2012, 01:57:45 PM »
again, I am swearing because people are dropping by thinking "Hey I got this!  If I just post THIS then the world will see how smart I am!".  All of these points have been discussed and refuted, ad nausium.

If you do not care to engage the arguments then fuck right off.  If you do not want to read to catch up on what has or has not been said then you can fuck right off!

Other than that, Game on!
Wizards and so forth don't lose it because they actually have arcane spellcasting as a class feature rather than yes, gaining it through a spell.
Again, this was refuted like 14 posts ago.  They cannot cast spells when they have no slots.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 21, 2012, 11:05:53 AM »
Your stubbornness makes it less likely
Go fuck yourself fucktard.
In the first 20 posts I make the point the exact opposite linklord231 is misquoting me about.  I am not going to argue about what I said when IT IS RIGHT THE FUCK THERE!  What I will have the patients to do is say "ReRead the thread" because what the fuck else can you say to a fucktard that cannot read and remember who said what on a 2 page thread?  Especially when it seems they care enough to POST in the thread.

The IDEA that I am being 'suborn' because other people will not read is stupid.  It is also a personal attack!

The definition that matters regarding Anyspell is "as a wizard".  That is pretty much defined as arcane caster.

Again I am not going to have a druid poison immunity discussion with you.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimizing a character to do nothing.
« on: January 20, 2012, 07:30:30 PM »
Troll and whatever will need gear, and weapons, which is a 'problem'.  Vow of poverty gets rid of this problem.

Also a troll is going to be in your way.  A ghost wont.  And monks are "awesome".

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:36:44 PM »
ReRead the thread.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:07:55 PM »
Re: Psionics
A manifester out of power points no longer has the ability to manifest powers, according to you, and thus no longer qualifies for the [psionic] subtype.
What?  What the What?  I said no such thing.
Re: Ability definition
You are restating what I said.  You call it time, I called it "Distance".  So we agree.
The Wizard example shows that a case we assume true, (A wizard qualifying for an 'Arcane Caster' Prerequisite PrC class) can have a very big distance/time between "in the future I can do that", and "I can do that right now".

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimizing a character to do nothing.
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:06:11 PM »
I was gonna say ghost too. 1-3 levels of this class - 1 is all he needs, but 3 for "you can't die ever" might help. Also, ghost handbook.
For class, maybe warlock (no area-based invocations, obviously).

Take the Slow flaw and/or the Slow trait.
Also Vow of poverty.  No longer will take party treasure.
Also Monk.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimizing a character to do nothing.
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:03:24 AM »

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:55:35 AM »
Does a manifester who has used all of his daily power points lose the [psionic] subtype?
Can you show me how that is on topic?
n. pl. a·bil·i·ties
Wait, What?
Either definition reduces to mean "YOU CAN DO IT!".  Thus you qualify according to the rules.

The salient point to the topic is the "Distance" between any given moment, and how long until one CAN do whatever it takes to explicitly qualify for a PrC.  The Wizard example highlights that it is generally assumed that distance can be much further than Anyspell is assumed to be.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Illithid Savant for Iron Siege.
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:38:37 AM »
not familiar.  Does arcane sight work?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Best Feats for a Factotum?
« on: January 17, 2012, 01:27:31 AM »
Kusari-Gama DMG can also hit adjacent and has reach.
So what?
you can get proficiency with a spell.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Anyspell and qualifying for PrCs
« on: January 17, 2012, 01:23:25 AM »
Here's a piece of RAW that contradicts the "wizards who cast all their spells don't qualify for PrCs" argument, from the SRD.  The very first words of the "Spells" class feature are:

A wizard casts arcane spells...
The PHB goes on to say
Like other spellcasters, a wizard can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.
Therefore a wizard has the ability to cast only a limited number of spells per day. 

This contradicts you assertion "the ability to cast arcane spells no matter how many used or unused spell slots are left".  Thus, it seems, "wizards who cast all their spells don't qualify for PrCs" stands.

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